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<< Page 9 | Page 7>>Smash Edo High Court latest
Judge Gross yesterday deferred judgement on the injunction being sought by lawyers Lawson-Cruttenden at the High Court on behalf of Brighton war-mongers Edo/MBM.[Full Story | 4 comments ]
Last chance to quiz candidates from all parties and all 3 constituencies over the war.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Longbridge and St Modwens
The collapse of MG Rover, the last remaining British car company, has left many facing financial ruin, and yet in addition to the Phoenix Four, who appear to have milked the company for millions, one company, St Modwens the Destroyer, has done very nicely out of the collapse of MG Rover.[Full Story ]
[LONDON: A Special Annoucement From EuroMayday]
To participate in the first FLEXMOB/MAYDAY ACTIOM please email your mobile phone number to euromayday@hushmail.com. We will send a Text Message to you on the morning of MAYDAY (Sunday May 1st), with directions of how to participate at this years Europe-Wide Day of action (www.euromayday.org).[Full Story ]
Get on board the resistG8 trains
FOR WIDE DISTRIBUTION:Please forward to email lists, friends, family...etc
[Full Story ]
Open invitation to post-April 2nd meeting on Tuesday 26th April at Halkevi, Stok
Following the European day of action for migrant rights a meeting has been organised by the April 2nd Organising meeting at Halkevi, Stoke Newington to discuss future campaigns and the formation of an open network of activists[Full Story ]
Beware The Neo-Nazi Infiltration Of Indymedia
BNP media nuts are going undercover, using forums like Indymedia to discredit anti-racists, pretending their for free speech, when in fact, they are really regulars of "Stormponce", Redwatch, and other neo-Nazi websites.Your cover is blown, creeps.
[Full Story | 3 comments ]
Bringing the Noise to EDO MBM - Brighton's Arms Dealers
Over 60 people at today's noise demo, possibly the last one if EDO get their proposed draconian injunction in the High Court on friday.[Full Story ]
Report : Noise Protest at EDO
Around 70 protesters gathered outside EDO MBMs bomb factory in Brighton today. This could be the last legal demo of this kind for a while if an interim injunction is granted in the High Court on Friday.[Full Story ]
Protest Against Racism
Broadcasters have a responsibility not to incite racial attacks. Please ensure they act responsibility and pull the plug on the BNP's hatred and lies.Adolf Hitler used the freedom of the press in his attempt to destroy mankind. The BBC and commercial broadcasters must be reminded to act accordingly.
[Full Story | 6 comments ]
SUV parking tickets
http://www.wastemonsters.org.uk have produced spoof parking tickets for 4x4s, if you contact them via their website they will send you a bunch or you can print off your own.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
June 25: no one is illegal conference
On Saturday June 25, the no one is illegal manifesto group is organising a No One Is Illegal conference in Manchester. All invited.[Full Story | 1 comment ]
Big Demonstration at EDO MBM Brighton - THIS WEDNESDAY (20th)!
Protest has not been banned - yet. Come along to EDO MBM at 4pm on Wednesday 20th April to show your disgust at war profiteering and your support for the right to protest.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
BNP stooge (in Howardland) given verbals)
Rodney Hylton Potts is the BNP subs in M.Howard's Folkestone & Hythe constituency.[Full Story | 2 comments ]
J.Straw on Arms Trade Treaty.
Jack Straw's reply via Tory leader Micheal Howard on the Arms Trade Treaty proposal- in response to a letter from one of the latters constituents. (It includes a para on the DSEI situ)Orginal letter was part of Amnesty Intl 'Control Arms Campaign' see their website for full info....
[Full Story ]
Right to protest extended for another week. Gee thanks![Full Story | 1 comment ]
Smash EDO's Big Day Out - High Court Report
Smash EDO and 10 individuals were in the High Court, London today to resist the injunction being sought by corporate war whores EDO MBM*.[Full Story | 3 comments ]
BNP substitute to face Howard.
Following appears in the local rag for Michael Howard's constituency Folkestone & Hythe (Kent).[Full Story | 5 comments ]
Critical Mass against Climate change and the G8
Critical mass bike ride against climate change, pollution and the G8On the 6-8th of July the G8 is being held at Gleneagles, Scotland. Tony Blair wants to put Climate change at the top of the agenda but this Government promotes policies that are devastating to the environment.
[Full Story ]