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Total Out of Burma Demo - Video, Ongoing.

10-02-2008 15:05

Demonstration against TOTAL

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Climate Change TU Conference Report

10-02-2008 12:10

Report on the Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Conference in London on 9th February.

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Day of Action Hits Leeds - Foie Gras, Fur and HLS

10-02-2008 11:09

15 activists held a day of action in Leeds with a number of successes.

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Bio-fuel - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

10-02-2008 10:55

Around 20 activists, some dressed as wolves in sheep’s clothing, visited the D1 Oil refinery in Bromborough on the Wirral, on 2nd February 2008. They were there to highlight the dangerous consequences of large-scale bio-fuel production for the climate and for people worldwide.

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Midsummer House – Thugs Staff…

10-02-2008 00:07

Midsummer House civilised? No it’s just Midsummer McDonalds when it comes down to it!

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Munich: thousands against NATO security conference

09-02-2008 21:58

Thousands of anti-militarists (3,000 according to the police, 8,000 according to the organisers) have today protested against the annual NATO security conference in Munich, South Germany. A demonstration went ahead despite police attempts to ban it. Some 3,700 police were in attendence.

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Kilburn Get Total Out of Burma protest 7th February

09-02-2008 17:01

Eight protesters targeted Kilburn Total petrol station on 7th February at 409 Kilburn High Rd to demonstrate against the French Oil and Gas company. Total funds the brutal regime with hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Total's gas pipeline in Burma was built with slave labour from Burmese villages that were bullied and "relocated" by the junta's army for the pipeline (See

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Two Iranians seized in Brighton

09-02-2008 13:26

Photo outside Home Office
Demonstration against the removal of Mohammad Faraji and Sina Khatibzadeh Davani to Tehran took place on Friday 8th.

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What a load of rubbish

09-02-2008 05:14

Big dump!
This story doesn't have too much to do with the UK. Except that, as the Buddha would say, we're all fundamentally interconnected. Or, to put it another way, one woman's waste is another woman's garden furniture.

And maybe the pics will help to stoke the fire in your belly...

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Students Against EDO pay them a visit

08-02-2008 13:42

This morning at 10.30 10 activists from STUDENTS AGAINST EDO arrived at the EDO MBM factory on Home Farm Road, Moulescoomb for a suprise noise demo.

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"We are here to expose Lockheed Martin, makers of weapons of mass destruction"

07-02-2008 20:41

Trident Ploughshares peace activists again expose Lockheed Martin's UK headquarters near Victoiria Station. US Corporation maintain the first strike Trident nuclear missile system and are developing its replacement.

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Critical Mass 'Have a Go Hero' cleared of all charges in Bristol

07-02-2008 16:16

In May of last year, someone stood in the road and tried to stop a car, who had hit a Critical Mass cyclist off their bike, from driving away. For that he was arrested for obstructing the highway, thrown to the floor by his neck whilst handcuffed, and then - surprise surprise - also arrested for assaulting a police officer.

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Fur-Free Leeds Gets Last Victory - Ryan Vintage Removes Fur!

07-02-2008 16:01

The Fur-Free Leeds campaign have just received confirmation that Ryan Vintage have removed all real fur from sale and a statement has been issued.

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Palestine Today 020708

07-02-2008 15:54

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday February 7th, 2008.

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Occupy, Resist, Produce!

07-02-2008 09:44

When its owners abandoned the Junin Clinic in 2002, its workers occupied and reopened this community health centre in Cordoba, Argentina. They have been fighting ever since to provide affordable health care for all. As their struggle with the state and the private owners of the clinic continues into its 6th year, they are now appealing for messages of solidarity from supporters around the world.

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Zapatistas imprisoned after attack by paramilitaries and police

06-02-2008 23:01

Mexican Government forces continue their attacks against unarmed Zapatista support bases with the shooting, beating and imprisonment of a father and son near Palenque in the lowland region of Chiapas.

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Protest outside Downing Street London 06.02.2008

06-02-2008 22:45

Protest outside Downing Street
Condoleeza Rice

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no work no home

06-02-2008 15:47

In a speech to the Fabian Society, government minister Caroline Flint says no work, no home.

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Palestine Today 020608

06-02-2008 15:34

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday February 6th, 2008.

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London: Photos/video from demo against fascist and state attacks in Greece

06-02-2008 03:14

"Police and Nazis, same shit"
Full report and longer video will be published shortly!
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