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Disruptions at Salute Israel Event

29-06-2008 20:11

A number of activists disrupted the zionist salute israel parade and rally in London today.

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Activists disrupt work at site of opencast coal mine

29-06-2008 17:03

Activists yesterday obstructed a steamroller which was being used to set a tarmac ramp designed allow heavy plant machinery access to the fields where UK Coal intend to extract around 1 million tonnes of coal.

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SAAB Microwave Becoming2 Ploughshares Action in Sweden

29-06-2008 16:03

On Thursday, June 26, 2008, two Ploughshares activists were arrested inside SAAB Microwave in Sweden. Using blacksmith hammers, Ulla Roder and Per Herngren started to disarm military radar at SAAB Microwave's test range at Mölndal and planted fig trees in the area around the factory.

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Anti-Badger Cull Demo Action Report

29-06-2008 12:14

Bath Activists report from badger cull demo in Cardiff.

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Seven Year Ditch: Shark Fin Soup Off Hakkasan Menu

29-06-2008 10:47

Shark Fin Soup Is Increasing in Popularity in Asia and Beyond
Bite-Back supporters can celebrate a positive milestone in making Britain ‘shark-free’ with news that London’s most prestigious Chinese restaurant, Hakkasan, has stopped selling shark-fin soup.

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Photos from the 23rd Green Fair in Sheffield

28-06-2008 22:11

There was a good turn out and it didn't rain, it was good.

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Garden chair case dropped (like a hot potato) by CPS

28-06-2008 14:59

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has decided not to pursue a charge of theft against me for removing four green plastic garden chairs from the landfill skip in Wrexham back at the beginning of May. They say they have made this decision on the - frankly improbable - grounds that 'there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction.' Rubbish!

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Critical Mass June 2008

28-06-2008 11:30

quite a big turnout
June '08 Critical Mass - In memory of Marie Vesco

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Demonstration Against Deportations to Zimbabwe

28-06-2008 10:42

Video Zimbabwean Community Protest
On Friday June 27, as Zimbabwe went to the polls in the widely criticised second round of its presidential election, the Nottingham Zimbabwe Community Network held a protest against deportations to Zimbabwe in Old Market Square.

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Critical Mass in Remembrance of Marie Vesco

27-06-2008 22:39

Leaving Waterloo
June's Critical mass saw a slightly different route. As always we met at Southbank and managed to lave 7.15pm.
Following the killing of Marie Vesco on the A23 her friends, rampART and Food Not Bombs asked people to ride to Brixton, where she served free food every Sunday afternoon with Brixton Food Not Bombs.

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IMC Rosario (argentina) : contruibutor & photographer attacked

27-06-2008 19:18

each one is unique & should enjoy the right to happiness
Gustavo Cabrera a contributor to IMC Rosario in Argentina was attacked whilst covering protests at the university in that city. The assault seriously wounded his left eye. The incident happened on May 23rd as the long standing "correspondent" of the election of the universities rector, a process which began in June 2007, was recording comments and conversation on a MP3 with a well known member of the socialist students' union.

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This Week In Palestine – Week 26 2008

27-06-2008 16:14

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for June 21st, through June 27th, 2008.

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Leave it in the Ground… in Court and a protest

26-06-2008 22:51

Last week papers were served on the occupants at Bodge House to appear in Court on Monday 30th June at Derby Combined Courts, The Morledge Derby.

Come and show your support with a fun little protest at 9 am

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Offline & Infousurpa online

26-06-2008 17:54

Latest Offline and Infousurpa now online.

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Aldershot Westgate Scandal

26-06-2008 14:51

artist's impression of proposed Westgate development
In Washington it was Watergate that did for them, in Aldershot it's Westgate.

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[IT] New law grants amnesty for police violence at the 2001 G8 Summit

26-06-2008 14:25

Press Release June 25th 2008

- “Race against time”: Court rule against the police in July is now in question
- Protests in Italy and Berlin

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Palestine Today 062608

26-06-2008 13:57

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday June 26th, 2008.

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Tony Gosling arrested in missing persons hunt

26-06-2008 08:16

Tuesday 24th June approx. 1400 Tony Gosling and fiancee were stopped in their vehicle on the M32 motorway in Bristol by ten police officers under the authority of the Northumbria Police Major Incident Unit.

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Nuclear worries increase as German dump mine floods

26-06-2008 05:59

An old potash mine in north Germany containing nuclear waste is flooding at a rate of 12 cubic metres a day and throwing up all sorts of questions about safe keeping of nuclear leftovers for a million years. The design for nuclear waste storage in the now flooding Asse II potash mine near Wolfenbüttel, about 80 kms southeast of Hannover, is the same as for the specially dug salt mine at Gorleben, seen as the likely permanent repository.
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