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UK Repression Feature Archive

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Another Squatted Social Centre Taken, and our Freedom

18-10-2005 16:37

Circle Community

The Circle Community Centre at the old St.Georges Theatre 49 Tufnell Park Rd, London was occupied just over a year ago, but sadly was evicted last week by 30 police and and 10 bailiffs. [1] [2]

It will be fondly remembered not least for indymedia's 5th Birthday party, but also for the many workshops and events held there over the years, and their work with the local community. To hear an Audio interview on the eviction.

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London Critical Mass under threat

04-10-2005 00:15

On Friday 30th September, those who joined London's monthly Critical Mass ride, found themselves being issued with letters from the Metropolitan Police, threatening arrests at future Critical Mass rides, unless the 'organisers' give notice of the route at least six days in advance, and warning that the police can impose restrictions on the rides once the advance notice has been given.The letter stated that the police are reviewing their 'policy' towards critcal mass

Read Letter to Met Police Commissioner from Jenny Jones; Green Party Member of the London Assembly, The Mayor’s Road Safety Ambassador and Member of the Metropolitan Police Authority.

NEW: Audio interview with Jenny Jones (12th Oct)

A callout has been issued to make October's London Critical Mass the biggest one yet.

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Terror profiling nets innocents

28-09-2005 12:00

Tube Photo
If you think that the police's profiling of terror suspects is something that only happens to other people - think again. Software developer, David Mery, in provided an exclusive radio interview about how he was arrested when he drew the attention of police on the London Underground three weeks after the bomb attacks of July 7th and a week after the failed bomb attacks of the 21st July.

Davids 'crime'? - wearing a rucksack along with an 'unseasonal' jacket and checking his phone messages while waiting for his train. Luckly for David the police refrained from following the shoot-to-kill policy that had resulted in the tragic death of Jean Charles De Menezes less than a week earlier. Instead, they closed Southwark tube station and cordoned off the whole area while the bomb squad checked his bag. Eventually, finding nothing but a laptop in his bag, the orginal officers appologised then arrested anyway. His home was searched and his computers confiscated. You could be next.

[ exclusive interview | Davids account 1,2 | profiling | bloggers unite ]

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Merseyside Police to get Tasers

15-09-2005 12:40

A Taser is an electronic stun gun. Technically they are classed as a 'less lethal' alternative to a normal firearm, however concern about deaths resulting from their use is growing in the US where they have also been issued to beat officers.

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Demolition Threat in Glasgow

25-08-2005 09:41

sighthill united

Glasgow Housing Association seek undemocratic demolition solution for Sighthill housing estate in Glasgow. Tenants continue to fight against housing privatisation agenda, as 1,200 homes come under threat.
[Stocktransfer Info | Defend Council Housing | City Strolls | MSP vs. tenant debate in SenScot]

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IWW join forces with SSP to repell Scottish parliament's protest retaliation

25-08-2005 09:31

The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) join forces with the Scottish Socialist Party to lobby against financial sanctions enforced by the Scottish Parliament versus initially four parliamentarians who protested in the chamber against the ban of the 6th of July demonstration against the G8 at Gleneagles.
According to the "Industrial Worker", the radical syndicalist labour union's newspaper, the loss of £30 000 in wages will not only punish the protesters, but will also unjustifiyably effect their employees.
Campaigners and fellow members of the IWW call for a protest on 6th of September at 9am outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh and/or to sign an online petition and/or write protest letters to the presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament. [ "Scottish Parliament to Dock IWW Members' Pay" | "The Day Democracy died" | Wikipedia on the SSP]

More links:
[ Industrial Workers of the World | Edinburgh IWW | Petition online | IWW on Wikipedia | A graphic history of the IWW]

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Wheelchair banned from Derby G8 protests

18-08-2005 09:04

A disabled man was banned from taking part in a critical mass (bike ride) with his weelchair at the G8 environment ministers meeting in Derby earlier this year (March 17th). Now he has dropped his case against Derbyshire police for disability discrimination after he learnt that the police had a get-out clause in the Disability Discrimination Act, which said that the act did not apply to the force if it was protecting national security.

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'Stop the Arms Trade, Shut Down DSEi, Stop Making Murder Profitable'

17-08-2005 08:03

DSEi suits

Bombs on the underground, bombs in Iraq, guns in Harlesden, Euston, Kings Cross, in the car and under your pillow, destroying the lives of men women and children, and destroying the world in which we live, all sold to you by these nice men and women in suits, who only do this job because, "if I didn't, someone else would"..

