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Demonstration against renewable energy subsidies for Agrofuels

21-10-2009 16:10

Demonstration took place outside Department of Energy and Climate Change on Monday 12th October.

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Mexican Day of the Dead Commemoration of massacre of Zapatista supporters

21-10-2009 15:56

A number of state sponsored paramilitaries responsible for the killing of Zapatista supporters have recently been given early release or will soon be released. The people in power who gave the orders for the massacre have never been brought to justice. There will be a vigil protesting at the lack of justice outside the Mexican Embassy on Monday 2nd November, the
Mexican Day of the Dead.

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MP Jim Fitzpatrick in another segregation move in East London

21-10-2009 12:25

Poplar and Canning Town MP held a news conference for Bangladeshi media only. So says a Wharf report published from the Canary Wharf part of east London

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WARN: First Demo Of Many Against NAZ

21-10-2009 11:24

Wet paper sticks :-)
Today activists gathered outside Noahs Ark Zoo for the first of many demos against the zoo aimed at close it down.

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Fascists from the English/Welsh defence league sent packing from Swansea

21-10-2009 10:09

Vastly outnumbered by anti-fascists, a number of pissed-up boneheads were prevented from holding their assembly of hatred last Saturday (17 October) in Swansea town centre.
This Saturday (24 October) we'll be waiting for them again in Newport. Be there.

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Smash EDO to Hold 'Remember Gaza' Demonstrations as two more Carnivalistas are acquitted

21-10-2009 09:45

Press Release

For immediate release: 21/10/2009

Press Release - Smash EDO to Hold 'Remember Gaza' Demonstrations as two more Protesters are Acquitted

Demonstration to Remember the Victims of the January Gaza Massacre. Monday 21st October 4-6pm. For more information contact Andrew Beckett or Chloe Marsh: 07754135290.

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Why prisoner support is important

20-10-2009 23:59

Government social policy - a prison society for us all
The following article has been written by Brighton ABC, with input from other ABC activists and random anarchists. It is due to be included in the copy of Freedom newspaper available at this Saturday's London Anarchist Bookfair. It reflects on the generally low-level of prisoner support & solidarity within our movement, and why we should increase it. Read it here if you miss it at the bookfair.

Brighton and Bristol ABC will have stalls at the bookfair, alongside other prisoner support and anti-prison society anarchists. Come and chat to us, or come along to one or all of the 3 meetings Brighton and Bristol are co-ordinating:
1pm (room EB2): Too many prisons, Not enough justice
2pm (Skeel lecture room): Greece - repression and resistance on the streets. Latest news & analysis.
4pm (room EB4a): Anarchists for prison abolition

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Charter flight from Lille cancelled!

20-10-2009 23:41

The charter flight to Afghanistan did not leave from Lille airport this evening. It was cancelled last minute.

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Confronting censorship in prison

20-10-2009 21:46

The suppression of political literature and material considered ‘subversive’ is a long-established habit on the part of prison administrations who view the spread and dissemination of radical ideas amongst prisoners as a real threat to the authority of prison staff and the system they enforce.

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Fur Campaigners Raided in Leeds

20-10-2009 20:57

Yesterday morning, West Yorkshire Police raided two houses of animal rights campaigners in Leeds following alledged offences in connection with fur-shop Next One Leather.

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Clarification: Terrorism Act 2000 being used against Blacklisted workers

20-10-2009 20:48

The main contractor at Fiddler's Ferry power station in Cheshire - Scottish & Southern Energy - is seeking an injunction under the Terrorism Act 2000 to prevent blacklisted workers from picketing the site.

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World March For Peace and Nonviolence - London

20-10-2009 20:25

Marchers arrive at Hyde Park
Peace protesters in London took part in the World March For Peace and Nonviolence last weekend (17-18 October) in a two day march from NATO HQ to the Peace Pagoda. On Sunday the march included a experimental theatre performance written and directed by Charlie Wiseman. Photos Copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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The 300-350 Show: The Bangkok Climate Talks

20-10-2009 19:01

An analysis of the UN climate talks in Bangkok with Saleemul Huq - a veteran who has been to “practically all of them”. 30 mins.

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Palestine Today 102009

20-10-2009 16:59


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday October 20th 2009.

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Worldbytes Defend the Freedom to Film in Hackney

20-10-2009 12:01

Worldbytes in Ridley Rd Market
Hackney film charity Worldwrite organised a protest to defend the right to film and photograph in public places after its Worldbytes youth film crews had been prevented from filming in them by Hackney Council employees. They visited several of these places, including Ridley Road Market, to make a film, inviting others to join them on Sunday 18 October, 2009, and I did. Pictures Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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Reports from the Brighton-Tubas Group - The Bsharat Family

20-10-2009 11:18

Six members of Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group are now in the West Bank. They have been visiting communities in the Jordan Valley and Bil'in, and have a lot of plans for the next few weeks. Read their blog at to keep up to date with what is happening.

The Brighton Tubas Region Friendship and Solidarity Group is a network aiming at fostering links between community organisations in Tubas, occupied Palestine and Brighton. The Tubas Region, which includes the Northern Jordan Valley, is an area Israel wants to ethnically cleanse and annex. Israel is doing this by making life impossible for the people of the valley.

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Joint deportation charter flight France and UK, today!

20-10-2009 07:51

Joint deportation charter flight France and UK, today to Afghanistan.

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Statement from Detainees on Hunger Strike in Brook House

19-10-2009 23:13

Over forty detainees in Brook House including many who were forcibly deported to Baghdad and then sent back by the Iraqi government are hunger striking until they are released.

Solidarity is needed!

Contact to get involved

See the hunger strikers statement below:

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Charter flight UK/ France to Afghanistan tomorrow 20 Oct

19-10-2009 21:58

Departure of a anglo-french charter has been programmed this tuesday 20th october in the evening after a step in Lille-Lesquin, said a Cimade's responsible. Police has confirmed this information. This plane will be the first since 2005.
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