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APEC meeting: Sydney Declaration a Climate Distraction

08-09-2007 17:17

APEC Leaders Fashion Statement
While thousands of people protested in the streets of Sydney about the war in Iraq, climate change, and civil liberties, the 21 APEC leaders made a fashion statement on the steps of the Opera House, before meeting inside and signing the Sydney Declaration - a statement on climate change, that is being widely criticised by environmentalists and climate activists.

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Copenhagen Update September II

08-09-2007 16:12

69 small...
More news from Copenhagen - 69 peaceful demos totaling thousands of people, US embassy warns against activists and preparations are underway for big squatting action in October.

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Deportations to Sri Lanka are continuing.

08-09-2007 13:04

Deportations of Tamils to Sri Lanka are continuing despite the new country guidance case. Two families are due to be deported tomorrow, Sunday the 9th September

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Glasgow Employers Getting Away With Murder?

08-09-2007 12:55

GMMC Banner at Glasgow Sheriff Court
Two recent court cases in Glasgow have highlighted weaknesses in the protection offered to employees. As the family of one of the victims' asks: Who says hard work never killed anyone?

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"Not Guilty" in Brutal Glasgow Dawn Raid Case

08-09-2007 11:14

The African woman who found herself charged with 7 counts of police assault after a brutal and humiliating dawn raid on her home was acquitted yesterday. The jury trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court lasted the whole week and represented a further ordeal for a severely traumatised woman.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 36 2007

07-09-2007 17:54

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for September 1st through September7th, 2007.

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Death of ex-detainee 'Constructively deported' to Iraq

07-09-2007 15:09

We have had the very bad news that one of our ex-clients, Solyman
Rashed, has been killed by a car bomb in Kirkuk, after accepting
voluntary return. Our press release is below.

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15th October - Nationwide Day of Local Action against Royal Bank of Scotland.

07-09-2007 14:29

Inspired by Climate Camp for Climate Action 2007? Don't wait till next year to take part in collective direct action ... the 15th October has been called as a Nationwide Day of Local Action against Royal Bank of Scotland.

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Statement from John Bowden

07-09-2007 14:26

After an international campaign in support of John Bowden and in defence of the Anarchist Black Coss, John is to be returned to open conditions.

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Tube strike. They had PLENTY of warning.

07-09-2007 12:30

"We are the RMT..."
One of more nauseating (if predictable) aspects of this weeks strike by RMT maintenance workers was the pitiful claims by the corporate media. The usual ‘They went on strike without warning’ and ‘they sabotaged the negotiations by walking out’ claims have been flying around the national newspapers and TV news. Actually the ballot for strike action was announced VERY publicly (see photos below) 7 weeks before Tuesday’s stoppage.

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Arms Manufacturers in Norwich Blockaded and given a Weapons Inspection

07-09-2007 11:22

Today at 0630am a small group of activists locked shut the gates of Norwich based arms manufacturer MSI.....

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Gagged! #19 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter

07-09-2007 10:53

GAGGED! #19 • September 2007 • http;// • FREE
Read the PDF here:
audio to follow in the next few days

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Australia: Satirical Comedy Prank makes APEC Security a Joke

07-09-2007 08:46

The Chaser Fake APEC Security ID
It took just a few minutes for a satirical skit by comedians to pierce the $250 million Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting security coccoon in Sydney on Thursday. With three black cars, a couple of motorbikes and men in black running alongside, the motorcade breezed through two police security checkpoints arriving outside the Intercontinental Hotel where US President George Bush is staying.

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The Bath Bomb Issue 2 has been released

07-09-2007 02:54

Second monthly radical tabloid, the Bath Bomb is now out. Read on for plain text version.

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Demo at high commission demanding release of Bangladeshi political prisoners

06-09-2007 23:39

There was a demonstration outside the Bangladesh high commision in London today to protest against the manner in which student protests are being crushed in that country and also against the arrest and torture of academics on bogus charges of incitement. The protests occuring in Bangladesh against the 7 month old non-party caretaker government are as a result of the inhumane uprooting of roadside traders, markets and slums, the continually rising price of essentials and the privatisation of many industries at the dicate of the egregious IMF and World Bank.

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Save Tara: Blockading the archaeologists

06-09-2007 21:42

Friday 17 August, the International Culture Conservationists joined the Save Tara campaign in a human blockade to stop the construction company-backed archaeologists from entering the site.

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Space Hijackers Arms Dealers

06-09-2007 19:45

Artists Anonymous & Space Hijackers
Information from today's Space Hijackers press conference

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Barking mad Metronet bosses.

06-09-2007 16:40

Peter Percival screams abuse at press and strikers after attacking camerman.
On Tuesday morning a small group of striking RMT members held a picket of the Metronet headquarters in Holborn. By 9am things had become so surreal that to be honest most of those present were pinching themselves to check they were not dreaming…

Its a funny old world.

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Protesters Strip Trident Bare!

06-09-2007 16:39

Nudes Against Nukes
On Wednesday afternoon a group of cheeky protesters demonstrated the naked truth about Trident by stripping off outside the gates of Faslane naval base in Scotland.

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Supporting the RMT strikers.

06-09-2007 14:34

Telling it like it is
Metronet employees are barred by their conracts from speaking to the media or commenting on the performance of the failed private company they work for. Having said that there is no law stopping supporters of the strikers from attending the picket lines and handing out literature like the leaflett seen below.
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