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Defend Freedom to Protest

03-08-2005 20:16

The latest legislation which will be used to repress protest is the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act which comes into full force on 1 August 2005. This Act amends previous harrassment and trespass legislation as well as banning all unauthorised protests for about a half a mile around Parliament, requiring that organisers of a protest request permission from the Metropolitan Commissioner 6 days in advance (or 24 hours in not 'reasonably practicable') and allowing him to place potentially stifling restrictions on protests.

Sections 132-138 of SOCP Act were brought in to remove Brian Haw from his continuous peace protest opposite the Houses of Parliament. Brian Haw has been demonstrating against the suffering caused by this government's foreign policy towards Iraq - economic sanctions, invasion and occupation - since June 2001.

Ironically, a High Court hearing on 29 July 2005 found that the law did not apply to Brian because prior authorisations is only necessary for demonstrations that 'start' after 1 August. But this law still affects everyone else who may want to protest in Whitehall, opposite Parliament, or in a large area of Westminster. Even the London Eye is part of the 'designated area'. The weekly anti-war community picket [leaflet] is likely to be quickly targeted.

This new law amounts to the police making political decisions as to who may protest - and how - near Parliament. Campaigners will be openly and peacefully defying the Act in a series of demonstrations at the beginning of August. [Photos and Reports 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]

There will be a Mass Act of Defiance for the Right to Protest on Sunday 7 August at 12 noon in Parliament Square. Apparently other people may be in the area in a non demonstrating capacity.
Sunday: Reports and Photos [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] | Arrests | Video

Website coordinating the protests with loads of useful info about the new law. Other Legal Notes.

Restrictions that can be imposed include where and when the protest may take place, how long it can last and how many people can attend, how much noise can be made and the number and size of banners or placards used.

A network of activists are organising a Freedom to Protest Conference on 23 October 2005 in London.

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EU co-ordinated deportation of Afghani refugees

23-07-2005 23:00

Destitute asylum seekers fleeing from the French police

On Monday July 25th or Tuesday 26th, young failed asylum seekers from Afghanistan will be put on a charter plane at one of the London airports. The charter will then travel to Paris, pick up more young failed asylum seekers from Afghanistan in France for onward transit to Kabul. At least 60 Afghans are expected to be on board.

Reports by Lille Indymedia tell of widespread repression in the form of mass arrests and detention of Afghani refugees since July 14th ahead of the chartered flight. According to Lille Indymedia, a significant number of Afghani refugees have attempted to flee France to seek sanctuary in England. There are also reports of a hunger strike by 51 detained Afghanis that has since been broken up by the French authorities.

Expulsions to Kabul, be ashamed! | NCADC response and model letter | Deportation Alliance

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State of Terror

23-07-2005 18:27

View of the vigil and protest
Since thursday (21/7), authorities have been scouring London in the hunt for at least four people involved in an attempted copycat attack just one fortnight after the multiple bombing on the capital's transport system which left at least 56 people dead. All four 'devices' in the latest incident failed to explode and there were no injuries.

[ reports 1 | 2 ] [ photos Oval | Warren Street | Route 26 bus video + stills ]

A statement posted on an Islamic website in the name of, Abu Hafs al Masri Brigade, an al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility for both sets of London attacks. The group has threatened "a bloody war" on the capitals of European countries that do not remove their troops from Iraq within a month.

The following day was extremely tense with many people expecting a follow up attack because the bombers had left too much evidence behind for them to believe they would not soon be captured. Security around the capital was increased with so-called 'random' stop and searches introduced on London Transport but many people stayed away from the city.

At around 10am (Friday 22/7), police shot dead an unarmed man on a train in south London. They had trailed him from a block of flats which they had under surveillance, allowing him to board a bus and then enter Stockwell Station, despite apparently believing that he was a sucide bomber. [first reports | more on shooting | train driver threatend ]

Transport remained in chaos all Friday and into the weekend with many security alerts, one of which involved armed police at the East London Mosque. Police has since raided several addresses and made at least three arrests. The dragnet extended to Birmingham where one man was arrested under terror laws but later released uncharged.

