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07-09-2008 11:15


By Uli Schmetzer

VENICE, September 4, 2008 -- The Golden Lion, Venice’s equivalent to the Oscar, was won by the American film “The Wrestler,” a soap opera that made it clear to anyone still with doubts that money talks louder then art.
The jury headed by German film-maker Wim Wenders hoisted ‘The Wrestler’ above a plethora of candidates most of them far more acceptable then this obvious box office attraction with its naïve plot and its Rambo style hero.

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Benefit for Circus2Iraq, 19th Sept, Brighton.

05-09-2008 11:50

Hi all!

Just a quick update on our fundraising, our mates in Brighton are putting on a big benefit night for us on the 19th sept, to help us get some much needed funds for the potential trip to Kurdistan in northern Iraq in October...

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Turning parking into parks... reappropriating urban space for people

04-09-2008 10:41

On the 19th of September, an ordinary parking space will be transformed into a park - one less space for parking a car, one more space for people to relax and enjoy themselves...

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Cardiff Council to Flog off Our Cultural Treasures and Books!!

04-09-2008 09:53

""There is nothing else here in Wales as the library in Aberystwyth concentrates more on Welsh texts. Students would have to go to London for their research. If these books disappear from Cardiff, research will grind to a halt"

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Two cities - two Bristol bookfair fundraisers

02-09-2008 09:27

As the excitement builds in the run up to Bristol’s first anarchist bookfair in 15 years, bookfair organisers have 2 more benefit nights arranged in Bath & Bristol over the next seven days. These benefit nights allow us to raise the funds to pay for the bookfair, whilst having a good night out, ensuring there is no need for a formal entry fee at the bookfair itself. Anarchists eh, what a bunch of self-funding, self-organised idealists!

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We Are Change UK - Notting Hill Carnival 2008

01-09-2008 14:10

Racial profiling at the Notting Hill 'Carnival'

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The Art of the Ban and the Five year Repression of Wajeha Al Huwaider.

01-09-2008 09:31

'The Vital Pathfinding Arab Elite is Persecuted and Cannot Advance Arab Society'

Wajeha is banned from writing for five years, interestingly, the issue of artist
repression In Saudi and specifically of this woman does not consider the notion
that a Writer can never be stopped from writing. But they may be persecuted and
have modes and methods of disemination removed. The title of her piece (above)
explains the 5% in societies that attempt to advance and evolve. She includes
the animal and microscopic world too.

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'The Elephant in the Room Released' to watch for FREE

31-08-2008 22:09

Award winning* documentary now available to watch online

*Won 'Best Documentary' at the London Independent Film Festival

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Photos - Sophie Lancaster Memorial March 31st August 2008 Sheffield

31-08-2008 21:22

The Parade of United Souls
HUNDREDS of goths and their supporters marched through Sheffield this afternoon to protest against 'alterophobia': fear, prejudice and hatred towards members of alternative subcultures.

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Mc Cain's Running Mate and the Female Vote

30-08-2008 10:57

Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove
The Republicans do like the hard-assed woman, and sure in a couple
of weeks when the fuss has died down the anti-corruption agenda
of the Alaskan Governor will be available to all.

This morning's newspapers are talking about the 18,000,000 cracks in
the Glass ceiling speech and the faux-feminist running mate of Senator Mc Cain.

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New Issue of 'Chto Delat' Russian Political Paper Confiscated

30-08-2008 09:40

PETERSBURG, August 29, 2008. On the evening of August 27, the new issue of the newspaper Chto Delat (No. 19: What does it mean to lose?) was confiscated at a militia raid at the printers in Petersburg.

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Sulukule Roma District Demolition in Istanbul: Call to Action!

30-08-2008 09:03

Call to action to raise awareness of and support for the Roma people of Sulukule district in Istanbul, Turkey, which is currently being demolished to make way for gentrification.

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Racism and Hegemony Rage in Iron Man

30-08-2008 00:53

Just when you thought Hollywood was getting a conscience

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Britain's Top Radical Singers Gather For Liverpool Festival

29-08-2008 13:46

Dick Gaughan
Dick Gaughan, Leon Rosselson, The Men They Couldn't Hang, Roy Bailey, The Alun Parry Band, Tracey Curtis, Robb Johnson, and more to play Liverpool Working Class Music Festival.

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Sophie Lancaster Memorial March 31st August 2008 Sheffield

29-08-2008 10:45

HUNDREDS of goths are set to march through Sheffield to protest against the abuse they say they receive for dressing differently. Up to 600 people are set to attend the Sheffield march, one of several planned around the country. The march is set for Sunday August 31, starting at Devonshire Green at noon.

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Letting Government into Grown-up Sex and some Psiphon.

28-08-2008 17:08

Nobuyoshi Arakii
Government and Sex don't really go together at the best of times. At the heart of
that especial relationship which has shaped global discourse for eight years
is a puritanism which has an over-weening interest in both artistic discourse
and grown-up sex.

At bottom this seems to be combined with a fear and distrust of anything
that is 'other' to what seems , frankly, a limited experience of human sexuality.

Full article new content.

28-08-2008 16:09

The website for Last Hours, a zine focusing on radical culture, has seen a fair amount of new content uploaded to its pages over the last few months. This includes articles, DIY guides and news of upcoming events plus much more.

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Red State Road Trip 2 - New Political Documentary

28-08-2008 07:48

The War on the Streets
Check out the link for this ultra-current political documentary about the state of the nation and the upcoming election in the United States:

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Cuba arrests Punk band singer as "danger" to regime.

28-08-2008 01:03

he doesn't even have proper punk hairstyle.
The band is called "Porno para Ricardo" which I suppose would translate as "pornography for Richard". Whatever, the Cuban authorities don't like the name, and it seems they don't like the lyrics either. Honestly not surprising when you consider they are a bunch of very old men.

But now they've decided to do something about it by arresting the writer of those lyrics and front man of the four piece band and they want to sending him to jail for four years because he is a "danger" to Cuban society.

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"Pride is a Protest" - Bradford MSGI marches at Manchester Pride

26-08-2008 09:54

UMSU and MSGI protesters
Several representatives of University of Bradford's MSGI society marched at Manchester Pride 2008 to proclaim "Pride is a Protest", along with several other groups.
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