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<< Page 149 | Page 147>>Help Stop Wikham Labs Planning Appeal!
Wickham Laboratories were refused planning permission unanimously on two occassions by Winchester Council for a huge new complex at Torbay Farm (Sciviers Lane, Lower Upham, SO32 1HB) where dogs, rodents and other animals were set to be used in experiments.[Full Story ]
Brighton Protests Against Israels Murder of Gaza Convoy
Brighton Protests Against Israel's murder of 20 internationals on freedom flotilla to Gaza.[Full Story ]
Statement of the Second Palestinian BDS Conference on the attack on the Flotilla
Israel cannot be allowed to act with impunity[Full Story ]
Brighton Vigil against the Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla
In response to the massacre of members of the Gaza Aid Convoy[Full Story | 1 comment ]
VIGIL(s) for GAZA in Southampton
Gaza massacre of aid convoy dudes - meet up anywhere in Southampton and also at the Bargate. Stay awake whilst society slumbers even if it is a bank holiday monday - bank on yourself showing no - VIGIL.[Full Story ]
English Defence League [EDL] plans against East London Mosque June 20th 2010.
The racist, Islamaphobic thugs and football hooligans of the EDL are planning to protest outside the East London Mosque in Whitechapel, Tower Hamlets in London E1. The EDL have rioted in Dudley, Stoke and Luton. They have attempted to riot in Harrow but were outnumbered and promised never to go back there. Keep them out of East London and oppose the EDL demonstration.[Full Story | 12 comments ]
Canada's Bloody Seal Hunt Extended To May 31 By Harper and Shea
Please boycott Canadian tourism and restaurants elsewhere servingCanadian suffocated fishes ... until Harper stops the sealhunt
[Full Story ]
Protest at G4S AGM: Stop Detaining Children and Families Now!
Despite the government's pledge to end immigration detention of children and families, G4S continues to lock up innocent children in Tinsley House, near Gatwick Airport. Today students from SOAS Detainee Support protested against this abhorrent practice, and confronted chief executive, Nick Buckles, who earns more than £4000 per day, while continuing to be complicit in harming children's health and well-being, while they are in G4S's 'care.'[Full Story | 1 addition | 2 comments ]
New operators of Folkestone Leas Lift, Kent
News about the new operators of Folkestone's historic Leas Lift, one of the oldest water balance lifts in the the UK, now being restored.[Full Story ]
Anti War Democracy Village : Serving soldiers join protest in Parliament Square
Serving soldiers from the Royal Corps of Signals and the Parachute Regiment have joined the protest in Parliament Square against the war in Afghanistan. Boris Johnson has described the sight of the soldiers and supporters as "mess and squalor" and MPs have called the protest, including the soldiers, as a "national disgrace". The protest camp is against the war in Afghanistan but respects troops.[Full Story | 7 comments ]
Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
Public MeetingSaturday 5th June
5.30-8pm, Community Base, Queen's Road, Brighton
Support the Decommissioners Public Meeting
On 17th January 2009, as Israeli bombs rained down on Gaza, six people
broke into the EDO factory in Brighton and decommissioned the
production line damaging their capability to make weapons to be used
against Gazan civilians.
At this public meeting, just two days before the start of the
decommissioners trial, where they will argue that their actions were
justified, we will discuss EDO's complicity in war crimes worldwide.
[Full Story ]
Howard Lyman vs. the pig murder industry's latest Rupert Murdoch funded spokespe
Rupert Murdoch's HarperCollins subsidiary William Morrow chooses topromote the wife of a cattle rancher, a profiteer from the blood of innocents.
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Film night Southampton 'A Minority Pastime'
Subvert The City Arts Collective presents an evening of independent film and vegan food to raise money for the Hunt Saboteurs Association.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Camden Police have "lost" CCTV & otherevidence in youth murder trial.
Police in Camden have said that they have "lost" CCTV evidence in a murder trial "because it cost £500". They have also said that mobile phone evidence was "unclear" and that an oyster card was "accidentally wiped". Shama'arke Hassan was shot dead and youthss were arrested. Now the police have "lost" evidence against the people they are accusing of killing him.[Full Story ]
The English Defence League are marching at 2pm today [Saturady 22nd May]
The English Defence League will be marching tomorrow along with other groups described by the EDL as patriots from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. They will b egin the march at 2pm in Tothill Street, London SW1 and will march up towards Downing Street, Trafalgar Square and to Waterloo Place. Trevor Kelway has put out a callout for the EDL to join the march in London.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
ISM Palestine: Join the Global Intifada this summer!
The International Solidarity Movement need people to come to Palestine this summer!Or join the Global Intifada from where you are.
Please circulate widely.
[Full Story | 1 addition ]
Corporate Watch: Opportunities for apartheid tourism in Kibbutz Afik
The latest from Corporate Watch's research blog "Profiting from the occupation".[Full Story ]
NHS doctors are providing info on political activists & Muslims to the police.
GPs are being required to pass information to the police regarding people that they think are at risk from crime or at risk of committing one. This is meant to safeguard children and safegurad women who might be victims of domestic violence, rape, female circumcism or murder. It is also meant to protect people with mental health problems and others affected by it.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
Brutal Sabotage of Indigenous Mapuche Earth Song by Chilean State Terrorism
An urgent update on the denial of parole of indigenous Mapuche leader Chief Juana Calfunao, leader of the Juan Paillalef Community,Cunco, Temuco, Chile.[Full Story ]
Five new UK screenings of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo”
Between May 21 and June 2, in London, Oxford and Brighton, there will be five screenings of the new documentary film, "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo," followed by Q&A sessions with former prisoner Omar Deghayes and journalist and co-director Andy Worthington. Come along and find out how to put pressure on the new government to secure the release from Guantanamo of Shaker Aamer..[Full Story ]