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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Steve Cram: He can run but he can't hide

31-05-2011 17:59

Today we’re picking on Steve Cram who has signed up as ‘ambassador’ for poverty pimps Atos Origin (1).

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Save Our NHS Day of Action: Saturday July 9th

31-05-2011 08:12

The campaign against the government's plans for the NHS is at a crossroads. Overwhelming opposition, from ordinary people, the BMA, the NHS Federation, the RCN, the unions and even the Liberal Democrat spring conference has forced them onto the back foot.

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** j30 - Generalise the Strike - Day of action against the cuts **

29-05-2011 16:13

30th June 2011 may well turn out to be the most important step forward in a mass fight against public sector cuts. Hundreds of thousands of workers could be involved in strike action, from as many as four or five different unions including NUT, PCS, UCU and ATL.

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HSBC recruits 'sons and daughters' of execs as interns

27-05-2011 10:27

The Financial Times has helpfully revealed what we always suspected about the 'establishment' after its legal department implied it offered work experience only to the sons and daughters of its own executives.

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Cambridge Atos Are Occupied Again.

26-05-2011 22:49

Nope, I don't watch Corrie either...
On Wednesday afternoon (25-05-2011) for the second time this month, a small but significant crowd of activists converged upon the Hills Road offices of Jobcentre Plus subcontractor Atos, to protest against the brutally arbitrary way they assess sick and disabled people, considering most of their 'clients' to be 'fit for work', even if they're not.

All part of David Cameron's beautiful vision for a fairer and more just 'Big Society', involving asset stripping everything in the public sector, including the Welfare State.

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Poltical repression Italian style: students placed under house curfew

26-05-2011 10:44

We are not afraid
On Wednesday 25th May, police forced their way into the homes of 6 Padua University students. All have been active in the movement of recent student protests that have shaken several Italian cities, culminating in the December 14th mass protest in Rome. This follows the significant growth of the European movement fighting against attacks on labour rights, welfare cuts, and the marketisation of education, all under a common banner of “We won't pay your crisis”.

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Cambridge Debating Union Besieged as Eric Pickles Visits.

25-05-2011 11:03

Shock revelation: Debating Union used for public discourse!
Yesterday evening (Tuesday 24-05-2011), several dozen protestors descended upon the Cambridge University Debating Union building in response to the society booking Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. An ironic job title if ever there was one, as this man has presided over some of the most brutal cuts to our public services that we've witnessed for a generation.

This is the same man who in 2009 went on the record as claiming expenses for his parent's home, which is just eight miles from his own (!

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Draft Proposal to Replace the Manifesto 'Real Democracy Now'

24-05-2011 11:25


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Sheffield Anarchist Book Fair 2011: Anarchism 101

24-05-2011 10:37

Attached is a recording of a session held at the Sheffield Anarchist Book fair on 21st May 2011 titled, Anarchism 101, and described as:

Everything you wanted to know about anarchism/libertarian communism but were afraid to ask. A panel discussion featuring members of the Anarchist Federation , Solidarity Federation and the Commune .

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This revolution is sponsored by you!

24-05-2011 10:21

Food tent, Plaza Catalunya
Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards are decending on their cities' main squares to demonstrate their indiganation in actions that many commentators are comparing to the movements to have recently graced the Arab world. A fair comparison? Something new to Europe?

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Free Love and Socialism Cycle Ride: 17th June

22-05-2011 16:39

Edward Carpenter
Fiday 17th June is the longest Friday of the year and we will be kicking off Bike Week for CycleSheffield. The theme of this ride is Free Love and Socialism: a ride to see the Millthorpe house where Edward Carpenter (1844-1929) - a nationally and internationally renowned radical, socialist activist, writer and thinker, advocate of free love, early gay activist and ‘bohemian’, – and sandalmaker – lived from the 1880s to the 1920s.

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Tahrir Square Spreads to Spain

20-05-2011 00:24

Tahrir Square Spreads to Spain

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by the citizens and for the citizens

19-05-2011 18:59

It does not support any political party: it is a movement by the citizens and for the citizens

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Sheffield Save Our NHS - Demo - March to City Centre - Saturday 28th May

19-05-2011 13:07

Save Our NHS
The Coalition Government is planning major changes to our Health Service. A wave of cuts has been announced across the country and private companies are queueing up to profit from our health and ill health.

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Workfare Enquiry

16-05-2011 07:19

This is a questionnaire for benefits claimants in the UK who have been forced onto work for your benefit schemes. It will be used as an organising tool by campaigns opposedto the scheme.

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Atos Origin Protests Across the UK – full round up

15-05-2011 15:06

A successful week of actions called by disabled, claimants and anti-cuts groups protesting against ATOS Origin took place this week. Atos are the private company milking millions of tax payers money from the testing of disabled people through their tick box computer Work Capability Assessments. Over 50 groups supported the week of action which saw pickets, demonstrations and protests in every major city in the UK.

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19 and 20 May: Egyptian worker activists speak in Liverpool and London

13-05-2011 13:00

On 19 and 20 May, leaders of Egypt's new, independent trade union movement will be speaking in Britain.
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