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<< Page 125 | Page 123>>Defend Community Events
Community arts and music events up and down the country are under threat from the implementation by local police forces of ACPO policy on the charging for policing of events[Full Story ]
Grilliband - your chance to ask about vestas, e.on, nukes, and that bloody grin
Guardian Repost + commentary: "Live Q&A: David Miliband on the Copenhagen summitIn the first of a series of web chats on Copenhagen with government ministers, David Miliband replies to your questions". OK, so it's MSM hosted, but no reason not to take the opp. to take this grinning buffoon to task, eh?
[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Anarcho-syndicalists arrested for 'international terrorism' in Serbia
On Saturday, Sept. 4, five political activists were arrested in Belgrade on trumped up charges of 'international terrorism.'[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Lee Hall confronted at the London Vegan Festival
Lee Hall, notorious defender of state oppression of animal activists and author of the ridiculous ‘Capers in the Churchyard, Animal Activism in the Age of Terror’ was scheduled to give a talk today (Sunday Sep 6th) at the London Vegan Festival. Things didn’t work out quite as she, or the festival, had planned however. If Hall was seriously entertaining the notion that she could fly to England and hold forth for fifty minutes at an event like this, with SHAC activists present, on the subject of her choice, without being confronted about her statements on direct action, then I suggest she is in need of a psychiatrist.[Full Story | 7 comments ]
Zippos Circus gone but not forgotten
Yesterday evening saw an end to the Zippos Circus Southsea run and SARC activists were there to give them an almighty send off.[Full Story ]
Workers' Climate Action conference
The second conference of the Workers' Climate Action network will take place in London on Saturday 10 October.[Full Story ]
Vestas - New camp set up to blockade the blades
A new camp has been set up bt the river in Newport to prevent the final blades and mold from leaving the factory. Come and join us, sign up to the 24 hour rota, hold a workshop, chop firewood and prepare for action![Full Story | 1 addition | 1 comment ]
ITT Supports Sabotage, Direct Action, and CIA/Blackwater Death Squads
Between 2000 and 2008 ITT was awarded support contracts with US Special Operations Command worth $147,167,316.00By working for SOCOM, ITT shows its support for their mission of overseeing the United States Special Forces involved in clandestine and covert actions including top secret CIA assassination missions illegal under international law.
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EDO MBM Component Used To Commit Another NATO War Crime
Germany's worst atrocity since WW2 used EDO MBM components made in Brighton.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Whose Blades? Our Blades! Whose Factory? Our Factory!
"We have definitely stopped them from removing the blades from Newport. 25-30 supporters from the mainland plus the hard core of the workers set up a camp to blockade the Marine Gate today. Our thinking is that, seeing the size of the mobilisation today, Vestas decided not to come to Newport. Both this camp, and the 'Magic Roundabout' camp in front of the factory will be maintained - and will have kitchens, running water, and power. Join the blockades!"[Full Story ]
Vestas blockade - help urgently needed on the Isle of Wight
Workers and supporters at the Vestas wind turbine factory in Newport on the Isle of Wight are attempting to stop the remaining blades being shipped out of the factory. This is the only leverage the workers, who have been hung out to dry, really have left against the company.[Full Story | 1 addition ]
Disarm DSEi banner drop Southampton
Banner dropped in run up to the DSEi arms fair linking BAE investors - Southampton and Solent universities.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Stop Camden Bio Hazard Lab and have a carbon zero project instead.
Camden councillor Alexis Rowell has called for the site in Camden earmarked for a deadly germ lab / animal testing lab at Brill Palce to be used for Camden's first ever carbon zero development, to deliver maximum energy efficiency, fight climate change, provide housing, maximise green spaces, promote healthy living, save water and prevent the controversial animal torture lab from being built.[Full Story ]
Pic of Smash EDO, Smash DSEi demo
On Wednesday 2nd September, despite heavy rain, Smash EDO held a warm up demo against DSEi, the world's largest arms fair, due to be held in docklands from 8-11th September[Full Story ]
Meet and Greet the Arms Dealers - 8am, Monday 7th September
From the 8th – 11th September DSEi, the worlds largest arms fair, is being held at the eXcel centre in docklands. Delegations from around the world will converge in London to browse for equipment to carry on the oppression of civilians.[Full Story | 1 addition ]
DSEi open meeting in Brighton on Friday
As you may know by now the world's largest arms fair, DSEi, returns to London next week. If you are in Brighton and are thinking of coming up to DSEi, or just want to know more, why not come along to the Disarm DSEi public meeting?It will be held this Friday (4th) at 5.30pm in the Cowley Club back building, 12 London Road, Brighton. All welcome.
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Tactics stepping up in Calais - support needed
Activists getting better at frustrating police, but we can't be everywhere in Calais - more support needed...[Full Story | 2 comments ]