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24-07-2006 17:10

Police assault Titnore Woods camper

THUGS from Sussex Police have once again forced their way onto the peaceful Camp Titnore protest site near Worthing, assaulting one of the campers in the process.

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24-07-2006 14:54

urgent call to help resist eviction- titnore woods in court on thursday

the camp in titnore woods near worthing (near brighton) is sending out an urgent call-out for people to come and resist eviction.

[Full Story | 2 comments ]

24-07-2006 14:22

Titnore Woods - court papers served this morning (Mon)

Hearing this Thursday, 27th July at 11.30am, with eviction expected immediately after.

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24-07-2006 11:41

STOP water fluoridation NOW! and prevent it in your area!

Anti water Fluoridation campaign

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22-07-2006 19:39

Protestor arrested at Davis Cup Picket

A protestor was arrested at the picket of the Israel-Britain Davis Cup tennis tournament in Eastbourne.

[Full Story | 12 comments ]

22-07-2006 10:08



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22-07-2006 06:29

Lebanon/Gaza Protest Outside Israeli Tennis Team Venue

Sunday, Justice Not Vengeance and Hastings against War are organising a protest about Israeli aggression against Lebanon/Gaza in Eastbourne - where the Israeli national tennis team is playing.

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22-07-2006 06:16

Lebanon/Gaza - Successful petitioning in Hastings

Justice Not Vengeance has produced a leaflet, postcard, petition and briefings about the current Gaza/Lebanon crisis. We used them to good effect in the centre of Hastings on Friday 21 July, gathering 73 signatures in an hour, in cooperation with Hastings Against War.

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21-07-2006 11:50



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20-07-2006 15:31

Iran Meeting - So'ton

Public Meeting
War on Terror: Will Iran be next?

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20-07-2006 14:48



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19-07-2006 17:19

Sat 22nd July, Picket Israeli Tennis Team in Eastbourne

Picket Israel’s tennis team in their Davis Cup tie with Britain
On Saturday 22nd July from 12.00noon (note change of time)
At Devonshire Park Tennis Club, College Road, Eastbourne, E Sussex, BN21 4JJ
Minibus from Brighton leaves St Peter’s Church at 11.00am

[Full Story | 1 comment ]

19-07-2006 16:22

Illegal police trespass at Titnore Woods

Police van Wednesday afternoon a police camera crew illegally entered the Titnore Woods protest camp to film protesters and construction works on site.

[Full Story | 1 comment ]

18-07-2006 23:24

EDO Corp Forbes Listed As Years Biggest 'Losers'

Independent Stock Market News

A Forbes website report has put the boot into troubled warmongers EDO Corp. as they are named NYSE official losers of the year due to a distasterous loss of high court case against anti-war protesters in Brighton. EDO wre once listed by Forbes as one of the fasted growing companys in America.

Not any more.

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18-07-2006 07:20

Picket of Israeli Tennis Team, Sat 22nd July

Boycott Israel
Picket Israel’s tennis team in their Davis Cup tie with Britain
On Saturday 22nd July from 1.00pm
At Devonshire Park Tennis Club, College Road, Eastbourne, E Sussex, BN21 4JJ

Contact  thewallmustfall@riseup.net for info about transport from Brighton

[Full Story | 9 comments ]

17-07-2006 13:13

Pictures of Camp Titnore open day

some creative signposting This is a follow up to the original article with some pictures of the activity the day

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17-07-2006 12:48

EDO activsts have locked down in Brighton

There are three brave and effective activists who have locked themselves to an oil drum and are blockading the EDO weapons factory at Farm Road in Moulescoomb, Brighton.

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17-07-2006 06:29

Brighton Arms Dealers Blockaded Now - You Can Support the Blockaders

Support the blockaders by calling EDO on 01273 810 500 NOW

[Full Story | 1 addition | 2 comments ]

16-07-2006 20:09

Solidarity with Detainees in St Petersburg

Anti G8 Protestor in St Petersburg, 2006 There will be a demonstration in solidarity with those arested in St
Petersburg on Friday 21st July at 1pm outside the Russian Embassy in London

Address: 6/7 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W 8 4QP, UK

[Full Story | 1 addition | 3 comments ]

16-07-2006 17:28

Bully tactics fail to spoil Camp Titnore open day

TITNORE Woods landowner Clem Somerset employed private security guards with video cameras to try and scare visitors away from the protest camp's open day on Saturday (July 15).

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Rough Music
Cowley Club
Smash EDO
Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
Brighton activist
Portsmouth No2ID
Greenpeace Hampshire
Camp Titnore
Protect Our Woodland!
Stop Cissbury Sell-Off!
Southern Animal Rights Coalition
Violence Free Science