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Britan 2009 (are we in a police state?)

20-02-2009 21:41

Originally published at Tilting at Windmills
16 February 2009

This is not the piece I wanted to write! I wanted to write something short and sharp. This piece is neither of those. I wanted to write a simple piece about the new powers the police have today been given. This piece isn’t that either.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 08 2009

20-02-2009 20:34


This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for February 14th through February 20th 2009.

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Students ‘Die’ outside NATWEST...

20-02-2009 18:03

students draw out their message
Students from the University of Birmingham staged a creative 'die in' today outside the campus branch of NATWEST in protest against the RBS groups (who own NATWEST) dirty and irresponsible investments into fossil fuels. They were calling fellow students to join the threat to boycott in September 2009.

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Third Runway - For and Against in Westminster

20-02-2009 16:42

One Solution: Aviation
Two demonstrations took place in Westminster last night (19 Feb, 2009), In Parliament
Square around 20 people turned up for the Modern Movement event, along with a few from Plane Stupid to add a little interest, while on Whitehall around a thousand took their message "3rd Runway - NO WAY!" to Gordon Brown. Pictures Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Marshall, all rights reserved

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Release Delshad Zorab and grant him asylum in the UK

20-02-2009 15:12

Delshad on the *SYMAAG march for "Dignity Not Detention" October 2007, now incar
On the morning of Friday February 13th Delshad Namiq Zorab was taken from his home in Doncaster to a police station and then to Campsfield IRC. Many of you will have met Delshad: he has been an active campaigner for the right to asylum. Now, locked in Campsfield IRC, he fears that he will be forcibly deported to Iraqi Kurdistan where he has every reason to believe that his life would be in real danger. This is despite the fact that his appeal for asylum is still pending: Delshad should not - even under this Government's asylum laws - be detained or deported.

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Lampedusa burns

20-02-2009 14:43

Detention centre's central building destroyed by fire during riots. The police prevents the immigrants from leaving the burning centre. Many suffer from smoke inhalation. 60 migrants may be injuried.

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Capitalist Crisis: Introductory Reader - PDF here

20-02-2009 13:16

'GOOD TIMES! BAD TIMES!! An Introduction to the Capitalist Crisis and what it means for us'

FEATURES: Background to the Current Crisis and Recession / Reports on Crisis: England / What Recession Means for Us / Financialisation Primer / Analysis from Silvia Federici & George Caffentzis, Mario Tronti and Alain Badiou

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Free Gaza Mural Cleansed by West Midlands Police

20-02-2009 00:16

The Free Gaza Mural before it was cleansed by West Midlands Police
One of many 'Free Gaza' murals painted by Brummie artist Mohammed Ali (aka AerosolArabic) and his crew has been scrubbed off a resident's wall in Alum Rock by Birmingham City Council. It transpires that this was at the behest of West Midlands Police who had been leaning on the home owners for some time claiming their home could be petrol-bombed if it stayed up!

So if the cops have got their way with this mural, does this mean the other Free Gaza murals around Birmingham are at risk too?

For pictures of the Free Gaza mural in Small Heath Birmingham see:

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Birmingham social justice centre lose court fight against eviction

19-02-2009 23:09

The social justice centre and homeless campaign in Birmingham has lost its court battle against eviction.

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A day of action for Yahya and target BMI Airlines

19-02-2009 21:33

Today was an international day of action for Cardiff based trade unionist Yahya Al-Faifi, who is under threat of deportation to Saudi Arabia.

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Release Delshad Zorab and Grant Him Asylum Rights

19-02-2009 19:53

Doncaster resident and Kurdish communist, Delshad Zorab, has been detained at Campsfield Detention Centre. He fears deportation to Kurdistan where his life will be threatened. He's fought all his life against dictatorship, big business and bigotry. Now he needs you support.

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Home Demolitions in the Negev

19-02-2009 17:42

Children suffer from home demolition in Bir Hadaj
The Government of Israel demolished five homes in the recognized village of Bir Hadaj: for political reasons. The government demolished another home of 10 children in the unrecognized village of Wadi Mshash, on a harsh, sandstorm day.

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Palestine Today 021909

19-02-2009 16:13


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Thursday, February 19th, 2009.

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A Campus Sit-in against Israeli Occupation: An Interview with Three Participants

19-02-2009 14:35

On Friday, February 6, the University of Rochester-SDS (UR-SDS) organized an occupation of Goergen Hall at the University of Rochester for peace and solidarity with the Palestinians. The action was partially inspired by the wave of occupations across the UK in support of Palestine the past few weeks. UR-SDS made a list of demands of the administration (including divestment from weapons manufacturers, educational and humanitarian aid to Gaza, and scholarships for Palestinian students). In a related event, on Thursday, February 12, 2008 Hampshire College of Amherst, MA. became the first US school to divest from corporations profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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19-02-2009 14:15

The Hunger Strike of the Greek bussinesman,victim of a hard core Greek steel cartel has entered its SEVENTH day in front of the Greek Antitrust Authority in central Athens .Over 600.000 visitors to the LIVE broadcast.Government s unacceptable response

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St Andrews: Student Occupation Enters Second Day

19-02-2009 14:04

The occupation of a key University building by nearly 100 student protestors in St Andrews is now entering its second day after a petition signed by nearly 800 students and lecturers calling for the University to investigate it links with Israel was handed to the University.

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Dissident Island Radio 20th Feb - Financial Meltdown: Crisis and Opportunity

19-02-2009 12:43

Dissident Island and the London Freeschool have teamed up to bring you an hour long panel discussion exploring the causes and potential outcomes of the current economic crisis.

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Everybody deserves a home

19-02-2009 10:15

Ewa Jasiewicz, Eastern Gaza
16th February 2009

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Cold-hearted cops arrest grandfather for writing in the snow

18-02-2009 18:18

A retired oil refinery worker turned airport campaigner thought he'd take advantage of the recent snowfall to send a seasonal message to passengers departing Aberdeen airport. The local constabulary had other ideas and promptly arrested the 65-year-old and his 25-year-old accomplice for writing "Plane Stupid - you fly, they die" in diluted red ink on a snowy hilltop one-and-a-half miles from the airport.

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'Salt of the Earth' Sends Aid Convoy to Gaza

18-02-2009 17:45

Unable to attend the Viva Palestina convoy send-off in London, I watched video footage of the occasion with tears in my eyes.

Here at last were people of courage and moral backbone... a dying breed in Britain, I had thought. How easily they put our leaders to shame.
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