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09-03-2012 12:35

Fukushima 1 year on: Hinkley Point to be surrounded and blockaded

Credit: D. Viesnik / Stop New Nuclear Jonathon Porritt, Caroline Lucas MP and CND’s Kate Hudson to join anti-nuclear protest on eve of Fukushima anniversary: programme of events on Saturday March 10th 2012

Leading environmentalists Jonathon Porritt and Caroline Lucas MP will join demonstrators at Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset to mark the first anniversary of the Fukushima disaster - and to call for a halt to the development of Hinkley C. Kate Hudson, chair of CND will also be speaking at the event.

[Full Story | 3 comments ]

08-03-2012 20:27

(Italy) NO TAV Women’s Day: Reclaim Dissent!

Responding to a call out made by women within the movement a few days ago, today around 100 NO TAV women met up in Susa to “have a chat” with the local Mayor (a woman herself).

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06-03-2012 15:56

Maya Evans freed from prison

Maya Evans was freed from Bronzefield prison today after serving seven days out of a 13 day sentence for anti-war activism.

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05-03-2012 12:37

Smash EDO's Summer of Resistance: some confirmed dates

Here's an update of some confirmed, public dates for the Summer of Resistance (  http://smashedo.org.uk/1 ) Read on and get involved!

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03-03-2012 05:22

The Shame of Portsmouth Water - The Scandal of Havant & Waterlooville FC

Portsmouth Nazi Watch were disgusted to be forwarded the comments being made by 45-year-old Portsmouth Water supervisor Steven Clarke, a Leigh Park member of Portsmouth North East Division of the English Defence League [EDL].

Our disgust turned to shock when we discovered this diminutive ex-657 crew football hooligan has been allowed to propagate and spread his insidious and vile views to impressionable young boys as young as NINE...as an official coach for Havant & Waterlooville Football Club.

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01-03-2012 17:18

Portsmouth Fascists Banned from Facebook

Up to half-a-dozen of Portsmouth's most extreme hard-line racists were suspended from social networking site Facebook this morning after uploading a vile racist slogan to the site as their profile pictures.

[Full Story | 2 comments ]

01-03-2012 11:34

Homeowners: the gravediggers of capital

In the previous issue of SHIFT, we launched a series of articles discussing the relevancy of lifestyle choices for radical politics. In the first article from Issue 14 to go online, TOM FOX continues the series with a critical look at housing cooperatives, arguing that networks such as Radical Routes have all too often tended to miss what is - or what could be - radical about coops in general, and housing coops in particular.

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29-02-2012 22:26

Anti Shell, Greenwash Flash MOB

Anti Shell/Greenwash action tomorrow evening 1st March 5pm

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29-02-2012 16:11

Maya Evans Jailed for Afghan War Protest

Maya Evans (centre) with supporters outside Hastings Magistrates Court 29 February, Hastings Magistrates Court: A peace activist who won a “partial victory” in the High Court regarding British complicity in torture in Afghanistan was jailed this morning for her part in an anti-war protest.

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26-02-2012 21:38

Report of Barclays Picket - Divest from Israel and the arms trade


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24-02-2012 22:11

Reclaim the Fields Spring Gathering 2012 - details & updates

The first Reclaim the Fields Gathering of the year will be taking place this March 9th- 11th at the Wilderness Centre in the Forest of Dean.

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24-02-2012 17:28

Hinkley Barnstormers need you!!

Image credit: D. Viesnik Apparently, the Occupy Hinkley Barnstormers could be evicted as soon as next Tuesday, after which EDF Energy and its contractors could begin their massive land trash in earnest at any time!!

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24-02-2012 13:44

Smash EDO's Summer of Resistance: some confirmed dates

We have got quite a few things coming up, including some confirmed dates for the Summer of Resistance  http://smashedo.org.uk/1 so read on and get involved!

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24-02-2012 13:31

Reminder: Target Barclays tomorrow, 1pm, Brighton

Target Barclays, Saturday 25th February, 1pm, 139-142 North Street, Brighton

For enquiries contact  brightontubas@gmail.com or  smashedo@riseup.net

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24-02-2012 12:39

Occupy London Stock Exchange, not Palestine - School of Ideas today @4

‘Existence is Resistance’ – The ethnic cleansing of the Jordan Valley with Fathe Kdirat and Itaf Njoum Karma

School of ideas - 4 - 6pm

more info at  http://schoolofideas.org.uk/events/existence-is-resistance-the-ethnic-cleansing-of-the-jordan-valley/

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24-02-2012 12:16

SYRIA: “Human Rights” Warriors for Empire

The largest imperial offensive since the Iraq invasion of March, 2003, is in full swing, under the banner of “humanitarian” intervention – Barack Obama’s fiendishly clever upgrade of George Bush’s “dumb” wars. Having failed to obtain a Libyan-style United Nations Security Council fig leaf for a “humanitarian” military strike against Syria, the United States shifts effortlessly to a global campaign “outside the U.N. system” to expand its NATO/Persian Gulf royalty/Jihadi coalition.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are swigging the ale with their fellow buccaneers. These “human rights” warriors, headquartered in the bellies of empires past and present, their chests shiny with medals of propagandistic service to superpower aggression in Libya, contribute “left” legitimacy to the imperial project.

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20-02-2012 22:35

Using the UN General Assembly to justify war and "regime change" in Syria

UN General Assembly passes resolution condemning Syria, 16 February 2012 As the UN General Assembly meeting unfolded on Monday, several delegations provided explanations of the customary procedures that had been violated, suggesting that the President of the General Assembly, Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser of Qatar, was using his office to manipulate a procedure at the UN to further the political goals of his nation.

The impact of these abuses of UN General Assembly precedents and procedures is that not only the people and government of Syria, but also the very integrity of the UN system itself, are being undermined and jeopardized. The actions of the subsequent meeting that followed on Thursday demonstrated this abuse ever more clearly.

[Full Story | 16 comments ]

20-02-2012 16:27

Anti-Prison Gathering 2012

This year on the 28th and 29th of April there will be an Anti-Prison gathering
in Nottingham.

[Full Story | 6 comments ]

20-02-2012 11:18

Target Barclays in Brighton, Sat 25th

Target Barclays

Saturday 25th February, 1pm, 139-142 North Street, Brighton

For enquiries contact  brightontubas@gmail.com or  smashedo@riseup.net

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20-02-2012 00:34

EDF Energy seeks high court injunction against protestors

Credit: D. Viesnik / Stop New Nuclear Nuclear energy company seeks high court injunction against protestors

For immediate release Feb 18th

Nuclear energy company EDF today served papers on activists occupying a farm on the proposed site for nuclear new build at Hinkley Point in Somerset. The papers, served by Squire Sanders of London, are applying for possession of the premises and, in an unprecedented move, an injunction against all future protests at this site: this includes any protests by other local residents, such as campaign group Stop Hinkley.

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