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Protest against ID cards in Cardiff

08-07-2007 22:35

A group of activists from Cardiff and the surrounding area held a demonstration and march on Saturday against ID cards.

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Pink, Black, Pirate: Taking Stock of Rostock

08-07-2007 15:04

"Black resistance and pink blockades go hand in hand, and pink clowns were defended by black anarchists when the police roughed them up during the actions and demonstrations: pink and black are complementary and not substitutes, like many, including myself, were led to believe in the past few years."

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Indymedia Weekend in Cardiff

08-07-2007 11:50

Media activists from across Wales gathered in Cardiff this weekend for the second meeting of Cymru-Imc-Wales, as part of a packed programme of discussions, actions and entertainment

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Photos from Sheffield Green Fair

07-07-2007 21:43

sunshine for once
A much needed sunny day made the Green fair a very relaxing afternoon out

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Protesters decontaminate the UK's last remaining GM potato trial.

07-07-2007 11:21

During the night of Friday 6th July, a group of activists converged on Britain's last remaining GM trial site just outside Cambridge. They scaled the security fences and destroyed the crop of genetically modified potatoes.

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In Denial Over Terrorism

07-07-2007 08:26


The failed carbombs in the Haymarket on Fri. 29 June and the attempted suicide attack on Glasgow airport on Sat. 30 June have demonstrated the continuing threat of al-Qaeda-type violence in Britain. While much remains confusing or unknown to the public, at the time of writing some insiders believe ‘the leaders of the cell were from overseas but that local “home-grown” extremists may have helped.’(1)

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Fairford Final? Verdicts : 2 Not Guilty, 1 'Guilty' : Stop This Persecution!

06-07-2007 20:18

Fairford Final? Verdicts : 2 Not Guilty, 1 'Guilty' : Stop This Persecution!

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This Week in Palestine – Week 27 2007

06-07-2007 16:03

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 30th through July 6th, 2007.

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Pride 2007. Pitiful counter demos.

06-07-2007 00:49

Another massive mobilisation by the enormous NF.
As always, this years Pride demo attracted the unwelcome attention of society's more unpleasant elements. The protests were so pathetic they would hardly be worth mentioning had they not been so fucking comical.

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Birmingham City Council's Transport Department Scuttles Balsall Heath Carnival's Procession

05-07-2007 23:38

original route of the street procession
This Saturday, July 7th, was going to be the 31st annual street procession for Balsall Heath's Carnival in South Birmingham. For over thirty years Balsall Heath Carnival has led an unhindered street procession winding through the streets of the area ending up in Pickwick Park. This year, however, Birmingham City Council's bureaucrats in the Transportation Department have informed the organisers that they would have to pay exorbitant fees for the street procession to go ahead. The Transportation Department is now demanding the organisers pay for the closure of roads and road diversions, which the organisers along with experienced volunteers performed without incident themselves.

This year's carnival theme is the 'Fairy Tale of Balsall Heath', but the intervention of the Council's Transport Department just over a week before the event, has meant that the street procession looks set to turn into a pumpkin. This year's Balsall Heath Carnival street procession has had to be altered at the last minute. Rather than having the annual street procession with floats and children dressed in Carnival costumes walking through the streets, the procession will now have to walk down Balsall Heath's narrow pavements without it's colourful carnival floats.

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Pride 2007 photos and report.

05-07-2007 23:07

25 years out and proud.
This years Gay Pride saw one of the biggest turnouts ever despite two factors that would have all but destroyed other events.

Firstly the less than efficient al-Quaida wannabe bombers planted two ‘devices’ on the route of the march two days before. This could have led the Police to cancel the procession or a least reroute it through a less glamorous part of town. Then there was the rain that tipped down by the bucket full from beginning to end. Fortunately the LGBT community and their supporters are not so easily put off proving yet again that by comparison heterosexuals just don’t know how to party.

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25/06/07: Monday Love at Parliament Square Peace Camp

05-07-2007 20:38

On Monday 25 June 2007, the Monday Love crew descended on Parliament Square to give out tunes and good vibes to the Peace Camp.

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British Airways Shame London Pride

05-07-2007 14:09

A very wet Saturday and security concerns after the failed car bombs failed to damped the spirits of London Pride 2007, and neither did the pathetic little protests by the National Front and their brethren from the Christian Right. Beer and broll'ies were the order of the day, with the pink pound ensuring plenty of both flowed through the damp streets of London.

(Content and photos may be used freely under the Creative Commons, non commercial, share-alike license. Copyright remains with the author)

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Urgent Action for British resident in Guantánamo Jamil El-Banna

05-07-2007 12:02

Time is running out for North London resident Jamil El-Banna: the Americans have found him innocent and are prepared to release him BUT if the British government does not act fast and allow him to return to his family in the UK, he will be returned to almost certain detention and inhumane treatment in Jordan, his country of origin.

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Statement of Solidarity: Free John Bowden

05-07-2007 10:44

If it is already pathetic that the state cries "terrorists!" when it is reminded of anarchism, then it is too much too bear in the case of John Bowden, a long-term prisoner sitting in isolation.

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No Border organising camp meetings report

05-07-2007 10:36

A really constructive weekend of meetings was held on 30th June and 1st July to plan the No Border camp near Gatwick in September. Around 30 activists from around Britain came to London to discuss and share ideas and skills to figure out how we are actually going to do this!

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Photos: 4th July Independence From America - Part 3

05-07-2007 01:28

Photos from the annual 4th July Independence From America demonstration at NSA Menwith Hill, Part 3 of 3.

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Photos: 4th July Independence From America - Part 2

05-07-2007 01:26

Photos from the annual 4th July Independence From America demonstration at NSA Menwith Hill, Part 2 of 3.

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Photos: 4th July Independence From America - Part 1

05-07-2007 01:23

Photos from the annual 4th July Independence From America demonstration at NSA Menwith Hill, Part 1 of 3.

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GREECE:Disaster in the forests, after huge fires along with commercial interests

05-07-2007 01:19

Parnitha in fire. Photo taken from Athens
Feature of Athens Indymedia on the causes and the consequences of the last week's fires, which destroyed some of the most precious forests of the country. For latest updates check
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