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This Week in Palestine -Week 06 2009
06-02-2009 18:05

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for January 31st through to February 6th 2009.
F.I.T Team outside EF! Winter Moot
06-02-2009 17:59
Four members of the F.I.T team (Chris Pig, the fat one from Yorkshire and a couple of other also-rans) are hovering outside the Cowley Club on London RD in Brighton photographing everyone who enters and leaves.Full article | 2 additions | 10 comments
Sea Shepherd blames acoustic weapon attack for Ramming Whaling ship
06-02-2009 14:06

Around the Campaigns Friday 6th February 2009
06-02-2009 11:38
Leila, Soorena and Danoushm, on plane, off plane, back in Yarl's WoodI can't believe what I'm writing here, but at 25 to six, twenty minutes after the plane should have gone, I had a phone call from Sourena on his phone. I couldn't hear a word he was saying, so asked if I could speak to someone with him. An officer said they were being removed from the plane and taken back to Yarl's Wood, and that's where they are today.
Having just spoken to Leila’s legal representative this morning he says the Home Office are ‘livid’ at what happened and want the flight rescheduling asap. It’s all still hanging on a thread…. He has spoken to Sourena. Evidently, all three of them were separated either in transit, for the flight or both, we are not sure – including 18 month old Sourena being separated from his mother! That is absolutely outrageous! Danoushm is still traumatized this morning, we hear. Sourena has scratches on his face. This is completely inhumane! Thanks to all who faxed/phoned on family's behalf.
Phil Townend
Leila, Soorena and Danoushm belong to Halifax

No Borders Gaza! - an urgent call to No Borders Networks from Gaza
06-02-2009 10:57
We call on social movements, particularly No Borders networks, and people of conscience to target Israeli and Egyptian embassies, institutions, and corporations. Particularly in the coming days of intensified border closure, we must work to pressure both governments to abide by international law and open Gaza for the free movement of aid, goods and people.Student Activism on Brum Uni Campus – The Criminalisation of Lawful Protest
06-02-2009 00:41

Full article | 1 addition | 22 comments
Dave Gardner, Left-Wing and Animal Rights 'Activist', Exposed as BNP Member!
05-02-2009 23:41

Formerly a member of the fascist organisation the National Front, at the start of the decade, he endeavoured to integrate himself with assorted left, liberal and animal rights groups.
His attempts to get involved with militants of AFA were quickly rebuked. From here he got involved with varying success in groups as wide ranging as the anarchist influenced S26 collective to the SWP, Birmingham Friends of the Earth Building to assorted animal rights grouplets.
Repeatedly anti-fascist militants raised his past antics and refusal to pass on any information re: his supposedly ex-mates. Repeatedly they were ignored.
Now there can be NO DOUBT over where Mr Gardner's allegiances lie.
First he was snapped on the BNP demonstration in support of sacked BNP teacher Adam Walker, fratenising with longterm BNP activists, leafletting and generally being a fascist fucker!
(see photos below)
Staythorpe walkout
05-02-2009 20:38

Strathclyde University Gaza occupation wins demands
05-02-2009 20:07
Students who were, until this afternoon, occupying the McCance building at Strathclyde have today won some concessions and guarantees from the university.Police Threatening Violence Against Man Uni Occupations
05-02-2009 19:34
The occupation of Manchester University in Solidarity with the heroic people of Gaza is under threat of eviction by riot police.Palestine Today 020509
05-02-2009 16:13

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday, February 5th, 2009.
parliament square hunger strike - day 25
05-02-2009 15:48

NCADC News Service Thursday 5th February 2009
05-02-2009 15:23

Asylum [Iraqi's, bringing them in one door, kicking them out of the other]
Three quarters of refugee women 'have been raped'
Peace women defeat Ministry of Defence in freedom to protest case
05-02-2009 12:06

I was fairly certain that one of us would be shot today.
05-02-2009 11:53
This morning (Tuesday 3rd February, 2009), farmers from Abassan Jadiida (New Abassan), to the east of Khan Younis , the southern region, returned to land they’d been forced off of during and following the war on Gaza. The continual shooting at them by Israeli soldiers while they work the land intensified post-war on Gaza. The Israeli soldiers’ shooting was not a new thing, but a resumption of the policy of harassment that Palestinians in the border areas have been enduring for years, a harassment extending to invasions in which agricultural land, chicken farms, and the houses in the region have been targeted, destroyed in many cases.Open Gaza Borders
05-02-2009 11:50
Gaza is in the grip of a man-made humanitarian crisis. Thousands of tons of food, medical and emergency shelter aid including blankets and mattresses, is being denied entry through crossings by both the Israeli and Egyptian governments.
Waterford Crystal: ‘We’re occupying this plant to save our jobs’
05-02-2009 11:18
Workers at the Waterford Crystal factory in Ireland have delivered a powerful example of how to take on the recession – they are occupying their plant to keep it open. The factory is owned by Waterford Wedgewood, which went into receivership on 5 January. The receiver suggested that the plant move to a three-day week. Workers were reluctant to go along with this and were suspicious of the motives behind it. Many believed that the factory would close as soon as they were out the door. It turned out the receiver had the same idea.Save the squat at Topf & Söhne!
05-02-2009 08:41
Entrance to the Topf & Söhne squat in Erfurt, Germany. More photos here. In 2001, a group of antifascist activists connected to the anti-German movement occupied the long-abandoned Topf & Söhne factory grounds in Erfurt, Germany, where the crematoriums for the Nazi death camps were manufactured.New Yorkers March Against Wage Slavery
05-02-2009 08:12
On a chilly Monday morning in midtown Manhattan, demonstrators displayed powerful messages of solidarity with food and retail workers, demanding fair wages and treatment while sending a prominent message to bosses: “You can’t keep the workers down, New York is a union town!”