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Aberystwyth Activists Arrested at G8

12-06-2007 15:27

Three peace and justice activists from Aberystwyth were arrested during the G8 summit near Rostock in Germany, while taking part in a ‘Global Agricultural Day of Action’ on Sunday 3rd June at a local McDonalds.

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Spontaneous street party breaks out after Stokefest in Highbury

12-06-2007 14:43

Street party with 200 punters and soundsystem breaks out after last Sunday's Stokefest. Very little policing

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Post G8 protest debrief meeting

12-06-2007 13:33

Come to debrief about the G8 protests with others who were involved, either in the UK or Germany.

THURSDAY 14th JUNE from 7pm


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Public meeting to organise Gatwick Area No Border Camp

12-06-2007 09:18

Invitation for a public meeting to organise the Gatwick area No Border camp.

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DAWN RAID in Glasgow this morning

12-06-2007 08:42

This morning at 7.00am the Home Office Immigration Enforcement Team and Strathclyde Police arrested a family at 10 Red Road Court in what was the first dawn raid in Glasgow since the Waku family were taken in March earlier this year.

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Is asking the wrong kind of question now "anti-social behaviour"?

11-06-2007 22:26

It has been confirmed that on Friday 8th June a number of peaceful animal rights activists were physically and forcefully ejected from Cheltenham town hall for asking the 'wrong kind of questions' at a talk given by the Oxford university vivisector Tipu Aziz.

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08/07/2007: International Shell to Sea block and shutdown

11-06-2007 20:25

On Friday samba bands and protestors shut down the Shell garage in Evershagen, Rostock.

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Iraqi Oil Union Victory

11-06-2007 17:52

There is too little good news here sometimes. Here is something important to cheer up the people who supported the striking Iraqi oil workers. Despite having issued arrest warrrants for the Union leaders, the government has agreed to negotiate. So a big pat on the back to anyone who sent an email in support - and if you didn't yet, you still can.

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Pics of Saturday's Rostock Demo, 2nd of June

11-06-2007 17:52

Somebody came up to us in the imc and asked us to put up her pics on indymedia - here they finally are.

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edited audio report from world naked bike ride

11-06-2007 17:27

on sat 9th june, hundreds and thousands of bare bottoms paraded the streets of london on their bikes.
um, why?

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Heathland under threat

11-06-2007 17:24

Hawley Woods
The Rotten Borough of Rushmoor has given the green light to trash heathland within the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.

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Rushmoor lies on fortnightly waste collection

11-06-2007 17:18

Several thousand households in the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor have been involuntary guinea pigs in a six-month trial of fortnightly waste collection. The trial will soon end. No one trusts the corrupt council to fairly evaluate the trial.

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11-06-2007 16:33

On 21st March Carolyn decided to arrest Tony Blair - here's how she got on.

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Press Release: Liverpool Demonstrator Nearly Blinded by G8 Police

11-06-2007 14:51

A British demonstrator at the G8 summit was badly injured by German police water cannon on Thursday 7th June.

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Round up of anti-occupation demonstrations worldwide.

11-06-2007 11:43

This is a collation of the many demonstrations against the illegal occuaption of Palestine which took place around the world at the weekend.

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SOCPA - THE MOVIE World Premiere

11-06-2007 01:29

some stills - trailers coming soon
first showing of this hour-long documentary about the restriction on protest around parliament square. next sunday at noon at the renoir in brunswick square, london with panel discussion to follow

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Final demo in Rostock.

10-06-2007 17:27

On Friday the blockades ended and a few thousand people assembled at Rostock train station for a march down to the harbour. Many were returning from spending the night camped out around Heiligendam. It was unbelievably hot and the occasion had a party atmosphere. The activists had good reason to be pleased with themselves. For a whole week the German state had been defied and the G8 had suffered one publicity disaster after another.

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Laage Airport Blockade. Tuesday.

10-06-2007 17:16

No demos here.
Late report due to restricted net access at the beginning of the week.

The blockade was originally planned for Wednesday. Then it come to light that Mr Bush will by flying in a day early so plans are hastily rearranged. Laage is a military airport and it the middle of nowhere. Upon arrival cops stop the coach and we are told that all demos are banned around the airport for the duration of the G8. However the Police have made an exception as there are thousands of people converging on the area so they offer to escort us to the designated protest area. How considerate of them…

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Video Rush: 07/06/07 - East Gate Blockade Holds Firm, Protestors Take West Gate

10-06-2007 00:23

Video rush of the day's activities on Thursday 7 June, 2007.
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