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03-02-2009 20:50

Camden Lab - Councillor speaks out against community on Camden Animal Lab

There are plans to build a deadly "Super Virus Lab & Animal Testing facility on the Somers Town council house estate. The lab plans have been criticised by MI5, MPs, councillors & local residents. The lab will hold dealdy viruses such as Anthrax and Bird flu. Foot & Mouth disease was leaked form similar govt facilty Pirbright in Surrey. The lab will hold animals such as cats & dogs.

[Full Story | 11 comments ]

02-02-2009 19:23

The People vs The Banksters: A Mass snowball fight in the City

They play with our money we play in the snow!

Rumours are abounding about a mass snow ball fight between The People and The Banksters in the City of London tommorow.

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02-02-2009 17:07

Direct Action; Sweden, USA, Mexico & UK

29th-2nd Jan/Feb


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01-02-2009 11:56

Let's send an E-mail to EDO MBM and feel alright (Yeah Mon!):



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31-01-2009 15:48

Support The EDO Decommisioners

Write to Our Prisoners (see below)
Sign our Petition
Or leave a message of solidarity at

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30-01-2009 20:40

Brighton Councillors sign Petition to Disclose Public Cost of Fighting Transgender Tribunal Cases

A petition has been signed by a number of Brighton & Hove City Councillors, demanding the City Council disclose the Public Interest question of how much Public Money they spent fighting two un-winnable Employment Tribunal cases against Natasha Thoday, a transgender teacher. Notably 2 other councillors (North Devon & Edinburgh) and Carline Lucas MEP have also signed. A letter was sent today asking the remaining City Councillors to also sign it.

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30-01-2009 15:46

Stop The Camden Animal Lab donations address.

The campaign to Stop The Camden Animal Lab is accepting donations sent to : Stop The Camden Animal Lab [London Against Camden Danger Lab] BM8735 London WC1N3XX. Donations will be spent on campaign materials such as leaflets, posters, letters,etc. In the event that the lab does not get planning permission we will fight the second proposed lab intended for Camden on Hampstead Rd close to Regents Park estate. Any left over funds will be donated to youth projects.

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30-01-2009 11:17

UK Green Euro-MPs To Doorstop Israeli Embassy To Demand Gaza Aid Refund

The two UK Green MEPs are set to doorstop the Israeli Embassy in London at 2pm today, to demand a refund on EU aid money spent on Gaza's now devasted infrastructure

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30-01-2009 00:37

New immigration prison to open at Gatwick this spring

Brook House detention centre under construction

The new immigration detention centre at Gatwick airport will not be opened until the spring, Corporate Watch has learned. The official opening had been scheduled for February this year but has been delayed for undisclosed reasons. The purpose-built high-security prison, named Brook House, is based on the 'successful' design of Colnbrook detention centre at Heathrow airport. The new detention centre will be run by Global Solution Ltd (GSL), which is now owned by G4S, and will hold up to 426 male and female detainees.

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29-01-2009 23:06

Pfizer Acquires Wyeth & Double Amount of Demos

Now that Pfizer owns Wveth after a buy out, we had to send our wishes, SHAC style.

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29-01-2009 20:40

Contact Camden council - updated information - Stop Camden Animal Lab

There are plans to build a high level [3] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden, alongside St Pancras International, behind the British Library on a Camden council house estate, Somers Town, one of the most deprived areas of the country in desperate need of community facilities and council homes. Please oppose by contacting Camden Council on the updated info below. Camden Councillors have changed.

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29-01-2009 20:25

Stop Israeli Zionist Press Conference 11 am Tomorrow

The zionsists are going to have a meeting tomorrow morning at the Dorchester where the Isreal army murderer colnel rapp will be with another General who we don't yet know the name. They are hoping that calling their meet at short notice will stop demonstrations happening.

Dont let them have their meeting without knowing of our anger at what they are doing in Gaza. Bring as many people as possible

Stop the Genocide!

[Full Story | 3 comments ]

29-01-2009 19:34

Raytheon, Edo MBM, Lloyds TSB(Emblem) Plot to Profit out Murder!


Corporate ties explains why Lloyd's TSB refuse to send aid money to gaza
Smash Raytheon
Smash Lloyds TSB
Smash EDO MBM (what's left of it!!!)

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29-01-2009 14:47

Independent Film Night in Southampton

Subvert The City Arts Collective are putting on their 1st evening of independent films in Southampton on Sunday 1st February at the Hobbit Pub from 7 - 10pm.

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29-01-2009 12:51

Greenpeace Lose The Plot

I’ll admit it, I signed up to the Greenpeace “Airplot” scheme, putting my name down to be a joint owner of a piece of land adjacent to London Heathrow Airport which would have to be compulsorily purchased should the airport be expanded. What happened next really freaked me out.

[Full Story | 8 comments ]

28-01-2009 17:47

The Landless Workers Movement and the American "bubble"...

The next elections and our national history can both charge you for some unfortunate incidents, President: I am sure the ministers of the Supreme did not know that "Raposa-Serra-do-sol" is a rich mineral province, full of rare, expensive and strategic metals and Certainly neither they knew it was full of foreigners or they wouldn't have granted it to our noble brothers of the forest. There are similar attempts in progress, Mr. President, this time involving major public companies, which delivered to individuals, further impede the lives of our people.

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28-01-2009 15:17

Think again - or shame on you Brighton Council

I was very sorry to hear Brighton Council failed to shut down EDO on this occassion. Just how many jobs does this sick company provide?
After the second world war many arms factories changed there use.
However, I would argue there is NO EXCUSE for crimes against humanity.
Please view the following:-

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28-01-2009 03:19

Southampton Palestine Café - reflections & thoughts on the BBC/SKY/and a Rab

Hope tree for Palestine as used in Hope Happening event in Southampton Some thoughts reflections and the nature of impartiality, in this context - heavy warring from Israel and rockets from Gaza and reluctance to aid the injured and desolate due to the issue of impartiality - well an attempt ( im partial to doing it ourselves anyway).

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27-01-2009 22:20

Bayer Day of Action in West London / Hampshire

Monday, 26th January
HLS UK customers continue to have protests

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27-01-2009 20:20

Corporate Watch on the SHAC sentencing: Activists receive indefinite ASBOs

How the State Protects Corporations From Dissent
Jailed SHAC activists Receive Indefinite ASBOs

On Wednesday 21st January 2009 the police’s National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit issued a press release celebrating the jailing of seven animal rights campaigners for “over fifty years”. In their press release NETCU are at pains to point out that the sentences have “nothing to do with freedom of expression” and that those jailed are “extremists”.

[Full Story | 4 comments ]

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science