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Two ABC activists wounded at Venezuela demo.

09-11-2007 14:12

A sympathiser of venezuela ABC was shot and a member stabbed at a demo in Venezuela, demanding that the coming referendum on consitutional reform is posponed until early next year. Up to seven other students were wounded when government supporters attacked their demonstration at Venezuela Central University.

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Stirling Primark receives a story telling

09-11-2007 13:35

Activists from Stirling People and Planet decided that the children being dragged round the Primark store by their parents needed to know the truth about where the cotton for their clothes came from.

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Camde planning chief councillor Mike Greene "rules out Camden danger lab".

09-11-2007 04:53

Planning chief Mike Greene, for the first time ruled out the MRC?NIMR bid for Brill Place in Camden after angry locals and animal rights activists "pinned councillors to the wall" in Camden Town Hall.

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Declining hygiene standards lead to 90 deaths at 3 hospitals from C. difficile

08-11-2007 19:35

A report by the government-funded Healthcare Commission has revealed that 90 people died from an outbreak of the infection Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) in three hospitals in the southeast of the country between 2004 and 2006.

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Palestine Today 110807

08-11-2007 14:33

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday, November 8th, 2007.

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Edinburgh: Contempt of Court charges against lefty lawyer in Terrorism case

08-11-2007 14:11

As informed by grassroot group Scotland Against Criminalising Communities, our lefty lawyer Aamer Anwar is likely to face contempt of court charges for disagreeing with the judge in the Siddique "terrorism" case.

At Edinburgh High Court - 23rd of October, Lord Carloway sentenced Mohammed Atif Siddique - convicted last month of "terrorism" offences - to a total of 8 years in jail.

The main point of controversy seem to be the different opinions in if the defendant actually did anything illegal.

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Climate campaigners oppose meddling with the oceans

08-11-2007 11:49

On Monday 5th November climate change campaigners from Camp for Climate Action, Rising Tide and BioFuel Watch took action against geo-engineering (deliberate modification of Earth's environment on a large scale) companies who are hoping to make a great deal of money from carbon credits by encouraging the growth of phytoplankton in the oceans . They claim this will 'sequester' carbon dioxide, a technology known as 'ocean seeding'.

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NIMR / MRC in bid to knock down council estates to make way for vast site.

08-11-2007 04:25

The NIMR / MRC /Wellcome Trust / Cancer Research intend to have Regents Park Estate and Somers Town estates - both council estates to be partially demolished to make way for a vast international science site.

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Palestine Today 110707

07-11-2007 15:01

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday, November 7th, 2007.

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Distribution of free food to become illegal in London

07-11-2007 13:36

London Councils, which represents the 33 local authorities in London has prepared a private bill, the tenth "London Local Authorities Bill" which will make the distribution of free food and refreshments anywhere in London an offence. The bill is to be put in front of Parliament on the 27th November 2007.

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Calais:St Germain' s Café refuse black people

07-11-2007 02:39

In Calais, when you are black, some cafés can refuse you. Without rights to make that.

I am french woman. St Germain stopped me because i was with one black man.

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Birmingham students take a second swipe at BAE Systems

06-11-2007 23:00

Students deliver a damning account of BAE s record to staff and students
University of Birmingham students from the People & Planet Society continued their campaign to kick BAE Systems off campus today by disrupting a recruitment presentation by BAE staff.

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Face to face with Huntingdon Life Sciences

06-11-2007 22:05

This Saturday November 10th protest in Huntingdon against HLS.

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NHS together march.

06-11-2007 15:33

Some pictures from the Demo last Saturday.

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South West - A New Option On Bristol Indymedia - Please Read

06-11-2007 12:18

Bristol Indymedia have now added South West as a new option when uploading articles.

This is an ongoing part of the remodelling of Bristol Indymedia.

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Falode Family Belong to Belfast

06-11-2007 06:22

Aderonke Adenike Falode
Aderonke Adenike Falode from Nigeria is a widow with three children, Dappo, 14, Deery, 12 and Boyeh 8. They lived happily as a family until, her husband died from a heart attack in 2003. After his death, her in-laws said that she must marry her husband's brother and that he would take control of her husband's property. Ronke refused (the brother-in-law is married) and at some stage violence was threatened against her property and those living in it.

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testimony of Nicéforo Urbieta

06-11-2007 02:42

I’m sending out the testimony of our comrade Nicéforo Urbieta, arrested and subsequently released on November 2 in Oaxaca.

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Class War: Bash The Rich Video Rush

05-11-2007 19:33

Rapid cut of footage from Saturday 3 November 2007.

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Mapuche child from the Temucuicui community gunned down by Chilean police

05-11-2007 18:54

Prior to the violent raid that was carried, Tuesday 30th October, in the Mapuche community of Temucuicui, by the institution of Armed Police of Chile, where the minor of 10 years old, Patricio Queipul Millanao, was arterially wounded by the bullets that they cowardly and indiscriminately fired straight at the boy's body.

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Class War - Bash The Rich - FIT Watch

05-11-2007 15:18

03/11/07: Video of FIT Watch at work on the Class War Protest in Notting Hill, London.
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