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Banner Protest outside Biodiesel Expo in Newark

18-10-2007 18:31

Biofuel banner protest.1
About 40 protesters held a banner protest outside the Biodiesel Expo in Newark, Europe's largest biofuel conference this year. Participants of the conference include BP, Virgin and D1 Oils, a biofuel company headed by former Shell CEO Lord Oxburgh which is acquiring rights over large areas of land in India and southern Africa. Protesters highlighted the devastating impact which the industry is having on global warming, rainforests, local communities in the global South and food security.

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Blockade of D1 Oils - anti-agrofuel demo

18-10-2007 14:40

Protestors from No Agrofuels UK blockaded DI oils refinery and offices this morning to raise awareness of the detrimental impact of agrofuels. The protest was timed to coincide with the national Biofuels Conference in Newark.

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New Peace Statue in Parliament Square.

18-10-2007 13:52

Striking a dramatic pose.
Bored with all the statues of warmongers in the square, peace campaigners today decided to erect their own People's 'living' statue on a vacant plinth.

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"Common Ground" Community Garden Finally Evicted

18-10-2007 12:55

Say "Cheese"
Report on Thursday 18th Octobers eviction of Common Ground Community Garden.

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Parliament Square Peace Protest Under Attack

18-10-2007 00:18

Truck removes fencing from Parliament Square
Private security company hired to move peace tents

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Total Oil London HQ receives body bag

17-10-2007 20:16

Campaigners continue the weekly protest at Total Oil's headquarters in London.

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Oil Bank of Scotland London Protest and Rooftop Occupation

17-10-2007 18:46

Monday 15 October 2007, Rising Tide hit the Royal Bank of Scotland Headquarters on Bishopsgate, London.

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Stopping the BNP in Kimberley

17-10-2007 16:14

A personal account of last night's anti-fascist action in Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, which resulted in the total disruption of the BNP's planned meeting with their leader, Nick Griffin.

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BP Executive pied as Europe's largest BioFuels Event disrupted

17-10-2007 11:30

This morning a group of 15 climate change activists from protest group Food Not Fuel entered the BioFuel Expo & Conference taking place at the Newark Showground and took over the keynote speech. Oliver Mace, CEO of BP Fuels, the lead sponsors of the event recieved a cream pie in the face. Another campaigner was D-locked to the podium and various alarms were placed around the place. The hall was emptied and talks were canceled. There were no arrests.

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5,000 demonstrate against nuclear waste dumping in north Germany

17-10-2007 02:40

In north Germany more than 5,000 people (police say 2,000) took part on Saturday 13 October in a demonstration against a planned final nuclear dump in the former Schacht KONRAD iron ore mine in Salzgitter.

The demo was called by an action coalition of environment groups, trade unions and initiatives.

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tonight in Kimberly

17-10-2007 01:00

Wow, that was fun!

Hopefully people will post up something more comprehensive soon, but I thought I'd kick off with my feelings about tonight's Stop the BNP action.

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Campaigner in Court After Final GM Crop Trashing

16-10-2007 21:38

Campaigner Martin Shaw, 43, will be in Cambridge Magistrate's Court at 10 a.m. wednesday morning facing charges of criminal damage. He was arrested while trying to destroy a GM test crop.
This was the only crop of GM potatoes being grown in the UK by chemicals giant BASF. The crop was destroyed subsequently, by persons unknown at night-time.

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Brighton police make early morning raid against squat.

16-10-2007 14:43

Good Morning Pie Face!
At 4am Brighton police demanded squatters leave a new squat on Franklin road. Despite resistance by 5am the squatters had been evicted by the police, who were acting unlawfully without a court order.

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Community Campaigners Disrupt TVEP Conference

16-10-2007 13:31

Thames Valley Economic Partnership (TVEP) is a collaboration of organisations that represent business and authorities in the South East of England. It includes the British Airport Authority, Microsoft, local Councils, BT, Cisco......

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Crisis of trust in Birmingham City Council

16-10-2007 12:46

Friends of Moseley Road Baths suspect Birmingham City Council (BCC) are going to keep the report on future of Moseley Road Baths secret until too late. BCC had said cost of repairs is £30m. Reliable source says more like £12m.

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Burma activists 'lock on' to Total

16-10-2007 10:43

Off goes the power
Three direct activists have today shut down a busy Total filling station in solidarity with the people of Burma's nonviolent struggle for democracy.
Under a banner saying “May all beings be happy – Free Burma ” the activists have locked themselves together and begun to meditate, locking together the hoses, turning off the power and blocking the entrance to the premises in London's Marylebone Road.

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Edinburgh University Climate Campaigners Target RBS (Updated)

15-10-2007 21:55

Students protest outside RBS's Central branch in Edinburgh.
Students from Edinburgh University protested outside RBS branches in Edinburgh as part of Rising Tide's national day of action against RBS's funding of oil and gas extraction.

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Bilbao's redevelopment: Another side to the story

15-10-2007 21:31

Response to a Guardian article praising superstar architect Zaha Hadid's Masterplan for the Zorrozaurre peninsula in Bilbao

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Don't Bank On Oil In Bath

15-10-2007 21:06

here below is Bath's contribution to the RBS day of action.

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student protest forces vice-chancellor concessions

15-10-2007 20:33

Manchester University student union staged a protest under the slogan "education not profits" today. 100 students followed the call and converged on the university's 3rd foundation ceremony headlined by VC Alan Gilbert. After scuffles with security guards, some 25 students broke into the conference centre forcing Gilbert to agree to a public debate.
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