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The Hidden Cause of Climate Change

03-09-2007 23:29

Taking a look at an often-overlooked part of the environmental threat to our planet, this is an essential issue for all environmentalists.

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Tara week of action

03-09-2007 20:17

Action Stations Tara Sept 1-7th

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Copenhagen Update September

03-09-2007 19:17

Video Occupied Inland Ice
Current situation in Copenhagen in brief, the fight for free spaces continues and escalates as we reach the 6 month anniversary of the eviction of Ungdomshuset, and a well known (and hated) repressor "loses it".

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Yorkshire Development Agency given a lesson about flooding

03-09-2007 18:57

Yorkshire Forward, Yorkshire's Regional Development Agency which famously starves grass roots community initiatives of funds whilst giving millions to big business, today held a flooding "summit". The summit was closed to local people, and attempted to airbrush climate change from the story. Locals turned up anyway to make the truth known.

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Aviation and Climate Change - a short interview during the Climate Camp

03-09-2007 17:10


During the Climate Camp I spoke with someone from Plane Stupid, a group who has been campaigning on issues surrounding the aviation industry and its disasterous effects on Climate Change. Here is a short interview with explains why we should campaign on the aviation-climate change link. Download below or play the stream.

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Independent report into ICL plastics disaster finds health and safety regime 'da

03-09-2007 11:13

On 11 May 2004, nine workers were killed and more than thirty-three injured in an explosion at the ICL Plastics plant of Grovepark Mills in Maryhill, Glasgow. This was the worst health and safety incident in Scotland since 1988. An independent study into the health and safety regime at the factory before the explosion has now been released.

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Australia: Coal Power Station shut down in APEC climate protest

03-09-2007 02:06

Activists have shut down power generation at the Loy Yang power station in Gippsland's Latrobe Valley in Victoria on Monday morning for five hours, as a protest against inaction on climate change by the Australian Government of John Howard, and policies that maintain the coal power industry and its contribution to climate change at the expense of developing renewable energy production. The action was undertaken to send a message to APEC leaders to take real action on Climate Change and the Kyoto protocol.

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Tara: March to Navan, 15/08/07

02-09-2007 23:38

A short video of a march to Navan, the closest town to the Tara Valley, to drawn public awareness to the destruction of Irish National Heritage.

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Workers Vs Workers Beer Company

02-09-2007 21:02

The controversial leaflet. Management dispute the second section.
Servers who work at events with the Workers Beer Company have set up a union, in an attempt to protect ourselves from the creeping further influence of profit margins on our conditions.

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Australia: Greenpeace activists stage APEC coal protest

02-09-2007 15:43

Greenpeace activists paint "Australia Pushing Export Coal"
Twelve Greenpeace activists have been arrested at the world's biggest coal port at Newcastle, 160km north of Sydney, after painting the message "Australia Pushing Export Coal" on the side of a coal ship, The Endeavour, and unfurling a large banner in Chinese calling on China to be cautious of John Howard and George Bush’s attempts to sabotage Kyoto. The protest comes at the start of the 2007 APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) forum meeting being hosted by Australian Prime Minister John Howard in Sydney 2-9 September 2007, and being attended by USA President George Bush, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Hu Jintao and other Pacific rim leaders.

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Can Human Rights Survive the "War on Terror"?

02-09-2007 13:36

Attached is an audio recording of a public meeting held in Sheffield on 1st September 2007 which was addressed by Stephanie Harrison, a Human Rights Lawyer dealing with those targetted by the anti terrorist legislation and Mohammed Abdulmalik, president of Libya Watch, a Human Rights Organisation.

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Tara Poem: A Call to Action

01-09-2007 19:55

A short video of a recorded poem by one Tara activist, a call to action in County Meath, Ireland, to halt the construction/destruction being caused by the new M3 motorway.

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Grand Opening Week At Liverpool's Next To Nowhere

01-09-2007 15:27

We open with a week of events from 15th September to 23rd September (flyer), and from then on will be available to book for meetings and events. If you have a meeting or event that you would like to put on why not book the centre?

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Mental health workers on strike in support of colleague

01-09-2007 15:13

Nearly 700 UNISON members in Manchester Community and Mental Health branch went on strike yesterday in support of their colleague Karen Reissman, suspended from work since June.

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Prison officers in mass unlawful strike

01-09-2007 15:05

Some 20,000 prison officers in England and Wales took illegal unofficial action on Wednesday 29 August against Gordon Brown’s public sector wage cuts and the disastrous overcrowding in prisons.

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Workers at Royal Mail contractors Romec strike

01-09-2007 15:02

Following an overwhelming 12 to 1 yes vote for industrial action, engineers and admin workers are Romec were due to strike today over a sub-inflation pay offer.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 35 2007

01-09-2007 14:12

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for August 25th through August 31st, 2007.

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Grand Opening Week 15th - 23rd September

01-09-2007 13:04

Next to Nowhere at the Liverpool social centre presents a week of events to celebrate our opening.

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Video of one aspect of Mandela's vist not covered by the corporate media.

01-09-2007 13:01

Nelson Mandela attended the unveiling of his statue in Parliament Square, London, UK, on Wednesday 29th August 2007, accompanied on stage by Prime Minister Gordon Brown and several other eminent politicians.

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Bicycle discrimination in the SOCPA zone.

01-09-2007 07:50

The MP3 recording is further confirmation of the discrimination exercised against cyclists by the police during the monthly Critical Mass.
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