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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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Free film: 56a Infoshop, London: Our Daily Bread (Sun 29th)

20-11-2009 11:01

Our Daily Bread
FULL UNEMPLOYMENT CINEMA presents (once again)

OUR DAILY BREAD, Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 2005 (92m) + short
at 56a Infoshop, London

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Fruit of the Loom Campaign VICTORY! - Honduran Union sign historic agreement

20-11-2009 10:39

Students take action
In the last few days Fruit of the Loom/Russell have agreed to meet People & Planet’s campaign demands to reopen the Honduran factory, re-hire all 1200 workers who have been without jobs for 10 months or more and make historic steps towards respecting union rights in the future. View details of the agreement

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Vestas Event tomorrow (sat): Push the Green Button-the Revolution is ON!

20-11-2009 08:31

The Vestas Occupation and continuing campaign caught the imagination of many labour and environmental activists. With Copenhagen coming up, the campaign is bringing together it's disparate elements... Gather in St James Square, Newport, Isle of Wight with friends, colleagues & family. Meet like-minds, swap ideas, and forge new connections for the challenges ahead. At 12 noon ex-Vestas workers who occupied their factory in July, lead the countdown and PUSH THE GREEN BUTTON as we declare the REVOLUTION... ON!

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Wildcat Strike at Risley Prison

18-11-2009 17:19

Prison officers at Risley Prison in Warrington and at two prisons in Lancaster took part in wildcat strikes today in solidarity with staff in Liverpool, who walked out on Tuesday. The strike by hundreds of officers forced the governor of HMP Liverpool to bow to the pressure and agree to talks with the Prison Officers’ Association (POA).

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Black Flag 229 released online, 230 launched

17-11-2009 14:55

Following a successful launch at this year's London Anarchist Bookfair, the Black Flag collective is releasing its previous issue, 229, online as a PDF download and is also offering a teaser to the new magazine.

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For the life and freedom of Cesare Battisti

17-11-2009 00:44

Cesare Battisti is on hunger strike since friday, november 13th, in a brazilian prison he is being kept for more than two years, even after he was granted a political refugee status by brazilian government.

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Immigrant workers arrested in factory raid

16-11-2009 09:26

Police and immigration officers arrested 23 workers at a clothes factory in Ardwick, Manchester, last Wednesday as part of a massive raid to catch people working illegally.

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Gerrard Winstanley 400th Anniversary Celebration

15-11-2009 23:40

Details of a celebration to be held in honour of the life and work of Digger leader Gerrard Winstanley

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US Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Three-Day Fact-Finding Mission in Honduras

14-11-2009 17:28

Citing a “serious deterioration of human rights since the coup,” Schakowsky reflected on the executive decree PCM-M-016-2009 (declaring a state of siege) published on Sep. 27 which was set in place to supposedly defend national security and public order but that “seems to be defined as anything that is said against the coup.”

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Security Alert: Omali Yeshitela and Uhuru delegation determined!

12-11-2009 13:09

For more information call: 727.821.6621
Security Alert: Omali Yeshitela and Uhuru delegation determined to attend Sierra Leone workers conference despite martial law.
Supporters of human rights for African people alerted to protest if the government attempts to deter the delegation.

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México. Paro Nacional 11 N 1er. Reporte

11-11-2009 13:22

En los primeros minutos de este dia 11, jornada de Paro Nacional en México, se confirma PARO TOTAL Y CIERRE de los siguientes centros de estudio

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Climate Change Films Sun 15 Nov 7pm Glasgow Social Centre

10-11-2009 21:31

Climate Change Films
Sunday 15th November
7pm - 9pm
Glasgow Social Centre
66/68 Osborne Street
G1 5QH

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U.S. Black Leader Omali Yeshitela travels to Sierra Leone for historic conferenc

10-11-2009 20:56

Omali Yeshitela, leader of the Uhuru Movement and Chair of the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations is traveling with a delegation to Freetown, Sierra Leone November 13. Yeshitela will be an observer and speaker at the historic launch of the African People’s Socialist Party in West Africa.

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Brighton Refuse Workers Suspend Industrial Action To Allow Further Negotiations

10-11-2009 16:32

Negotiations have moved in the right direction which means negotiators were able to put the revised offer to the members who agreed to suspend action for 21 days

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The Crisis

10-11-2009 11:57

The crisis in modern society isn’t just about economics. It’s about the crisis in the environment too and about the crisis in international relations. Several major wars are being fought “on our behalf” whilst worldwide rabid nationalism., fascism and fundamentalism are making headway. All of these crises effect each other. We need to examine the effects of these crises, how they interconnect and whether a solution to these problems is possible.

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Brighton Cityclean workers to consider new offer to resolve dispute

10-11-2009 08:32

Following the commencement of industrial action by Cityclean refuse workers and street sweepers in Brighton the Council has made a new offer to end the dispute.

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No to Welfare Abolition National Meeting

09-11-2009 22:52

The Welfare Reform Bill is a massive attack on the disabled, single parents, unemployed workers and workers in the Department for Work and Pensions and we cannot allow it to be implemented. 

14th November is our chance for welfare and disability rights activists, members of unemployed workers' groups and trade unionists to get to together, build links of solidarity and plan our struggle. If you are organising against welfare abolition or want to start doing so, please make sure people from your group come along!

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Workers' Fightback: Union tops sabotage posties and firefighters/Austria university occupations

09-11-2009 20:25

We support... rank and file workers' struggles against the chaotic profit system!

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!

We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!

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Constructing cultures of resistance

09-11-2009 02:39

Free Derry - a community of resistance
A member of Cambridgeshire Anarchists on creating communities of resistance. This is an individual’s perspective and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the whole group.

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Notts council workers rally for jobs

07-11-2009 16:02

On Thursday 5th November, several hundred workers at Nottinghamshire County Council held a protest against proposed job cuts and attacks on their terms and conditions.
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