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UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive

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BNP Candidate Pleads Innocence

30-04-2007 10:13

BNP Candidate Pleads Innocence-We dont believe him

A MIDLAND BNP candidate who likes to dress up as a German trooper to re-enact World War Two battles, has denied having any sympathy with Adolf Hitler or the Nazis.

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The Points-Based Immigration System: Making Migrants Work for Britain

30-04-2007 08:41

The new Points-Based System (PBS), will gradually come into force in 2008. According to the Home Office, the "starting point is that employers should look first to recruit from the UK and the expanded EU before recruiting migrants from outside the EU".

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Birmingham Mayday: striker's rally

29-04-2007 21:46

The PCS union (public and commercial services union) has called a national day of strike action on May 1st over jobs, pay and services.

The PCS' national campaign demands:

• No compulsory redundancies
• No compulsory relocations
• No more outsourcing without consultation & agreement
• Fair & equal national pay
• Adequate resources & decent working conditions

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BNP Councillor to face new probe

29-04-2007 21:11

A BNP councillor who wrote a controversial song about Savile Town will face an investigation after all following a fresh complaint from Labour MP Shahid Malik.

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Fraudster stands as BNP candidate

29-04-2007 11:15

AS IF THE BNP did not have enough councillors with criminal convictions, one of the partys candidates in Barnslev South Yorkshire, turns out to be a disgraced former magistrate with a conviction for fraud.

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BNP Candidates Nazi Shame

29-04-2007 11:13

A BRITISH National Party activist who claims he is a respectable businessman is really a Nazi fanatic who dresses in German uniform and flies a swastika flag.

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"The End Game" video stream- the anti-war movement and the Democrats

29-04-2007 00:32

As the debate intensifies over the Iraq war funding, this new Labor Beat video examines the complicity of the Democratic Party in the war, against the backdrop of recent 4th anniversary of war protests. Video stream and dvd ordering info

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Dear PM Tony Blair,

28-04-2007 20:53

Re: Your ‘British Values’ are Alien to Our Human Values

Sir, this is an open letter to you, and I’d prefer that you respond to me openly, and act upon it in the short time that you have left. I know it is long, but there is no short way of putting it. The Home Secretary and the Minister of State for Immigration both have my contacts, or you can reply on my email below. Mr Prime Minister, we are all puzzled

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"The End Game" video stream- the anti-war movement and the Democrats

28-04-2007 13:20

As the debate intensifies over the Iraq war funding, this new Labor Beat (Chicago, IL) video examines the complicity of the Democratic Party in the war, against the backdrop of recent 4th anniversary of war protests. Video stream and dvd ordering info

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TUC supports formal investigation into migrant worker underclass

28-04-2007 12:10

Following the BBC exposé of licensed gangmasters Focus Staff Limited, the TUC has today (Thursday) called for a thorough investigation into all the agencies and labour suppliers involved.

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Welcome to Democracy

27-04-2007 20:50

Has anybody fallen down with shock, with the revelation by the United Nations on Wednesday 25/4/2007, that the Iraqi Government has refused to co-operate with providing factual information, relating to the number of deaths, for this year, inside of democratic Iraq.

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Big Issue Magazine Seller Calls Police to Arrest Young Muslim Girl

27-04-2007 13:11

A young Muslim girl was arrested by police outside Sainsburys in Ladbroke Grove at noon on 27 April after being accused of illegally selling the Big Issue magazine on private property and "stealing money" from another Big Issue seller.

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Election Circus Comes to Town! Brummagem Star issue 1

27-04-2007 11:42

Brum Star p1
Roll Up! Roll Up! The political equivalent of Billy Smart's Circus with be in your area! Clowns to the Left and Jokers to the Right, can the rest please stay in line and do as you are told. Thank you and have a nice day.

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Wolverhampton's 13th Annual May Day Festival

27-04-2007 10:58

WOLVERHAMPTON's 13th annual MAY DAY FESTIVAL Tuesday 1st May 2007 7pm - 11pm
Pegasus Pub Function Room, Craddock Street, Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton

details on

The 13th Annual May Day Festival organised by Wolverhampton May Day Committee,
has been sponsored this year by: West Midlands Fire Brigades Union & West Midlands UNISON and Midlands TUC. It’s theme is: Keep Wolverhampton a fascist-free zone.

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Iraqs “Selected Neighbourhoods”

25-04-2007 16:11

The true intention of the US occupation of Iraq , has been exposed once more with the construction of a so-called security wall “around Sunni districts that are surrounded by Shia areas.”

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London Mayday 07' - Join the Autonomous Workers Bloc!

25-04-2007 09:15

Join the Autonomous Workers Block 12pm Clerkenwell Green behind the red and black flags.

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Justice for Cleaners visit Lloyds.

24-04-2007 20:51

The latest city big hitters to be exposed for their dedicated effortsd to increase the gap between rich and poor are none other than Lloyds. The gleaming eyesore that is Lloyds city HQ is cleaned by contracters McLellan. Not only do they pay the cleaners a mere £5.35 an hour for working long unsocialble hour but also refuse to recognise the union. Cleaners are also on the minimum holiday allowance and have zero sick pay. Compare that to the seven figure salaries that others in the building are on and the injustice is clear. There are also reports that staff who have joined the union are being intimidated.

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Mayday Party

24-04-2007 20:30

1st May 07
A benefit for migrants' and refugees' rights;
regualrisation for all & an end to detention and deportation

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Urgent upcoming rally: Free Mumia now!

23-04-2007 23:47

Mumia Abu-Jamal is an innocent man!
Free Mumia Now!
Mumia's life is in danger - mobilise now!

Rally, sponsored by the Partisan Defence Committee

Saturday 5 May, 1 pm
University of London Union, Room 3C&D,
Malet Street, London WC1

Abolish the racist death penalty!

Contact the PDC on 020 7281 5504 or at for more information and to help build the rally. Distribute the attached leaflet to your friends, fellow workers and organisations.

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Sheffield Mayday Rally - 1st May

23-04-2007 18:43

Sheffield Mayday March and Rally
The Sheffield Trades Union Council has called a Mayday march and rally, assemble at 11am at Moorfoot and march to a rally at noon at Sheffield Town Hall.
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