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Cardiff Total closed in Burma protest

07-10-2007 12:14

no business for total
A Total garage in Cardiff was closed for three hours in a solidarity action for the people of Burma

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Pictures from the Burma march in London

07-10-2007 01:50

No shortage of colour on this demo
Saturday's London march for Burma from Tate Britain to Trafalgar sq

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Report from the Oxford Total demo

07-10-2007 00:01

A brief explanation of some of the situation in Burma and a report on the demonstration in Oxford which took place on the 6th of October, 2007.

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Total Totally Blockaded in Oxford

06-10-2007 17:46

Blockading the front entrance
Protesters peacefully blockaded a Total petrol station in Oxford today, in support of the democracy movement in Burma (Myanmar); activists were there for two hours and seriously disrupted Total's business for the day.

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London march for Burma October 6,2007

06-10-2007 17:10

it's a slide show

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Panic at NHS direct action call

06-10-2007 14:18

PANIC has greeted calls for direct action by Sussex hospitals campaigners.

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Prepare now for emergency protests! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!

06-10-2007 11:32

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! Prepare now for emergency protest at the US Embassy in London!

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther Party spokesman, supporter of the MOVE
organisation and an award-winning journalist known as the “voice of the voiceless”. He was
framed up in 1982 on false charges of killing a Philadelphia police officer. Sentenced to death
based on his political history and beliefs, Mumia has spent 25 years on death row for a crime
he did not commit.

See below, contact the PDC or visit for more information.

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Copenhagen G13 update

06-10-2007 11:13

Police cordon
live coverage abstract from today's G-13 actions in Copenhagen

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BA fly you to death

06-10-2007 00:35

Yesterday Friday 5th October we picketed the London Eye, owned by British Aiways: we got a lot of harassment from private security; two police with machine guns passed by but they weren't interested in us.

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East London Muslims Caged Guantanamo-Style

05-10-2007 22:51

Two British Muslims are locked-up in a cage, chained and hooded for 6 days and nights without basic amenities and comfort in a busy traffic junction corner on the Whitechapel Road (East London) ...

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Fighting Fit

05-10-2007 21:34

A personal account of taking on the FIT....

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This Week In Palestine – Week 40 2007

05-10-2007 18:31

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for September 29th sec. through October 5th, 2007.

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John Bowden moved

05-10-2007 17:38

John Bowden has now been transferred.

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Don't be a SCAB!

05-10-2007 15:19

West Midlands IWW show solidarity with the striking postal workers.

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Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 22

05-10-2007 12:40

Work is continuing at EcoWorks with the Straw Bale building. The walls for the whole building are now up!! Harragh!! This post shows the building up of the walls on the end section - 'soon to be' kitchen area.

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London Total Oil's offices targeted again this morning

05-10-2007 12:02

Banners outside the office's entrance
Total Oil's London HQ was targeted again this morning as workers made their way into the building in order to highlight the company's involvement in financially supporting the Burmese military junta.

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Danish kids to hold mass squatting action on October 6th in Copenhagen

05-10-2007 10:58

We are going to move into our new house on Grøndalsvænge allé 13, the 6th of October. We´re not hiding that, for this action, we are, amongst others, inspired by this summers succesful protests at the G8 summit in Rostock, Gremany.

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Burma solidarity: Total Oil HQ protest ongoing

05-10-2007 08:24

Burma solidarity protesters are picketing Total oil's HQ in Cavendish Square, London to highlight the company's complicity in the brutal regime's bloody hold on the Burmese population.

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Liverpool Anarchist Educational is Class!

05-10-2007 00:17

`We've been conditioned to think that education must be expensive, that it is too complex for ordinary people and must be left to experts, and that it is so vital it is best organised by large and powerful institutions, like the local education authority or the state. Like most things we are taught to believe, this is a lie.' - The Nihilst

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Burma: a view from within

04-10-2007 22:34

Everyone likes surprises, and the brutal military regime that has ruled Burma since 1990 are no exception. Back in September 2005 people were dumbfounded to hear that the generals had moved the capital 400 miles to the north; almost two years later they woke up to find the cost of diesel – the country’s main fuel - had doubled, while that of gas – much used by private bus companies following orders from a greenwashing junta – increased by five times.
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