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UK Climate Chaos Newswire Archive

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Massive expansion at Farnborough Airport?

25-03-2008 14:30

Following the green light to double weekend and bank holiday flights, TAG Aviation are now seeking massive expansion at Farnborough Airport.

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Fossil Fools Day warm-up & London Rising Tide benefit, 28.3.08

24-03-2008 15:35

You are warmly invited to a
28th March 2008

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Leaflet to hand out on Fossil Fools Day

23-03-2008 15:07

Leaflet front
A leaflet has been made that you can use on Fossil Fools Day if you haven’t got time to create your own. We think it looks particularly good photocopied on yellow paper but obviously that’s your call!

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M3 Motorway destroys Rath Lugh Ancient Monument

22-03-2008 19:12

The battle to save Rath Lugh continues against all odds, the past week as seen SIAC construction company erect huge metal spiked fencing along the route, whilst they continue to bulldose the esker of the Ancient Monument within the so called "protection zone".
Here is a short video that shows some of the activities going on since the NRA drew back on the ten point signed agreement with a tunnel protester.

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NRA contractors cut into Rath Lugh Monument near Tara

21-03-2008 22:08

The mound upon which ancient Rath Lugh rests is now being sliced for the M3 Motorway.

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Dissident Island Radio - Ressurection Special tinght!

21-03-2008 18:05

Tonight's show features: Reclaim Your Food (Brixton), Manchester No Borders, SmashEDO, the London Climate Action Group, a new play and some kickin' tunes from Lomax & Lung Collapser.

So make sure you tune in for our 'Resurrection Special'.

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Climate Camp Victory over Evening Standard

20-03-2008 15:40

The Press Complaints Commission upheld a complaint by the Camp for Climate Action, that the Evening Standards coverage of the Heathrow protests was inaccurate because it was fabricated.

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Farnborough Airport given green light to expand

20-03-2008 13:09

Farnborough Airport has been given the go-ahead to double weekend and bank holiday flights.

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Evening Standard forced to admit lies about Climate Camp coverage

19-03-2008 19:53

Media Lie 2007
The Evening Standard is having to publish a front page article this evening over the sensationalist lies it told about the Climate Camp.

Se original article:

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Shell Day of Action - Service Stations D-Locked

19-03-2008 12:57

Old Street Garage
From an anonymous tipoff call very early in the morning two Shell service stations were found to have been D-locked and shut down for several hours on the morning of Monday 17 March 2008.

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Sprout About!

18-03-2008 15:13

Sprout is a new scheme supporting environmental volunteering projects for young people in Nottingham. On the 30th March, Sprout About! will be a day of stalls and information about current environmental issues, with activities and workshops on solutions to these problems.

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Fun and Laughter afternoon, Fundraising for NAIL

18-03-2008 08:03

A few Nottingham locals are getting together at The Art organisation to raise money for Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill, by organising an afternoon of co-operative games and generally mucking about!

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Global Recession: Global Breathing Space

17-03-2008 15:11

Was it just my imagination, or did I hear a small ripple of applause from the forests, the wetlands and the glaciers, as the news of the collapse of Bear Stearns leaked into the public realm.

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Meltdown: Global warming by the numbers

17-03-2008 01:47

The IPCC estimates global warming to be between 2.4 and six degrees by the end of the cnetury. Recent research is putting warming on the order of four and 7.6 degrees C. This is 'dangerous' warming that will cause runaway feedback processes leading to a warming of ten to fifteen degrees over the next couple of centuries; the lifetime of your grandchildren.

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Defending the Wild

15-03-2008 15:55

To defend the wild is no small thing, because it is the Earth that is being defended. The Earth is wild and that is more important than we are. When groups like Sea Shepherd or EarthFirst! defend the wild, they are condemned as ‘violent’ and ‘extreme’, but they are working to continue the wild, the life that exists independently of us. The wild Earth that does not need us, does not know us, but is threatened by us. The wild Earth needs no defence but it needs more defenders.

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Tara Protester in tunnel to stop Construction of M3 Motorway near Hill of Tara

15-03-2008 14:40

A Female Protester has sealed herself into a tunnel under a hill upon which the Rath Lugh National Monument is positioned to stop construction of the M3 Motorway near the Hill of Tara. 100 protesters have now joined the protest at Rath Lugh.

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Tara Protester in tunnel to stop Construction of M3 Motorway near Hill of Tara

15-03-2008 14:29

A Female Protester has sealed herself into a tunnel under a hill upon which the Rath Lugh National Monument is positioned to stop construction of the M3 Motorway near the Hill of Tara. 100 protesters have now joined the protest at Rath Lugh.

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Female Protester in Tunnel to Block Motorway near Hill of Tara

15-03-2008 14:25

A Female Protester has sealed herself into a tunnel under a hill upon which the Rath Lugh National Monument is positioned to stop construction of the M3 Motorway near the Hill of Tara. 100 protesters have now joined the protest at Rath Lugh.

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New Coal Power Station for Notts?

14-03-2008 16:36

According to an article in local rag The Evening Post, the site of a former power station at High Marnham is being considered as the location for a new coal fired power station.
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