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Occupy Brookes demo confronts Vice Chancellor

16-05-2012 21:59

An unexpected opportunity for action took place today when people on a demo at Occupy Brookes spotted the University VC leaving the building and decided to confront her...

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Smash EDO Summer of Resistance: Down the Drones

16-05-2012 20:48

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM - From 1st May to 1st August 2012

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Occupy London - Finsbury Square

16-05-2012 09:23

Catch some rays
Photos from 15th May, Camp and action.

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Report of today's Surprise demo at EDO MBM

15-05-2012 12:58

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM - From 1st May to 1st August 2012

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Calais: Palestine House evicted!

13-05-2012 20:36

The last big migrant squat in Calais, known as Palestine House, was evicted Thursday 10th May. Some 50 people were thrown out in the street, though no arrests were made. People were not allowed to collect their blankets, only small bags of personal property. Some people who had applied for asylum in France were offered accommodation in hostels, some very far from Calais and in the middle of nowhere: most turned the offers down. Some of the Sudanese who were in Palestine House have moved to another Sudanese squat, the other occupiers are in the street.

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Anti-nuclear protest hits Centrica AGM

13-05-2012 16:55

On Friday 11 May, Stop Hinkley, Kick Nuclear and friends held a two dozen-strong demo outside the AGM of Centrica (owner of British Gas) at the QE2 Centre in Westminster. Recent news reports suggest that Centrica may be getting cold feet about partnering with EDF Energy in its nuclear new build projects at Hinkley Point in Somerset and other sites in England. This protest aimed to reinforce the message to shareholders and investors that nuclear power is a risky gamble.

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12M at Bank of England Pics

13-05-2012 14:55

A crowd of 300 with banners including “Love, breathe, hope Occupy” - “Bank of England is the St Paul’s of Money” and “A Line of Tents guards our future” camped out at the Royal Exchange, after taking in targets including Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, RBS and Santander.

People reached the Royal Exchange at about 4pm. There was a Metropolitan police presence at all points along the route, some attempts to contain the demonstration and what at times appeared to be unreasonable force, including batons being drawn.

Later the police moved in against the assembly and made numerous violent arrests - pics to follow.

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Big Flop Productions..

13-05-2012 00:55

Today activists from across the East Midlands converged on Glen Parva in Leicester to protest one of the last few remaining circuses that continue to use animals.

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12M meet the 1% pics

12-05-2012 22:55

Meeting outside St Paul's at 1pm there were updates from what was going on in other countries today before we set of on a slightly chaotic tour of some of those responsible for the crisis. The police kept stopping the march with cordons and there were lots of attempts to break through the police lines, some successful, others beaten back - though when it came to running we tended to win... Our group got to RBS before heading back to the Bank of England.

(Later the cops gave us 35 mins to disperse under section 14 - we stayed for a lot longer before the snatch squads started coming in, brutaly pulling people sat down on the steps, using pressure points and headlocks to wrestle those who had linked arms. Supporters were pushed back, but then got around the police and there were repeated scuffles as the police kept sending in waves of the snatch squads. Don't know how many arrests but probably at least 20. The police left at around 10.30pm with about 20 occupiers remaining).

Glad to have been a part of the 12M global spring!

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Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Targets Barclays

12-05-2012 18:18

Smash EDO have called for three months of direct action to close down EDO MBM - From 1st May to 1st August 2012.

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Occupy Global Day of Action – Meet the 1%

12-05-2012 16:55

The Global Day of Action gets under way in London as 500 protesters gather at St Pauls, a map given out on the steps of St Pauls indicates where the Banks, hedgeFunds, lobbists and private equity firms are based around the city of London. At 1pm a teach-in started introduced by Tent City University. A tour of the financial institutions responsible for much of the crisis looks on the cards. The tour will include visits to those that; gambled with our pensions, brought the global economy to the brink of ruin and evaded billions in taxes. They are benefiting by the crisis by grabbing fat privatisation contracts of our public services, forced ordinary people to pay for their mess, and taken more than £1tn in bailouts from the taxpayer and continue to pay themselves exorbitant bonuses.

Pics: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ] Livestream

Some background from Occupy London:

From banks and hedge funds to lobbyists and private equity firms, they’re all in the ‘Map of the 1%’ that has been produced by Occupy London and will be available on the day.

Nowhere in Europe is the unequal distribution of wealth as striking as in the UK. The richest 1,000 persons, just 0.005% of the adult population, increased their wealth by £155bn over the last three years. That is enough for themselves alone to pay off the entire budget deficit and still leave them with £30bn to spare. [1]

We’re all in this together’ never rang so hollow. Whilst the rest of the country is being crippled by war-time austerity, the very same people who caused the crisis are now sitting on wealth even greater than what they had before the crash.

The day will see citizens using peaceful, creative ways to deliver their own messages to the financial and corporate elite of the City.

We will continue to exercise our right to peacefully assemble in public spaces and develop the democratic processes to address the problems we face.

*** Stay in touch ***
The rules of the game: From your phone text follow @occupymay to 86444 for free SMS notifications on the day.

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Protesters disrupt performance by the Jerusalem Quartet in support of a boycott of Israel

08-05-2012 19:12

Protesters have disrupted the performance of the Jerusalem Quartet, a group of musicians with links to the Israeli state, in support of the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions.

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Face the Music: Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Day Two

02-05-2012 20:58

20 people turned out today to play some bad music outside EDO. A sound system blared out Rick Astley, Phil Collins and the Osmonds while sirens blared. Campaigners created a mighty racket playing Ukuleles, Violins, harmonicas, bullhorns and cow bells.

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Liverpool Workfare Walk of Shame Occupies City Centre Exploiters

02-05-2012 16:14

Report on Liverpool Workfare Walk of Shame that took place on Sat 28th April

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Sheffield Against Sexism March 28th April 2012

02-05-2012 13:22

Last Saturday around one hundred and fifty people marched through Sheffield City Centre in response to Sexism in our city. Supported broadly across Sheffield under the banner of 'We will not calm down "dear"' women, men and children united in a loud and angry demo against austerity measures and their disproportionate effect on women.

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London Stock Exchange: Paternoster Square Occupied

01-05-2012 20:55

The original intended occupation site of Occupy London - Paternoster Square - adjacent to the stock exchange, has been occupied by Occupy London on Mayday since around 6.45pm

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Mayday Workfare Demos Shut Ox St. Stores - report

01-05-2012 18:55

After the London Mayday trade union march up to 300 people took part in a roving anti-workfare demo with a banner reading "Workfare is Stealing Our Jobs", shutting down various branches of MacDonalds, Greggs, Topshop, BHS, Holland and Barrett and others including Boots, Pizza Hut, Greggs and more all along Oxford street and beyond. The protest was called by the London Solidarity Federations and supported by Occupy London. The final destination for Occupy London was to retake Paternoster Square.

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Mayday! Mayday! Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Day One

01-05-2012 18:00

The Summer of Resistance is 3 months of direct action against arms dealers EDO MBM (part of ITT Exelis). more info at

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SmashEDO:A few words on sensationalist journalism,protest bans and the local rag

30-04-2012 09:21

Those who regularly follow the news in Brighton inevitably come across the inane ramblings of Brighton’s very own tabloid rag The Argus.
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