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Solidarity actions for Dr Martin Balluch & Austrian activists

09-06-2008 16:28

"...I ask everyone who cares about animal protection and human rights to take action now to prevent this crime. This kind of police arbitrariness against NPOs is something we might recognize in dictatorships, but not in a democracy. Please stand up strong; stand against this outrageous injustice. My life depends on it."

- Dr Martin Balluch, Chairman of the Association against Animal Factories (VGT)

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Palestine Today 060908

09-06-2008 15:10

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Monday June 9th, 2008.

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Protests against planned agrofuel power plant in Beckton

09-06-2008 12:46

Beckton protest 4th June
On 31st May and 4th June, banner protests were held against plans to build the UK's first agrofuel power plant in Beckton, London. Around 500 local residents signed a petition against those plans, which was handed to the mayor on 2nd June (with around 100 further signatures having been added since then). The protests were organised by Biofuewatch and the London Food Not Fuel Group.

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More squatters challenge developers

09-06-2008 09:24

An article in a local newspaper in canada this week reveals yet another groups planning to squat an abandoned-building to create some kind of radical community resource. The

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Back to court for saying "bollocks"? Sounds like more bollocks to me...

09-06-2008 08:54

Westminster bollocks and public order

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Reclaim Hulme Park - every Friday - Manchester

09-06-2008 00:09

Local residents reclaimed Hulme Park in Manchester on Friday for an hour by closing down the road that runs through it. Leaflets had been distributed and posters stuck around inviting people to reclaim the park - “one love, one park!!” People played games, ate and drank, and generally sat around in the street chatting to old friends and new. The police turned up in fair numbers on time, but sensibly - shock horror - just left enough of them and PCSOs to help direct traffic away, and left us to it.

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Amdani Juma's deportation, Countdown, 2 days to go - St Peters Stall, Nottingham

08-06-2008 19:20

Amdani Juma's deportation has been postponed until Tuesday 10th June, but remains a real threat. There has already been a massive campaign in support of Amdani and a huge amount of pressure. A stall outside St.Peters Church, continued to inform passers-by about the issue, and to collect more signatures for the petition.

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Reclaim the Uni Action Thursday 5th

08-06-2008 15:14

On Thursday the 5th June 50 students forced access into their universities administration building at the University of Manchester. Although the Vice-president was on holiday in Austria (paid for with students fee's) a clear message was sent that action will continue next year.

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IWW stall at Birmingham Pride

08-06-2008 08:28

The West Mids IWW and LGBT campaigning.

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Anarchist in Kansai area (West Japan) arrested in G8 preparations- Solidarity ne

07-06-2008 20:58

Tabi Rounin, better known as 'Rebel_Jill' has been detained by police on minor charges in the run-up to the G8 in Japan, as the police attempt to investigate his international connections and disrupt his revolutionary activities. This is a known tactic of the Japanese political police, see the 325 magazine website for a similar case (Interview with Comrade 'M') and also see the interview with Tabi/Rebel Jill.

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Marie Vesco RIP

07-06-2008 19:57

Marie Vesco, a French activist involved with the London direct action
groups Whitechapel Food Not Bombs and Brixton Reclaim Our Food
(amongst others) was killed whilst cycling to the Carnival Against the Arms
Trade on Wednesday.

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Spike Surplus Scheme Under Threat

07-06-2008 18:57

South London Community Project under Threat – call for support
Open Day Sunday 15 June to showcase activities – all welcome

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At the Birmingham 'Climate Change festival'

07-06-2008 16:41

the sponsors
Anticapitalist climate activists visited the 'Climate Change Festival' in Birmingham this week to protest at the sponsorship of the event by E.On, the very company which this years climate camp will be targeting, and by Crest Nicholson, a major development company known for it's dodgy developments of cheap, and utterly environmentally aggressive build, and to raise awareness of Climate Camp.

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FITwatching at the Carnival Against the Arms Trade

07-06-2008 15:00

FITwatching really take off at the carnival - and the FIT took off in response!

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Austrian animal protectionists remanded in custody 4 more weeks!

07-06-2008 09:26

Following a judicial review on the 6th June, all ten remanded Austrian animal protectionists are to remain in custody for another four weeks. The justice scandal worsens

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Video of today's protest against the deportation of Mako and her children

07-06-2008 02:44

A video of today's protest against the deportation of leading TCAR member Mako is online at: , together with some other background footage that was hurriedly put together. A further protest will take place at the Government Offices (opposite St James's Park Metro) in Newcastle on Monday from 9.30-11am, please come along if you can.

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Amdani Juma's deportation, Countdown, 4 day to go - St Peters Stall, Nottingham

06-06-2008 21:13

Amdani Juma's deportation has been postponed until Tuesday 10th June, but remains a real threat. There has already been a massive campaign in support of Amdani and a huge amount of pressure. A stall outside St.Peters Church, continued to inform passers-by about the issue, and to collect more signatures for the petition.

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Amdani Juma: Write to Ministers

06-06-2008 17:45

Amdani Juma's deportation has been postponed until Tuesday 10th June, but remains a real threat. There has already been a massive campaign in support of Amdani and a huge amount of pressure. We hope to continue that by writing to a number of Ministers who may be able to apply some pressure in his favour.

Below are template letter to Alan Johnson (Secretary of State for Health), Hazel Blears (Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government), Jacqui Smith (Home Secretary) and Gordon Brown (Prime Minister). Please send as many as you can. Feel free to adapt these templates, but please avoid being hostile.

When you've sent your communication off, please also send a copy to so that Amdani's solicitor can make the authorities aware of the extent of Amdani's support.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 23 2008

06-06-2008 17:36

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 1st , through June 6th , 2008.
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