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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Mayday marching

02-05-2007 08:54

A re-assuring 2/300 people joined the autonomous bloc on the TUC March yesterday for a good natured and increasingly liquid stroll through London to Trafalgar Square. As ever police presence was high and way over the top but the march passed without incident and no arrests were made.

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Cuba.May Day

02-05-2007 01:41

Multitudinal parades took place in all Cuba for the International Workers Day’s. Workers, students, housewives and retired workers, massed in the main plazas to join Cuba’s struggle against terrorism...

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May Day Picket of Liverpool Army Recruitment

01-05-2007 19:22

The neatest banner in the world is successfully attached.
After turning away from the lure of warm beer and a cover of John Lennon's Imagine at the official Merseyside TUC rally, ten activists from the Liverpool Social Forum picketed the Army recruitment office on James Street, to try and stop young scousers fighting and possibly dying for oil in the Middle East.

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Chesterfield Mayday

01-05-2007 19:17

The Bank Holiday TUC Rally and Demonstration meets at Chesterfield Town Hall for a march through the streets to New Square on Monday 7th May.

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Quick Report from Dancing in The Streets London Mayday Street Party

01-05-2007 18:06

The street party is still going on with around 80 people near to Canary Warf in east London. Hundreds of police and security guards are in the area.

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Low-Key May Day March and Rally in Liverpool

01-05-2007 17:35

March sets off from St George's Plateau
About eight hundred people - including many from the striking Public and Commercial Services union - marched through Liverpool city centre this afternoon, in an event organised by Merseyside TUC.

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Mayday, Germany: Anti-Nazi rally turns into Riots

01-05-2007 16:26

before the riots
Germany, Dortmund. 2000 antifascists gathered in Dortmund on tuesday afternoon to protest against 1500 neo-nazis who try to use mayday for fascist propaganda. After the police declared the anti-fascist protest illegal and tried to desperse it, the protest turned into heavy riots.

on tuesday afternoon.

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Sheffield Mayday 2007

01-05-2007 16:16

Over 4,000 members of the PCS were on strike today in Sheffield to oppose cuts, privatisation and pay cuts, over a dozen city centre offices were picketed. Strikers joined other protestors for a march and rally from Moorfoot to the Town Hall.

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PCS strike kicks off Sheffield Mayday action

01-05-2007 16:03

Civil Servants across Sheffield have been on strike in impressive numbers as part of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) Union's second one day strike against government attacks on pay, job cuts and increasing privatisation of public services.

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Mayday: Riots in ISTANBUL

01-05-2007 15:07

In Istanbul, Turkey, mayday protests turned into heavy riots when police tried to stop several thousand protesters to reach central Taksim-place in Istanbul where in 1977 500 000 people celebrated mayday and where police-snipers killed 36.

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In Defence of Work Conditions: PCS Strike and Rally in Birmingham

01-05-2007 14:48

not a very impressive turn-out!

About 70 people turned out today for a rally in Chamberlain square, Birmingham, called and organised by the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS). The event was one of many events up and down the country.

Earlier in the day, groups of workers picketed in various locations as part of a national discontinuous strike on May 1st. The PCS had launched a national campaign in defence of jobs, services, pay and work conditions. Their demands include no compulsory redundancies and relocations; no more outsourcing without consultation and agreement; fair and equal pays and decent work conditions.

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Mayday Dancing in The Streets meeting point

01-05-2007 14:16

A street party in corporate London on Tues May 1st 2007

Meeting Point:
5pm by the clocks
Reuters Square / Canada Square
The south side of Canary Wharf - London

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Claimants Support Job Centre Strikers

01-05-2007 12:57

Claimants in Norwich joined the picket line at the Job Centre in support of the demand made by striking PCS union members.

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More about precarity: Mayday Milan Call

30-04-2007 23:56

The feature on Mayday speaks of "the precarious". In Milan, the Mayday activists have sent out a Mayday call that explains a bit more about the condition of precarity. Its about Italy, and each Mayday has its own story, but they are connected in many ways, too.

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BNPs Secret Plan for ‘Apartheid’ in UK

30-04-2007 21:26

Former British Nationalist Party activist, turned anti-fascist campaigner, Matthew Collins, Director of Searchlight's Operation Wedge, has revealed the inside truth about the BNP’s plans for apartheid in Britain, and how to defeat the far right.

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Fron CUBA, this 1st May...

30-04-2007 20:02

Este 1 de mayo de 2007 es la fecha de lanzamiento de Cubainformación, un proyecto comunicativo cuyo objetivo está resumido claramente en su lema: ser “una brecha en el bloqueo mediático” a Cuba...

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Mayday Teachers March in Oaxaca, Government Workers break police barricades

30-04-2007 18:42

On 1 May 2007, as the world marches for Labour Day and Workers Rights, Oaxaca, Mexico, will see Section 22 of the teachers union march on the zocalo.

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Presidential Candidate Wants to Supplement Social Security

30-04-2007 13:52

The Social Security Administration was established in 1937 under the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, it was an important part of Roosevelt’s New Deal to America; now 70 years since the system was introduced, Stewart Alexander, Candidate for President, wants to give more to an aging America.
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