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03-04-2005 10:48

Massive Trade Justice Protest 15 April - Programme Announced

15 April sees a massive all night anti-poverty and environmental Trade Justice protest in Westminster and Whitehall - organisers have now released full programme and a call for mass participation (ahead of the G8 Summit).

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02-04-2005 15:07

Blair on Kyoto and G8

Letter recieved from Bliar on Kyoto Traety and the G8

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01-04-2005 09:17

EDO arrests latest

The 3 protestors charged for breaching a section 14 order last week outside EDO have been given a trial date of 28/29 July and 1 August. They had their bail restriction of the Wild Park lifted but are still banned from Home Farm Rd and Home Farm Business Park.

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30-03-2005 15:44

South East Regional Assembly organise trains to G8 actions!

The South East Regional mobilising network against the G8 have organised trains to Scotland for the G8 Summit, and they will be cheaper than the one alleged to have been organised by Globalise Resistance.

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27-03-2005 16:14



26th March 2005

EMBARGO: For Immediate Release

[Full Story | 8 comments ]

26-03-2005 15:20

Smash Edo high court injunction affects 1000+ people.

Yesterday Smash Edo, Bombs out of Brighton and 14 individuals found themselves issued with intended injunctions against them in the High court, London.

This is the first time that groups outside of the Animal rights movement have found themselves issued with intended injunctions at the High court.

Over 1000 people are connected to the groups listed in the injunction, most people in the anti-war movement in Brighton are members of Sussex action for peace, Smash Edo etc.

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25-03-2005 00:10

What a State

Hard Core Anarchist Action at EDO Today.

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24-03-2005 18:04

Eastbourne's torture state investor in trouble with Greenpeace as well

Lister Lutyens, the Eastbourne company engaged in timber imports and the manufacture of garden furniture, reveals that as well as drawing flak from the Burma Campaign UK by investing in the world's worst torture state, it is also under strong environmental pressure from Greenpeace.

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22-03-2005 16:17

Blix blok in Brighton

getting ready Take a look at these pics and judge for yourselves the level of threat posed by the Brighton Blix blok. The imtimidation and coercion led to the police restricting the peaceful protest opposite Brighton arms dealers EDO/MBM to an hour under section 14 of the public order act.

[Full Story | 10 comments ]

22-03-2005 12:02

Anti-G8 Gathering 6-10th April - Learn Skills- Network- Get Inspired- Take Actio

The Festival of Dissent!... 6th-10th April Lanarkshire.... A chance to form networks of resistance... A chance to plot, conspire, and dream about resistance to the G8... To meet people learn skills, share information, practice direct action, and party together.

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22-03-2005 11:40

Choiceless Choice: Dover Kent's 2005 Election Candidates

Here in the beloved arsehole of England, where everything passes through, voters are left with the usual meaningless and ludicrous charade as the general election approaches.

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22-03-2005 00:13

International Day of Action Against the Arms Trade – Brighton

Brighton arms dealers EDO MBM were visited today by a Citizens Inspections Agency (CIA) team who demanded access to their weapons manufacturing facility. EDO MBM manufactures release mechanisms for the Paveway series of bombs as well as other military hardware. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the American EDO Corp, and have a multi-million pound contract with the UK MoD related to the Paveway bomb.

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21-03-2005 16:58

New site aims to shop Tesco

New blog criticises growth of Tesco. Interview/news story with founder Dave Miller

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18-03-2005 16:48


£5bn for war, yet no money for pensions. Support the striking public sector workers.

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18-03-2005 14:05

M.Howard of the Arms Trade.

Reply from Tory leader M.Howard to constituent's letter re Amnesty Intl Control Arms campaign (and the Intl Arms Trade Treaty etc).

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16-03-2005 20:07

Anti-G8 Jumble Sale, Brighton, Sat 19th

Anti-G8 Jumble Sale

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16-03-2005 16:20

Citizens Weapons Inspection of EDO/MBM

To coincide with the international day of action

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16-03-2005 01:58

Protest Party Sussex University (Report from Sussex Uni)

A report of some actions that have taken place at Sussex University since October 2004. Please note that this is **not** an official communique from any particular society, and is partial in scope. In addition to what is outlined below, many other actions, meetings, etc, on other issues have taken place on a number of different issues and for a range of different causes.

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15-03-2005 00:27

About Ladyfest Brighton

Ladyfest Brighton is a volunteer-run, multi-media festival
that features art, music, workshops, and panel
discussions by, for, and about women. The festival
will promote the work of independent and underground
artists, musicians and activists from our local
community and beyond.

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14-03-2005 23:13

Smash EDO Newsletter Issue #4 - Anti-Arms Manufacturer Campaign Update

Smash EDO is campaigning to shut down Brighton-based arms manufacturer EDO MBM, who make parts for the Paveway series of bombs and release mechanisms for Tornado warplanes, amongst other military hardware.

Attatched is a pdf file of the latest Newsletter (small file = quick download!).

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science