UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Some updates of those early climate camp leavers!
19-08-2007 13:58
Some early reports from some of the groups that left the climate campVideo of climate protesters breaking out of camp in a fan formation
19-08-2007 13:48

Video rushes of people representing themselves for climate action
19-08-2007 13:17

Kids march from Climate Camp - Sunday Action Map
19-08-2007 13:06

Marking the boundary of the proposed third runway in Sipson
19-08-2007 12:59

Audio recording of Climate Camp panel discussion - with star George Monbiot
19-08-2007 12:57

"Armed with peer reviewed science" - parade and leaving camp
19-08-2007 12:55

Climate Camp Scotland Bario - Gettin in amongst it
19-08-2007 12:53

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3 in banner drop at BAA
19-08-2007 12:37

video of a group leaving the climate camp site on day of action
19-08-2007 11:14

compost toilets on the climate camp site - a diy guide
19-08-2007 11:08

Traffic Jams on M4 as Police Set up Checkpoints
19-08-2007 09:23
Police set up checkpoints on both carriageways of the M4 yesterday (Saturday 18th August) causing traffic tailbacks throughout the evening. The disruption was covered in the Guardian and other news outlets.Wise words from Climate Camp (in pictures)
19-08-2007 05:57

Police search polar bear at climate camp
18-08-2007 23:12

Actions at the Ukraine No Border Camp
18-08-2007 22:52
Yesterday was the day of action at the Ukraine No Border Camp. Near the camp are two immigration prisons where people trying to enter the EU are incarcerated. After hearing about the conditions inside the Pavshinov camp, some participants of the No Border camp decided to pay these prisons a visit. These were the first demonstrations against these prisons in the area.Dubstep video of the climate camp - photos video music for screenings
18-08-2007 22:03

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Policing the Police at Climate Camp
18-08-2007 18:00
A personal account of FIT WatchFIT Watch was set up a couple of months ago to oppose and monitor the activities of the Forward Intelligence Teams. These are cops who routinely harass and intimidate protesters (for full background see Whilst we’ve had a presence at a couple of public meetings, Climate Camp has been our first opportunity to practice our tactics in a protest situation
travel centres shut up shop for climate camp
18-08-2007 17:38