News of the 'shoot to kill' policy raised urgent concerned from Muslims and non-Muslims alike, especially since the man (now named as Jean Charles de Menezes) turned out to be completely unconnected with the bombers. After police admitted the man was innocent on Saturday a hastely organised vigil was held at Stockwell Station on Sunday 24 morning. [reports and photos - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | audio | video ] A second much larger vigil took place on Monday 25 evening. [Pics and report | Impromptu march | Photos vigil and demo] On the following Wednesday 27 another protest took place outside the Metropolitan police headquarters at Scotland Yard. [Photos and Reports 1 | 2] [Audio interviews]

Full article | 18 comments

G8 Day 2: Thursday 7th

07-07-2005 04:51

Cops watching the crowd

After a long day on the streets [Personal Accounts: 1 | 2] the people that slept at the eco-village awoke to being surrounded by police on the second day on the G8 meetings at Gleneagles. The police stated they had no intention of invading the eco-village, but were concerned about "more disruptions". People were barely allowed to leave the camp all day, with police only letting small groups out at a time if they provided personal information. The police used Section 60 as justification, effectively halting movement from the eco-village. By five pm all actions from the camp had been cancelled and there was consensus to not resist the blockade today, although at times tension rose high as people demonstrated in front of the police lines. However, the anarchists did challenge the police to a football match and claimed victory when the police did not play.[Pics of Eco-Village 1 | 2 | 3]

Meanwhile in Edinburgh, prisoner support actions took place in the early afternoon at Saughton prison near Haymarket station accompanied by Seattle's Infernal Noise Brigade. There was also a spontaneous prisoner support rally in front of the Sheriff Court where at least two people were arrested [pics]. More solidarity actions are planned for tomorrow Friday 8th July. [Prisoner Support Statement | Wombles targeted in Glasgow police operation]

In Glasgow, six people locked down to Weir Pumps, one of the first companies in the UK to win contracts in Iraq. On the other hand, and following explosions in the London tube today, bomb threats were also made and responded to in Edinburgh.

Full Timelines of Events:

Ecovillage timeline | Edinburgh timeline | Glasgow timeline

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G8 Reports: Tuesday 5th July

05-07-2005 13:47

This morning a banner was hung from a tall crane near Edinburgh central train station saying "No More Brown Wash" [full report]. The campaigning group WDM have been critical of both Make Poverty History and the Governments G8 spin [audio: mp3 from crane].

Later in the morning an Anti-Shell demonstration took place outside the Irish Consulate, with people protesting against Shell's plans to turn an area of outstanding natural beauty into an onshore oil refinery. The protest them moved by the streets with yet another over the top police escort [see report | pics]

Meanwhile a small prisonners solidarity demonstration took place outside the Court. On the other hand, police FIT teams have been active in central Edinburgh all day stopping and searching people at random.

Update 20:00: The Legal Support team informs that the Section 60 has now been imposed at the Hori-Zone rural ecovillage. Reports of police helicopters activity in the camp. On a more positive note, an IMC access point is now opperating inside the camp. Also the new Trespass Law has been brought into a effect around Gleneagles suspending open access in the area around the hotel.

Dungavel Protests
Around 1000 people are demonstrating at a rally at Dungavel Detention Centre. Earlier some of the coaches were searched by police who took people's names and addresses - some demonstrators were also temporarily surrounded by police. All is calm, but marches are not allowed around the detention centre and there are thousands of police there. Instead the protestors are listening to some moving and powerful speeches from ex-detainees from the centre. The detainees however have been moved out of Dungavel for the period of the G8. [Photos 1 | 2 | 3]
[see Dungavel Detainee Interview (audio mp3) | Borders at the G8 Feature | IMC Migration Section Amnesty Report on Detention Centres (june)]

Timeline of Events | Legal Update

Unconfirmed reports have also come in of people arriving back in London being questioned under anti-terrorism legislation and filmed.

Full article | 66 comments

Indymedia Bristol Server Seized by Police

28-06-2005 08:56

On Monday, June 27th, Indymedia Bristol's server was seized by the police. An Indymedia volunteer was arrested during the raid on suspicion of incitement to criminal damage. He is now on bail. See Indymedia Bristol Statement (28th June 05):

"We are outraged at the actions of the police. They have completely disabled the entire Bristol Indymedia news service. By their actions they have undermined the principle of open publishing and free access to the media, thereby removing people's opportunity to read and report their own news. This situation has serious implications for anyone providing a news service on the Internet. We do not intend to let this stop us from continuing the project."

