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20-11-2007 20:38

Please come to this gig-Alabama 3 /Circus 2 Iraq/23rd Nov Brixton Jamm

A top gig in aid of an amazing project...

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20-11-2007 16:30

EDO MBM Fined for Failing To File Accounts

Brighton arms company EDO MBM Technology Ltd are three weeks late filing their full accounts for 2006.

[Full Story | 2 additions | 6 comments ]

20-11-2007 14:16

Nighttime attack on EDO

EDO MBM in Home Farm Road, Brighton, produce weapons for the US and UK in Iraq and the Israeli military

[Full Story | 11 comments ]

17-11-2007 18:12

Why I Walked Out In Richard Reed Of Innocent Drinks

Ok, being uber-cool in jeans, t-shirt and Ugg boots on a stage in front of 300 environmentalists of varying shades is not, in itself, reason to have someone walk out on you, but I did give it at least 2 minutes before I left. Here’s why.

[Full Story | 6 comments ]

17-11-2007 01:32

Arrest warrant for Chris Eubank re: Peace Action

A judge has issued a warrant for the arrest of ex-boxer Chris Eubank after he failed to turn up to court over an unlawful protest in Whitehall.

Eubank was charged after he tried to park his seven-tonne truck outside the gates to Downing Street in May in protest at UK policy in Iraq.

[Full Story | 10 comments ]

17-11-2007 01:07

Brighton Council's Use of the Housing Act (2006)To Drive Out Squatters

BHCC use the new housing laws to attack the homeless

[Full Story | 3 comments ]

16-11-2007 21:25

New UK Nuclear Warhead Facility Rubber-Stamped, Despite Safety Concerns

Block the Builders blockade AWE Burghfield - 12 Nov 07 Anti-nuclear campaigners raise concerns as the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) site at Burghfield is granted planning permission for factory

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16-11-2007 20:14

Atomic Weapons Establishment emergency rehearsals inadequate to protect public

Orion laser under construction at AWE Aldermaston (Nov 07) A report by the independent research group Nuclear Information Service (NIS), released the same week that Britain’s nuclear bomb factory at Aldermaston prepares for a major test of its emergency procedures, highlights a series of flaws in previous emergency exercises at the site which the authors believe would leave members of the public and personnel working at the site at risk in the event of an accident.

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15-11-2007 22:31




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13-11-2007 14:39

Press Release - Palestinian Primary School to be Demolished

Brighton-Tubas Solidarity Group Press Release

Palestinian Primary School in Fasayil to be demolished on the 29th of

For More Info Contact Tom Hayes or Sarah Cobham on 07846506710 or

www.brightonpalestine.org/blog / tubas.brightonpalestine.org

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13-11-2007 09:22

Take Action - Palestinian Primary School to be Demolished on the 29th November


Palestinian Primary School in Fasayil to be demolished on the 29th of November!

Education not Occupation

Stop the Occupation from destroying yet another community project aimed at building a future for Palestinians

[Full Story | 1 comment ]

12-11-2007 12:46

EDO MBM Fishersgate Trashed on Paul Hill's Birthday

Last night 11th November, Armistice Day, was Paul Hills', Managing Director of EDO MBM, birthday...

[Full Story | 6 comments ]

12-11-2007 09:59

BNP alert in Sussex

THE BNP is trying to force its way onto a local council near Brighton in Sussex.

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09-11-2007 15:57

Working Links Christian Crusaders

The next time you are invited to Working Links and are baffled by their inability to acknowledge structural causes for your unemployment it is worth considering the Christian ethos which underlines their approach. This results from the fact that 'the Links' are part-owned by the Australian charity Mission Australia. So, if you think unwillingness or inability to work is about more than low self-esteem, read on.

[Full Story | 3 comments ]

08-11-2007 09:54

Weekend public transport

Travelling on public transport at weekends is a nightmare, especially on Sundays. Is it part of a conspiracy to drive people off public transport? A public transport system of which a Third World country would be ashamed.

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07-11-2007 22:33

Eyewitness report: French students occupy as workers clash with government

See the link for an eyewitness report of the ongoing French student and worker actions, from an Education Not for Sale supporter in Paris.

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07-11-2007 14:13

Challenging the Boundaries: A Single State in Palestine/Israel - 17/18 November

We would like to draw your attention to an innovative approach to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Challenging the Boundaries: A Single State in Palestine/Israel will be explicitly addressing the fundamental causes of the conflict by examining an idea that is generating more widespread interest than ever – a single state for all in the area.

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06-11-2007 21:26

New warhead facility at AWE Burghfield: just three days left to object

DEADLINE for planning objections to new warhead components facility at Atomic Weapons Establishment Burghfield, Berkshire is **FRIDAY 9 NOVEMBER**. Please don't miss this opportunity to put a spanner in the works of Britain's WMD renewal programme (sample email/letter provided).

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06-11-2007 19:08

Senior doctors allege lack of evidence on fluoride safety

Sarah Boseley, health editor The Guardian Friday October 5 2007 The government is accused by senior doctors today of selectively using inadequate evidence to promote the use of fluoride in the water supply. The public health measure, intended to improve the country's teeth, has attracted huge controversy. Anti-fluoride campaigners claim the chemical has potentially harmful side-effects, while dentists and some public health experts insist it is entirely beneficial and saves children from tooth decay.

[Full Story | 1 comment ]

05-11-2007 21:31

In January 2008, Global Day of Mobilization and Action

Unilateral Day of Action planned, to make the statement that 'It Does'nt Have To Be This Way Anymore", global actions planned by the largest and most cohesive aspect of the Anti-globalisation movement.

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science