UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Protestor arrested at Davis Cup Picket
22-07-2006 19:39
A protestor was arrested at the picket of the Israel-Britain Davis Cup tennis tournament in Eastbourne.Photos - Stop the War on Lebanon Demo - Manchester 22nd July
22-07-2006 19:10

Manchester 22nd July
March from the BBC to rally in Albert Square
2000 attended
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Sheffield demo against war in Lebanon
22-07-2006 18:44

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Newcastle Demo 22nd July Pics
22-07-2006 15:13

Sydney rally against Israeli aggression 22-7-06
22-07-2006 12:39

22-07-2006 09:54

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Closing Speeches Made in Irish Ploughshares Trial *Verdict Mon(J24) or Tues(J25)
22-07-2006 07:52
The Pit Stop Ploughshares 5 - Deirdre Clancy(Dub), Nuin Dunlop(U.S), Karen Fallon(Scot), Damien Moran(Offaly) & Ciaron O'Reilly(OZ) are presently on trial at Dublin's historic Four Courts for the third time. They are charged with $U.S.2.5million "criminal damage without lawful excuse" to a U.S. Navy War Plane en route to the war on Iraq refueling at Shannon Airport on Feb 3rd. 2003. Closing Speeches to Jury began Thursday (July 20th '06)Lebanon/Gaza - Successful petitioning in Hastings
22-07-2006 06:16
Justice Not Vengeance has produced a leaflet, postcard, petition and briefings about the current Gaza/Lebanon crisis. We used them to good effect in the centre of Hastings on Friday 21 July, gathering 73 signatures in an hour, in cooperation with Hastings Against War.(G8 russia) update 21st July
21-07-2006 19:02
Today was a meeting to resume the summit activities in moscow with around 40 people, in Piter there are still 4 people in prison.Interview with Belgrade park campaigners
21-07-2006 11:40

In June 2005, a corporation called Crnotravac cut down all the trees in Peti Park, a small park in Belgrade, with the aim to build a five storage high commercial centre. The neighbourhood doesn't accept this, and has started an impressive struggle to safe the park.
On July 15, the neighbours of Peti Park organised a street event to show their determination to keep defending their park. The event was supported by the Art and Activism Caravan. Dragan Djurosinovic, Jasmina Dobric and Mirjana Zupunski, neighbours of the park, explain about the fight for the park.
Worldwide Protests Slam G8 Support of Nuclear, Coal, Oil
21-07-2006 01:33
The protests included large "banner drops" in multiple cities, protests of coal and oil companies, and rallies at the U.S. embassy in London and the Washington, DC home of U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. On Friday, protestors showed up at Bodman's home, demanding that the United States and the G8 abandon the focus on nuclear, coal, and on oil wars as "energy security." They chanted "No Coal, No Nukes, G-8 shut it down!" No arrests took place.G8 2006 Repression Continues -- The case of Mihain
20-07-2006 10:51
Translated and posted by the "G8 2006 Info and Press Group", Berlin.Liverpool Vigil Fails To Stop War
19-07-2006 21:33

Lebonese demo Tuesday night. The blockading of Parliament.
19-07-2006 16:37

The Police were hopelessly outnumbered so could do little except stand and watch. They called in reinforcements from just about everywhere including City of London, British Transport Police and local Westminster duty plods. Having no option but to adopt a softly, softly approach they kept well back letting the stewards gently move the protesters back into the square. They then formed a line of vans and officers across the front of the demo and remained until the protest finished. There was no violence, the protest remained loud and angry until the end.
Expect greater numbers on Saturday.
Tuesday Night Lebonese Protest. Vigil for Peace in Parliament Square.
19-07-2006 16:25

arrested for trying to deliver a letter
19-07-2006 15:49

Belgrade remembers Srebrenica - 11 years on...
19-07-2006 15:20

The Srebrenica massacre was the July 1995 killing of up to an estimated 8,106 Bosniak males, ranging in age from teenagers to the elderly, in the region of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina by a Serb Army of Republika Srpska under general Ratko Mladić including Serbian state special forces "Scorpions". The Srebrenica massacre is the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II and considered by many as one of the most horrific events in recent European history. It is also the first legally established case of genocide in Europe after the Holocaust. (source: Wikipedia).
11 years on, a large crowd gathered in the city centre of Belgrade to remember the victims killed in the Srebrenica massacre. Last year the same vigil was attacked by nationalist groups, some of who trew teargas in the crowd. The police guarded the protest heavily this time. We took some photos...
Links: Wikipedia on the Srebrenica massacre | Preliminary list of 8106 Bosniaks killed in Srebrenica - (PDF version) - Issued by Federal Commission for Missing Persons on June 5, 2005 | The Association Women of Srebrenica - Official Website | Srebrenica Genocide Blog - Independent Blog Regarding Srebrenica Massacre | "Cry from the Grave" documentary film detailing the account of the massacre | Chemical Warfare in Bosnia? The Strange Experiences of the Srebrenica Survivors (a Human Rights Watch report) | BOSFAM - Non-Governmental group supporting displaced women in Bosnia
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Protest against atacks on Lebanon and Gaza
19-07-2006 12:26

last night against the continuing Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza,
at a candle-lit vigil called by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Chronicle of global resistance against the 2006 G8 Summit!
19-07-2006 10:50
July 14, 2006 was a Global Day of Action against the G8. July 15, 2006 was an International Day of Action for Climate Justice, and against Climate Change and the G8. Below is a partial list of anti-G8 actions that happened on these days around the world, and on other days in St. Petersburg and elsewhere during the past week. A number of actions against climate change (including many Critical Mass bike rides) also occurred on July 14. We continue to receive information about additional actions -- stay tuned to and for updates! Contact
What Lead to the Closure and Sale of the Cottage of Content Community Centre?
19-07-2006 00:11

The boarded up buildings of what was a Community Youth Centre in Sparkbrook have been occupied by a group of activists who along with local people are putting it back into use as a Social Centre, called 'The Cottage Occupied Social Centre'.
They believe their occupation and outreach will compel the Council to return the property to community use. The buildings, however are scheduled to be auctioned off, by Bond and Wolfe today, Wednesday 19th July.