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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Electricians return their new contracts Glasgow Friday 6th 10am

03-01-2012 22:16

From Facebook:!/groups/264935423529258/

Sparks Against de-skilling and 35% Pay Cuts

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Jeremy Clarkson insults Asians

02-01-2012 16:18

Not content with broadcasting Anders Breivik style calls for the shooting of public sector workers and saying the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals, BBC presenter Jeremy Clarkson has been accused of racism after insulting Indian people in a Top Gear Xmas show, just two days after Indian student Anuj Bidve was shot dead in Salford.

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Which way forward for the 99%? General Strike 1st May 2012!

01-01-2012 12:30

Build Power & Show Power through Mass Participatory Bold Action

To show our power, on May 1st, 2012, we will be organizing for such a mass participatory and bold collective action: a national general strike, mass boycott, student strike/ walk-out and mass day of action. We will be organizing within our unions- or informal workplace organizations where there’s no union or the union isn’t supportive- to hold a one-day general strike. Where a strike is not possible, we will be organizing people to call in sick, or take a personal day, as part of a coordinated “sick-out”. Those who are students will be walking-out of their schools (or not showing up in the first place). In the community, we will be holding a mass boycott and refusing to make any purchase on that day.

We, the 99%, will build our power and show our power until we've occupied our workplaces, our communities, our schools, our lives, our world... until we've occupied everything!

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The managed decline of Liverpool

31-12-2011 20:34

After the working class took to the streets and rioted the last thing the ruling class wanted was an unmanaged decline of working class areas...

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Workplace death survey results published

30-12-2011 13:50


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Longshore Workers, Truckers: Shut the Ports, Coast to Coast!

30-12-2011 01:23

Ports up and down the West Coast were blockaded, from Seattle to San Diego. Despite a barrage of hostile propaganda in the media, opposition from union bureaucrats and heavy police repression in some places, overall the blockade was successful – this time. The blockade was called in solidarity with longshore workers fighting a union-busting assault in Longview, Washington and with port truckers seeking union recognition in the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach. This support should have been greeted. Instead, the union bureaucracy attacked the port blockade, although longshore workers respected the picket lines. But now the class war on the West Coast docks is coming to a head, and it can’t be waged from the outside. Bay Area labor has called for a caravan to Longview. The goal should be a real occupation of the terminal by the workers to prevent the loading of the scab cargo. Longshore militants have called on the longshore unions to shut down every port on the West Coast, and the East and Gulf Coasts, to smash EGT’s union-busting. Can it be done? Yes, but only though sharp struggle against the pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy.

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Leicestershire Rank and File Meeting - further details

24-12-2011 10:56

Planning meeting to organise a Leicestershire rank and file conference

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No sell outs - link the strikes!

23-12-2011 12:06

January rank and file planning meeting in Leicester

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All UK Anti-Austerity Campaigns Proven RIght!!

20-12-2011 23:21

An investigation by the Public Accounts Committee has calculated there is £25 BILLION in outstanding corporate tax, which is bigger than the UK budget deficit for 2002. This report vindicates UK Uncut, Occupy groups and anti-austerity protests, and in terms of the movement breaking-out of its cultural ghetto and linking with mass culture, the most important lesson for radicals is that there is outrage about this "from across the political spectrum", with even the right-wing Daily Telegraph admitting that "Conservatives should support left-wing campaign groups when they’re in the right".....

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Open Letter To Occupy London from 2 Working Class Old Buggers

20-12-2011 19:14

An Open Letter To Occupy London from Two Working Class Old Buggers in an attempt to make some practical suggestions based on what has been attempted by some so far:

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A Working Class Alternative to Public Service Pension Cuts

20-12-2011 18:00

Union bosses defend their own interests, not those of workers
This afternoon, Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander announced an outline agreement with unions for huge cuts in public service pensions. His statement followed yesterday's declaration by TUC general secretary Brendan Barber that "we have seen a new atmosphere in the negotiation". But this "new atmosphere" was not the result of the government finally seeing the light and backing away from its attack on the living standards of millions. On the contrary, it was due to union bureaucrats dropping their phoney opposition, and settling down to their task of presenting utter defeat as victory.

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University of Birmingham threatens BUCU right to strike

20-12-2011 12:48

Following the November 30 strike, BUCU were sent a confidential document by UoB HR which threatens BUCU through claims that members behaved unlawfully and/or unreasonably during the picketing on 30th November.

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Swindon Anarchists target tax dodgers

19-12-2011 09:05

Some of the group outside Topshop
Saturday the 17th of December saw the Swindon Anarchists (with a little help from Bristol) taking to the streets as part of a national day of action against banks and tax dodgers called by UKuncut.

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50 Dead & 500 wounded by riot police in Kazakhstan

16-12-2011 10:50

Today, at Kazakhstan’s independence day, more than 3000 people assembled peacefully in Zhanaozen, to promote the demands of the oil workers who have been on strike since May. Police and special forces attacked the meeting and opened fire on the strikers and their families.

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Support the Sparks – Glasgow, Sat. Dec.17th 10am

15-12-2011 20:04

Support the Sparks – protest against the lack of media coverage – BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay, Glasgow, Saturday 17th December, 10am-1pm

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The Public Sector workers’ Strike on November 30

14-12-2011 21:29

On November 30th an estimated 2 million public sector workers went on strike in Great Britain, making it the biggest protest since the General Strike in 1926. Several of the big public sector unions called out its members currently in receipt of a public sector pension scheme to strike against the huge

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Sicko Tory MP in Nazi stunt

12-12-2011 00:00

David Cameron and Aidan Burley
David Cameron's friend Tory MP Aidan Burley says he's the "candidate for Berlin East" and high-fives David Cameron while his brother and friends dress in SS uniforms and chant Nazi slogans.

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The Unilever Strike and the Case for Classwide Solidarity

09-12-2011 17:41

Picketers at Port Sunlight - a village financed by the original company owners
More than two and a half thousand UK-based Unilever staff took strike action today, in protest at the company's plans to attack their pension scheme. But the very fact that such attacks are taking place in the private sector as well as the public sector raises the case for classwide solidarity, and an end to union-imposed isolation.

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A Rolling Festive Phone-in to Atos 'Healthcare'

09-12-2011 15:22

As part of the National Month of Festive Action Against Atos we are calling for a rolling mass telephone complaint to poverty pimps Atos in the run up to Christmas.
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