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Info usurpa

05-04-2006 16:58

Weekly Independent Poster of Social Centre activities

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Protest against detention 10 April - Communications House

05-04-2006 16:34

Los Angeles: 1/2 Million-1 Million People Protest against Anti-Immigration Law
Keep this Date - Please circulate this widely to your friends and networks
MONDAY 10 April 2006 - Protest at Communications House
Old Street, London, 12.30-2.30pm
In support of USA Day of Action for Immigration Rights

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Report: Noise Demo at North Shields Immigration Reporting Centre

05-04-2006 15:23

On 5th April 2006 Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) carried out a 'big noise' demo outside North Shields Immigration Service Reporting Centre.

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(Fresh!) Manchester Rhythms of Resistance rocked Yorkshire at an Open Workshop

05-04-2006 14:51

lovely colourful RoR banner
A fresh Rhythms of Resistance (RoR) percussion group, based in Manchester, rocked Yorkshire with an open samba workshop on 2nd April 2006.

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Coca Cola Scholarship Scandal

05-04-2006 14:47

Linacre College, Oxford University, is hosting two scholarships on "water sustainability" funded by Coca Cola, which has been condemned as "a champion of the unsustainable use of water globally." Please write letters of protest.

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Wednesday West bank round up

05-04-2006 14:19

A round up of news concerning the activities of the Israeli army across occupied Palestine

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mark barrett found guilty of unauthorised protest today

05-04-2006 14:09

judge anthony evans delivered a written verdict today which he refused to read out in court. he handed down a £250 fine, plus £250 costs, and of course a criminal record. mark barrett will appeal to a higher court on human rights grounds.

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Design & building the multi-person powered thingy - Nottm's Rinky-Dink Phase 2

05-04-2006 12:55

This project was born when a number of people from Nottingham's Critical Mass and the ASBO bicycle workshop got chatting about the idea of creating some fun alternative bike-based machines. After all, the ASBO workshop had loads of bikes that local people had donated.

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05-04-2006 12:53

mayday stickers
Meet 12noon Clerkenwell Green to join the Autonomous Bloc on the TUC march!

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Arts and Business Awards infiltrated & disrupted by London Rising Tide, 3.4.06

05-04-2006 11:12

The 28th Annual Arts & Business Awards gala ceremony was held at the (BP-sponsored) Barbican Centre in London on Monday April 3rd 2006. It consisted of free drinks, schmoozing, mutual pat-on-the-backs concerning the 21st Century snake oil that is 'Corporate Social Responsibility', followed by an vain attempt to raise the tone with a performance by the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO).

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Critical Mass in Gothenburg

05-04-2006 06:28

We love roundabouts
Friday evening at the back end of March saw a bunch of happy cyclists taking to the streets of Gothenburg again. The biggest ride yet. This time we finally beat the quarter century and it worked quite nicely. If we keep growing at the same rate we’ll be a thousand by November next year. Not bad at all.

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Newbury / Reading court Kindness Hearing

05-04-2006 00:47

Further transformations occurred at Reading magistrates court today as two planters attended court to seek closure / resolution to an imposed restitution penalty of £201, following sentencing earlier in the year (09/02/2006 - Newbury) for a radical conviction for planting fig and vine trees at the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston.

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Listen to Audio report about Extra Judicial Killings In Bethlehem 03/04/06

04-04-2006 20:48

Listen to an Audio report recorded for Indymedia Radio London about the execution of a Bethlehem resistance fighter on the 3rd of April 2006.

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No scouse for Rice!

04-04-2006 15:24

Thousands of people from Liverpool and other parts of the North-West made their point clear about the infamous vist of Condoleezza Rice to the city.

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Briefing on update of homes raided across the West Bank - 3rd April 2006

04-04-2006 11:51

Briefing on up date of homes raided across the West Bank Monday, 3rd April 2006.

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International Call for Action Against Marelec Arms Fair

04-04-2006 10:34

From 19-21 april, Spearhead and the Dutch marine will be organizing an arms fair called 'marelec'. Lots of companies outside of the Netherlands are involved in this fair. Therefor we ask everyone who opposes militarism to take action against the companies listed below.

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Naming the Dead event report

03-04-2006 23:16

Report from the Naming the Dead event. An act of deliberate civil disobedience against the occupation of Iraq.

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Robin Brookes’ peace tax court appearance

03-04-2006 21:23

Peace Tax campaigner Robin Brookes outside Swindon Combined Court
Around twenty supporters were at Swindon Combined Court on 3rd April 2005 to hear the judge uphold the Inland Revenue’s claim against Peace Tax Seven member Robin Brookes for unpaid income tax.

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Protest Outside BBC Offices in Brighton

03-04-2006 21:13

Members of various Brighton Peace groups will hold a small demonstration outside BBC offices in Queens Road, Brighton tomorrow lunchtime.

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Manchester Critical Mass photos

03-04-2006 17:33

After last month's police harrassment, March Critical Mass in Manchester was celebrated without interruption again.
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