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05-02-2012 13:40

South Eastern and Network Rail Failure

04 Febuary 2012 Nightmare journey and just how bad South Eastern and Network where. Incredible failures and shocking customer service.

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03-02-2012 22:44

Brighton Squatters - Update on a crazy week

The PDSA squat, now empty Seven squatters arrested, at least six evictions, four court hearings, at least three assaults, two charged, one IPO... an update from some Brighton squatters

[Full Story | 3 comments ]

02-02-2012 17:43

Afghanistan Behind the Headlines: Stories from the Grassroots

Slide talk and film screening by photojournalist Guy Smallman, recently returned from Afghanistan. With ex-soldier Ben Griffin.

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02-02-2012 17:34

Maya Evans Afghanistan Speaking Tour Begins this Saturday (4 February)

Activist Maya Evans, who spent Xmas in Kabul on a peace delegation with Voices for Creative Nonviolence and the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, begins her UK speaking tour this Saturday (4 February) with a talk at Housmans bookshop in London: 7pm, 5 Caledonian Rd, N1 9DX (tube: King's Cross).

Other events are already booked for Glasgow, Helensburgh, Edinburgh, Stirling, Darlington, Stroud and Faringdon.

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30-01-2012 13:13

Smash EDO: Update and dates coming up

Here is a list of Smash EDO related stuff coming up.

Get in touch with your ideas for the Summer of Resistance.

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28-01-2012 16:10

Keter Plastics targeted for complicity in occupation and apartheid

This morning a group of BDS activists visited B&Q on the Lewes Road in Brighton to speak to them about their sale of Keter Plastic products.

[Full Story | 1 comment ]

27-01-2012 17:08

2012 Dirty Coal Infotour

In the first few months of 2012 Coal Action Scotland will be touring the UK on the "Dirty Coal Infotour" to mobilise against new coal, and to build up to stopping Scottish Coal's new mine - Glentaggart East - in the Douglas Valley.

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22-01-2012 12:25

Maude's staff in Clarkson-style 'joke' about attacking trade unionists

TORIES at cabinet minister Francis Maude’s Horsham constituency offices seem to be taking ‘union-bashing’ rather too literally.

[Full Story | 2 comments ]

21-01-2012 20:56

Censorship: Britain bans Press TV

For the first time, British government censors have banned a 24-hour news channel from British viewers. As of the afternoon, UK-time, 20th January 2012, viewers of Press TV, an avowedly anti-imperialist TV channel headquartered in Tehran, saw the words “Channel Unavailable” when tapping their clicker. And so the war on Iran by Britain, Israel and the U.S. continues using propaganda, proxy militants and asymmetric warfare.

[Full Story | 8 comments ]

20-01-2012 19:16

Lab Animal Trade Sinks as SeaFrance Liquidates

SeaFrance are a large ferry company operating on the English Channel and owned in their entirety by the French Government.

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20-01-2012 11:39

Squatters March Through Brighton Streets

Today squatters and supporters will be marching through Brighton's streets. Three Squats are due in court as the owners of the buildings try and regain possession.

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19-01-2012 23:43

Media cover-up: Police attack on the Parliament Square Peace Campaign

London Evening Standard, 17 January 2012 Around 8pm on Monday 16th January , Metropolitan Police arrived en masse in Parliament Square, and ....unleashed upon our campaign, hour upon hour, of horror, in Parliament Square.

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18-01-2012 11:47

Brighton book launch for Target Israeli Apartheid: A BDS handbook

Time for action: Target Israeli Apartheid

Talk and discussion to launch the new Corporate Watch book Targeting Israeli Apartheid: A Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Handbook

7.30pm Thurs 19th January, Friends Meeting House, Brighton

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17-01-2012 03:21

Johns Hopkins, 1 US University Cages 200,000 Mice and Rats

US university, corporate, and pharmaceutical profiteers from animal torture
are upset about suggested new guidelines

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15-01-2012 21:24

Heavy Weather: SchNEWS ponders the climate of activism against extreme energy

With deaths attributed to climate change now nearing an estimated 350,000 a year  http://ignatianeconet.wordpress.com/2010/12/04/close-to-ten-million-climate-deaths-by-2030-study-warns/ and with the annual COP17 UN climate talks just over, SchNEWS looks at the events of the last few years and assesses where we are heading.

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13-01-2012 20:40

SchNEWS: Not In My Frack Yard

Caudrilla execs left quaking in their boots after angry fracking meeing

The week saw two large public meetings on the fracking – the process of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas, one on either side of the Pond. The first took place in the old steel town of Youngstown, Ohio- held on Tuesday in the wake of a magnitude 4.0 earthquake, the latest in a series of 11 over the last 12 months. The earthquakes are linked to an injection well disposing of fracking fluid (a mix of groundwater and industrial chemicals). The second took place in the sleepy, extremely affluent commuter belt village of Balcombe, in Sussex, just north of the Ouse Valley Viaduct on the London to Brighton railway line. Cuadrilla Resources, made infamous by their earthquake producing facilities in Lancashire, have planning permission to drill a test well south of the village. The process has been compared to setting off a small nuclear bomb underground. Needless to say there are some ruffled feathers in well manicured lawns of this community.

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09-01-2012 12:59

Smash EDO: Remember Gaza at first noise demo of 2012

Wednesday 11th January is the first noise demo of 2012 against arms manufacturers EDO MBM/ITT 4 to 6pm, Home Farm Road - lets make some noise.

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09-01-2012 12:47

Book launch in Brighton for Targeting Israeli Apartheid: a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Handbook

Time for action: Target Israeli Apartheid

Talk and discussion to launch the new Corporate Watch book Targeting Israeli Apartheid: A Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Handbook

7.30pm Thurs 19th January

Friends Meeting House, Brighton

[Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments ]

06-01-2012 14:00

Another Sainsburys in Brighton

What a load of bollix - Sainsburys have had their application for a store upheld on appeal at the old Caffyns Garage at Preston Road, Brighton, despite opposition

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02-01-2012 16:55

Sudan's genocidal general is no 'observer' in Syria

Just what is happening in Syria? While the brave syrian people are sacrficing their lives the Arab League sends its expert straight from the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Darfur and now in South Kordofan to advise president Assad.

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science