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UK Promoted Newswire Archive

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Government sits on damning Heathrow noise report

04-10-2007 08:46

Biggest study for 25 years shows numbers affected by noise could be 10 times higher than admitted

Campaign groups urge Aviation Minister to ‘end the lies and the deceit and publish the report

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Tara frontline Action -avin it

04-10-2007 00:36

Tara Valley Action-resistance grows as 30 cultural conservationists stop destruction.

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Update on Smash EDO Action - EDO Workers forced to break window to get to work

03-10-2007 23:51

At 5am Wednesday morning a barricade was built across Home Farm Road, EDO's security fence was breached, superglue was inserted into the keyholes of the factory doors and two activists locked on to the front doors of the factory...

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Campaigners Breach Security at Brighton arms Factory as Iraq Casualties reach 1m

03-10-2007 23:42

Wednesday 3rd October 2007

Smash EDO Press Release

Campaigners Breach Security at Brighton arms Factory as Iraq Casualties Reach One Million
reach One Million

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FITwatch - Faslane Oct 1st

03-10-2007 23:12

MoD OSU cameraman
FIT and police photography units were out at Faslane on October the 1st during the Big Blockade.

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SOCPA - Gordon Brown's 100 days promises in tatters

03-10-2007 22:36

when gordon brown seized power in june, he issued statements promising that in his first 100 days he would review the laws controlling protest in parliament square.
mainstream media widely reported the lifting of bans on protest.
tomorrow is his 100th day - his promises have turned out to be stonking great lies

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Swansea University students launching campaign against Royal Bank of Scotland

03-10-2007 21:50

Campaign Launch meeting at 2pm, 10th October at Swansea University.

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Thousands march in Oaxaca to mark anniversary of 1968 student massacre

03-10-2007 21:29

On Tuesday 2nd October between 2-3,000 students and members of the local popular resistance APPO ( the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca)marched from the edge of Oaxaca city centre to the Zocalo (central square).

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demo at manchester trial

02-10-2007 22:15

RFFJ demonstate at manchester crown court....2 arrests

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Palestine Today – 100207

02-10-2007 17:22

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday October 2, 2007.

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FASLANE 365 "Brief Tale"

02-10-2007 15:32

north gate early morning
Few picture and a little tale.......

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'Die-in' at TOTAL Oil HQ over Burma links

02-10-2007 12:48

out front
Demonstrators dressed in blood-soaked bandages have this morning staged a die-in at French oil company TOTAL's London headquarters in Cavendish Square, W1.

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Total Oil's London offices targeted this morning

02-10-2007 12:47

Total Oil's London offices were targeted this morning in order to highlight the company's involvement with Burma's regime. Total's investments have been earning the regime millions of dollars and have been marked by human rights abuses such as the use of forced labour. Activists staged a die-in and handed out leaflets from the Burma Campaign UK to inform office workers going into the building on what Total is really up to.

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Account of AR UK 2007 & police raid

02-10-2007 11:48

The UK Animal Rights Gathering 2007 was taking place at a sanctuary in Kent last weekend. Over 200 people attended for workshops and discussions on various issues relating to animal rights, and to scoff Veggie's food. The entire event was peaceful and good natured, and made a mockery of a police who raided the site on Sunday.

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Report from Anarchist Black Cross & 325 Benefit event in Brighton

02-10-2007 11:42

via third rail
On Saturday 29 September the Havok, Terra Audio and 325 crew put on an illegal rave in an empty supermarket which they occupied for the purpose.

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Yorkshire Campaigners Take Nuclear Base by Surprise

02-10-2007 10:40

Protestors have managed to close the Faslane naval base in Scotland by surprising the police with a combination of superglue and paint.

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F**k Bupa!

02-10-2007 10:29

A band of jolly joggers took the opportunity to challenge the corporate message at the Great North Run, in Newcastle, 30th September 07.

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Sheffield protest against repression in Burma

02-10-2007 08:08

The Sheffield protest against repression in Burma
Images from The Sheffield protest against repression in Burma

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Sheffield protest against repression in Burma

01-10-2007 20:32

Members of the Karen community in Sheffield were joined by activists and others to express solodarity with those opposing the regime in Burma.
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