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Piccadilly pics (2)

26-03-2011 17:23

More photos from earlier this afternoon on Piccadilly


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Great Protest Signs from March 26th

26-03-2011 17:23

Protest often brings out a creative side in people, and the banners they make is a great example of this. 

Here's a few choice cuts from the 26th March protests...

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Piccadilly pics (3)

26-03-2011 17:23

More photos from earlier this afternoon


A couple more photos from the march

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Ammonia Propaganda?

26-03-2011 17:23

Police have claimed that protesters have been throwing bulbs filled with ammonia at them. Yet there has been no direct witness reports on this on social media when all the other violence, occupations, paint bombs etc has. This seems to only come from one source; police claims. Sounds suspiciously like police anti-protester propaganda being re-hyped by compliant media?


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#26march pics of the feeder march from Kennington

26-03-2011 17:23

More pics from the South London Feeder March from Kennington


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TUC Demo Photos (2)

26-03-2011 17:23

More pictures from earlier on today.

Embankment and Trafalgar Square

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Odeon Theatre, Leicester Square, Roof Occupied

26-03-2011 16:22

The Odeon Theater in Leicester Square, in the heart of London's theatre district, was occupied today by anarchists draping a huge black-and-red flag of its roof.  The occupation happened in the early afternoon, at the start of a major outburst of rage against the government's austerity measures.


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anarchists attack with fire around bristol

26-03-2011 16:12

people take differant actions depending on what means they hav e at hand. while others may choose to picket outside an outlet involved with the publicly acnowledged theft from us all by capital, we ourselves have become a little camera-shy.

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TUC Demo Photos (1)

26-03-2011 15:22

Photos of banners and demonstrators.

From the TUC march and Trafalgar Square

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Pics: Ox Street Taken Over by Ukuncut and others

26-03-2011 15:22

After 2pm today. Many shop shuts! Streets taken over.

people moving around everywhere!

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26 March Photos

26-03-2011 15:22

Some photos of the start of the feeder march from Kennington this morning.

The march, including both the TUC elements and the Radical Workers Bloc, left from Kennington around 11:30 and headed for Westminster in central London.  

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Palestine Today 03 24 2011

24-03-2011 16:53

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday, March 24, 2011.

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Palestine Today 03 23 2011

23-03-2011 16:56

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, March 23, 2011.

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0742 Club - Evicted

22-03-2011 19:42

the 0742 club has been evicted, we are looking to relocate to a new home as soon as we possibily can. keep your eyes peeled

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The Common Place is closing 24th April

22-03-2011 19:09

closing statement

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Palestine Today 03 22 2011

22-03-2011 16:01

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday, March 22, 2011.

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Shell's Glengad site blockaded!

21-03-2011 19:32

This morning, Shell's minions were successfully prevented from carrying out survey work at the Glengad site!

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Palestine Today 03 21 2011

21-03-2011 16:45

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, March 21, 2011.

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London Solidarity in Day of Action for Bradley Manning

20-03-2011 21:59

Solidarity from young people from Wales
A demonstration was held outside the US Embassy in London today in solidarity with Wikileaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning as part of a day of action around the world, including in the US and other parts of the Europe and the UK. Around 80 people attended.
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