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Giant U.S. Ammo Dump hit in Iraq (hundreds dead?)

22-10-2006 01:39

Giant U.S. Ammo dump “Forward Base Falcon” is targeted , explodes and burns…the official story is that no one got killed, and alternative media is listing the names of 350 Americans who died.

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Thousands of Palestinians detained while trying to reach Jerusalem

21-10-2006 15:42

These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...

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Updates from tel Rumeida, Occupied Palestine

21-10-2006 14:52

These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...

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Update on Al Jifflik Tent School (Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group

21-10-2006 14:26

These posts are from a Brighton based activist spending part of October in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these posts I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance…

In October I will also be trying to foster grassroots links with grassroots organisations in the Jordan valley region, the most fertile area of the West Bank in danger of annexation by the Israeli state suffering from exploitation by Israeli and international corporations...

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SOCPA - brian haw arrested and some of his display removed overnight

21-10-2006 07:00

Audio 'offending' display
a woman attacked brian haw's parliament square display at about 5.15 this morning. but brian himself was arrested under the public order act, in an organised police swoop, over the content of the display. it is unclear if the woman was arrested. one of brian's supporters was actively prevented from taking photographs of her.

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21-10-2006 05:20

the baby-clothes washing line - offensive?
in a very suspicious sequence of events, brian haw has been arrested in the darkness of the night and some of his display has been removed by police. the arrest follows what may have been a staged incident where a woman (who has been seen before around the square) attacked the display saying that she found it offensive. brian has apparently been arrested under a public order act part IV, and some of his display has been removed.

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Allotments at risk

20-10-2006 16:00

Organic allotments are at risk in Eastleigh where the council wishes to destroy the allotments to make way for 470 houses. The allotment holders are digging in for a long fight to protect their organic plots.

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Coming some time, maybe, ANARCHY INDY UK

20-10-2006 14:44

On the run up to the annual Anarchist Bookfair in London, shadowy anarchist types all over the place have been rushing to complete their publications in time to distribute. Indymedia bods are no exception so look out for copies of Indymedia Offline and ANARCHY INDY UK 2006, a complilation of grassroots videos covering UK actions and events over the last 12 months.

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References required to visit Hebrew University

20-10-2006 08:49

Hebrew University Demands Police Character Reference from Visitors Who
are Palestinian Citizens of Israel as Condition for Entrance to its Campuses

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NATO continues slaughter of civilians in Afghanistan

20-10-2006 08:02

The extent of civilian deaths is usually concealed
Such is the strength of the opposition that a senior British officer who has just returned from Afghanistan, Brigadier Ed Butler, warned this week that the insurgency could last another “20 years”. Butler declared: “I think some may have underestimated the tenacity and ferocity of the Taliban.”

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SOCPA - more police harassment

19-10-2006 23:24

the harassment of peaceful protestors associated with brian haw continues. allegations of psychiatric problems, unlawful stops and searches, intimidatory surveillance, dodgy court hearings. on and on it goes. the police still haven't tried barbara tucker in open court for any of her alleged 60+ socpa offences, instead relying on constant intimidation to try and wear her down and remove her by other means.

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Indymedia Offline newsheet - issue 20

19-10-2006 22:51

The latest Offline form Indymedia available as a pdf for you to download - print out - and distribute.

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SOCPA - brian haw legal update

19-10-2006 16:25

brian has won the right to petition the lords to challenge whether his five-year non-stop protest outside parliament can be controlled under the new serious organised crime and police act legislation. he also has leave to appeal to the high court over the legality of police conditions restricting his current protest. no dates have been set yet for these hearings. meanwhile supporters are warmly welcomed in parliament square.

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Housing Association Mergers

19-10-2006 15:09

Councils tenants are promised the earth when they are fed a pack of lies to convince them to vote for the sell-off of their homes, privatisation by any other name. What they are not told however is that they will have no further say in the future of their homes.

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A glimpse of national ID card enforcement

19-10-2006 14:01

University of Westminster shows the way in ID card enforcement! This university's marketing slogan is most revealing - "educating for a professional life", they say. With a basic principle of compulsory carrying of cards, a 'three strikes' policy to deny you entry to premises & services if you forget your card, and making it a disciplinary offence if you refuse to show one, this kind of education will most certainly be invaluable for future life if the government gets away with introducing its national ID policy.

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No to Torture - former British ambassador to Uzbekistan speaks out against UK/US torture collaboration

19-10-2006 12:47

Audio Craig Murray at a radio interview at the community radio station in NYC

Craig Murray, former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan with over 20 years of foreign affairs experience, talks about torture and human righs abuses in Uzbekistan. He presented his book: "Murder in Samarkand - A British Ambassador's Controversial Defiance of Tyranny in the War on Terror" at the Edinburgh Independent and Radical Bookfair on Friday, 13th of October 2006, at the session on "Political Terrorism and the US Imperial Project".

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File-sharing prosecutions: a call for help and involvement

19-10-2006 04:28

Reflecting on the start of convictions for file-sharing in this country, this article summarises some of the major developments around the issue while providing arguments to form the basis for countervailing action.

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Reports of police beating on two Asian youths in Shoreditch

18-10-2006 23:55

I have just recieved a phone call from an eyewitness outside Old Street police station that some 40 people have massed in protest against the beating and possible arrest of two Asian youths in Shoreditch.

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What lies beneath Shell's Wild Lie?

18-10-2006 21:09

Kick Shell out of the Natural History Museum
Guests arriving at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Award opening ceremony tonight filed past a greenwashed oil executive, an angry orangutang, a languishing tiger and a wandering photography exhibition – all bent on ending Shell’s sponsorship deal with the Natural History Museum.

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Children's Revolution Kids' Bloc May Lead the March for Climate Justice...

18-10-2006 20:03

The Children's Revolution at the Camp for Climate Action
Plans for the Children's Revolution kids' bloc to lead the march for Global Climate Justice in London on 4 November are being considered by environmental activists in Britain.
The young eco warriors who started the youth revolt against global warming and climate change at the G8 summit protest in Scotland, 2005, will possibly once again be seen leading the way with their famous banner, “The Kids Are Revolting!”
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