IMC Bristol statements [1 | 2] | Imc Bristol Solidarity Page | Full Feature | donate to imc uk | Autistici Server Surveillance | Mainstream Media Coverage

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Tenants occupation in Glasgow

24-06-2005 13:09

Yesterday, Tuesday the 21st of june, tenants from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee occupied the offices of 'Communities Scotland' to protest the run-down of basic services and the erasure of publicly-funded housing in Scotland. They sent out a message that they are organised and willing to resist New Labour's privatisation agenda for housing in Scotland.

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Big Brother is Watching

17-06-2005 21:33

While people are busy being hooked on watching yet another Big Brother
series on TV the fiction rapidly moves towards reality. The UK already
has more CCTV cameras than any other country in the world. Your emails
can be read and the history of your websurfing analysed without a court
order by six government agencies and the Police. Your land line can be
tapped. Your mobile phone acts as a tracking device and vehicles can be
tracked across the country through number plate recognition software.
The Police now have the power to access your NHS records without having
to establish that a criminal act has taken place. The measures taken by
the UK government in the name of the "war on terror" have severly
damaged civil liberties and human rights.

The slide towards a Big Brother state accelerates further this week.
The G8 Justice and Interior Ministers meeting in Sheffield
discussed avenues for advancing the the so-called "war on terror",
national security and combating international crime and illegal
immigration, all of which are likely to have further negative impacts
on civil liberties. For the UK goverment part of this strategy is to
introduce a national identity scheme making it a legal requirement for
its citizens to carry ID cards.

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Smash EDO Take On The Law

15-06-2005 13:17

200 anarchists try to report a crime

Update: A legal observer was arrested on the 16th , and has now been released on bail pending a pre-trial review at Brighton Magistrates court on Thursday 23rd June.

In a spectacular march through Brighton on Saturday June 11th, 150-200 protestors showed that they would not be intimidated by the violence meted out at the May 31 Big Demo at EDO MBM by Sussex police.

After an open mic event on The Level where several protestors spoke out against EDO MBM as well as the draconian Harassment Act interim Injunction brought by the company against peaceful protestors outside their factory, and Sussex Police’s brutality trying to enforce it, the march began.

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Sheffield Prepares to Welcome the G8

30-05-2005 18:35

Sheffield Against the G8

The Justice and Home Affairs ministers from the G8 countries are meeting in Sheffield from Wednesday 15th until Friday 17 June. The issues to be discussed at the Sheffield ministerial meeting include counter-terrorism, migration, law enforcement, the expanded use of DNA and legal affairs. People in Sheffield have co-ordinated a number of actions and events against the G8. Full details of these events and a timeline can be found on the Sheffield Against G8 website.

Sheffield Indymedia G8 coverage | Sheffield Against the G8 | Peace in the Park | Sheffield Stop The War Coalition

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Argentina: Workers Defend Zanon Occupied Factory

23-04-2005 20:21

zanon workers
Neuquen: The workers of Zanon and other social organizations mobilized in front of the central courthouse on April 21 to defend their factory against mounting attacks. At a moment when the courts and government must make a “political and legal decision” concerning the ceramics factory that has been producing under worker control since 2001 – legal attacks, death threats and physical attacks against the workers have increased.

A delegation of 30 workers traveled some 1,200 kilometers to manifest their determination to defend the factory at all costs. Inside the courthouse a small delegation of workers presented a petition with thousands of signatures from all over the world in support of the workers of Zanon who have set an example that workers can produce and manage even better without a boss or owner.


Zanon Kidnap/Torture: [en][es][fr][de][gr]
March for Expropriation Law: [en][es][it]

Links: [Zanon/FaSinPat Site][Grupo Alavío] [Argentina Indymedia][][Zmag: Argentina]

Full article

Caterkillar Taken by Surprise

20-04-2005 10:49


Irlam, April 8th. Workers arriving at the Caterpillar - Perkins site in Greater Manchester were surprised, first by a 30 foot yellow banner with an acrylic image of a Palestinian, head in hands, whose house is being demolished by a Cat bulldozer while an Israeli soldier stands guard.

The banner flew from a mound of grass along the private road to the security gate, the only entrance this morning. Management had hunkered down on red alert with police and dogs on site since 2 a.m. expecting an invasion under cover of darkness, for some reason.

Full Story | Caterkiller Blockaded in County Durham

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