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Czeck republic, Prague: Clashes between 1000s of Nazis and Antifascists

11-11-2007 21:43

About 1000 nazis tried to march through the jewish quarter of Prague to remember the "Reichskristallnacht" 1938 when Nazis burned thousands of synagogues within one night. Many 1000s tried to stop the nazis from doing so. After one nazi shot into the crowd with a gas pistol, situation went out of control: nazis were attacked, dispersed, hunted and beaten all over the city.

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New 10-minute film on Shell in County Mayo

11-11-2007 21:27

Stills from the film: Broadhaven Bay, the pipeline route
A new ten-minute film has been released tonight on Current TV called Policing The Pollution: "Don't Mention The Water."

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Now It Is A Criminal Offence To Want Privacy From The Police

11-11-2007 20:07

From October 1st 2007 it has now been made an offence (punishable by up to 2 years in prison) not to hand over your pgp password to the police if they request it. An example below is from an animal rights activist who recently had her computer nabbed in a recent raid who now has been given 12 days to hand over the pgp password 'or else'. Many other AR activists have recieved the same demand/threat recently after recent raids. Who next?

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Boycott Israeli Goods Action 10 November

11-11-2007 18:42

As part of The Fifth International Week of Action against Israel’s Apartheid Wall between 9 and 16 November 2007 (, protesters held a rolling picket in London raising awareness of the Apartheid Wall and calling on the public to boycott Israeli goods.

The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and its popular committees have called on the world to protest against the illegal occupation of Palestine. In 2004 the International Court of Justice ruled that the Apartheid Wall is illegal. Despite this, the British government has continued to support Israel economically, politically and militarily. Join the movement to boycott Israeli Apartheid.

The protest was called by Victory to the Intifada and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (

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Press Release: Three Arrested @ Common Ground Community Garden

11-11-2007 18:02

(Sorry this is a little late, we've been veerrrrryyyyyy busy! Thanks for your continuing support!)

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Occupation Struggles Heat Up In Reading

11-11-2007 17:57

In Reading, as the entire town is flogged off to international money-men and and the needs of the people go ignored, its difficult to make the priorities and forces running our neighbourhoods and our world, and the injustice that results, more obvious. But two ongoing struggles in the Katesgrove area of the town do just that.

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The rampART and its evolution

11-11-2007 17:17

The follow text is based on a draft article written for a proposed social centers zine. It's posted here with some additions to provide something of a summary of the history and current status of the rampART in the run up to a user consultation meeting being planned for the 17th November.

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Gypsy woman murdered in Milan, her makeshift shelter set on fire

11-11-2007 16:11

EveryOne Group is carrying out a campaign against the discrimination and instigation to racial violence that is becoming more and more desperate every day. Write your comment to:

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Free food criminals

11-11-2007 15:38

You might of heard about a recent proposed changes to legislation which would make the distribution of free food an offense. If it goes ahead it will make soup runs illegal and also add to the crimes committed each week by Food not Bombs activists. It might also make giving that last Rolo to your sweetheart a big no no.

Check out:
"distribution of free refreshments" on page 14...

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killed by a group of neo-Nazis

11-11-2007 15:24

A young man of about 20 years of age have been killed this morning by a stab in the heart, killed by a group of neo-Nazis in a subway station in Madrid.

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Developers make their move on Rampart Street

11-11-2007 14:49

In the last few rampART newsletters it was mentioned that a planning application had been submitted to Tower Hamlets Planning Authority for the redevelopment of properties in the rampART block. It should be stressed before rumors start that this proposed development refers only to the four houses in the block and not the rampART social center itself. However, the gentrification of the street can only hasten the eventual end for the social center which has now been open for three and a half years.

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Successful Leeds ABC Benefit

11-11-2007 13:56

Friday's Bonnie & Clyde ABC benefit was a storming success!

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Pics From HLS Nationwide Demo

11-11-2007 00:45

Over 700 people march against Huntingdon Life Sciences to show that we are never going to go away until they shut down

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France: Report from Nanterre University Nov 9th

10-11-2007 20:43

Yesterday a general assembly (Assemblée générale, or AG) was held at Nanterre, at the beginning around 1200 students were present, numbers dropped as the meeting took two hours but the final vote was over 600 in favour, 199 against and around 100 abstentions. Students voted to begin a strike and a blockade and also to occupy the buildings.

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No Borders anti-deportation stall, 10/11Cardiff

10-11-2007 20:12

Constance and Andreas
No Borders activists in Cardiff took to the streets in support of Constance Nzeneu's campaign against her and her 4 month old son's deportation...

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Iraqi Kurds Protest Against Detention and Deportations today in London

10-11-2007 01:03

The 9th of November was a day of action Iraqi Kurdish refugees groups. In London a group of about 30 Iraqi Kurds demonstrated along with supporters from London NoBorders opposite the UNHCR. There were simultaneous demonstrations of 500 protesters in the Swiss city of Berne, and in Norway and Sweden

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Appeal for Support to Lawyers and Judges in Pakistan

09-11-2007 20:55

The civil society of Pakistan urges bar associations all over the world to mobilize public opinion in favor of the judges and lawyers in Pakistan. A large number of judges of superior courts are under arrest. Thousands of lawyers are imprisoned, beaten and tortured.

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Shell Gas Offices plagued in Derbyshire

09-11-2007 15:28

Workers at the Duckmanton office seemed somewhat surprised this morning with the demonstration and they didn’t get much support from their neighbours either who also stated “they hate them”
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