UK Promoted Newswire Archive
The Day of the Dead affinity group blockade at Devonport
03-11-2010 18:04

Palestine Today 11 03 2010
03-11-2010 17:52

Palestine Today 11 02 2010
02-11-2010 17:54

LCW Manor House Vigil in Solidarity with Trident Blockade
02-11-2010 11:00

nuclear dawn at rotherhams advanced manufacturing park
02-11-2010 10:47

Nuclear new dawn at the AMP
Site works have commenced on the land where the latest expansions of the University of Sheffield's AMRC will be located.
The seven acre plot at the AMP will house the new Nuclear AMRC and a revolutionary Knowledge Transfer Academy.
First hand account from the Devonport blockade
01-11-2010 21:57
Report by Ray Davies of Trident Ploughshares and CND Cymru about today's Devonport blockade.Palestine Today 11 01 2010
01-11-2010 16:12

Protestors Occupy Vodafone store in Birmingham
31-10-2010 22:24
Several protesters entered the Vodafone store in Birmingham New Street on Saturday, 30th October and chained themselves together to protest Vodafone's £6 Billion Tax Avoidance.Police were called to the scene, entered the store and evicted them by force, pulling them out on to the street.
The police officers attempted to prevent this video from being recorded by falsely claiming that it was forbidden to film the events that took place.
They threatened the cameraman with confiscation of the footage, but the video eventually was captured and leaked to the internet.
This Week in Palestine Week 43 2010
29-10-2010 18:00

The Third Revolution? Worker and peasant resistance to the Bolshevik government
29-10-2010 10:54

Petrol bombds used to send message to Fotress shareholder
29-10-2010 07:58
Nomura in France under attack..Dump Veolia Protest at the Natural History Museum, London 23 Oct 2010
29-10-2010 07:47

Nottingham Claimants' Union
29-10-2010 04:25
Nottingham Claimants' Union - Organising benefit claimants in Nottingham to defend their welfare against government cuts
A new association is being set up to organise benefit claimants in Nottingham, to represent our interests and fight the cuts in welfare being perpetrated by the current government: Nottingham Claimants' Union. Anyone living in the area who claims a benefit - including housing/council tax benefit, working tax credits, child support etc. as well as JSA and medical benefits - is entitled to join. We also welcome help and support from those who aren't claiming benefits but who are with us in the fight. Alone we have little power to challenge the state bureaucracies that condition our lives; united and working together there is a lot we can do and we owe it to ourselves to stand up and assert our rights and needs.What will the Union do? At least the following, and maybe more:
Contribute to the general anti-cuts movement that involves many other groups and sectors of society
Help each other by mutual aid, collective activity and economy, information and moral support
Make sure benefit claimants speak for themselves and are heard rather than being ignored or spoken for by others
Link with similar groups in other parts of the country and the world
I've also created a wiki website for the NCU at, for the purposes of collecting useful information. Examples include details of the cuts, anti-cuts campaigns, claimants' evidence of how they're affected, advice and guidance on dealing with the DWP, links to other organisations. I've written a substantial first page, and if you join the mailing list you can read a post giving some guidance on how to use the wiki yourself.
Anyone is welcome to sign up and add to the wiki; its strength lies in its multi-contributor nature which allows a really collaborative way of working rather than a situation of exclusive control. (Like Indymedia? :) ) Those who are not benefit claimants but who are involved in the anti-cuts campaign are welcome to contribute relevant information on that. Please contact me if you have any concerns or difficulties.
Also we are going to have a first (non-public) planning meeting soon. We have invited someone from the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers' Centre in Chesterfield to give us some advice on how to set up a claimants' union. Get in touch if you would like to come to that.
More news soon.
Mat McVeagh
organiser, Nottingham Claimants' Union
Full article | 5 additions | 8 comments
Anti cuts demo escapes police control in Oxford
29-10-2010 00:18
A huge crowd, mostly students, mobilised at short notice to protest the visit of Vince Cable to Oxford, turned up in spite of the fact that he cancelled his visit, and briefly took over several busy areas of Oxford in the face of police attempts to contain us.Palestine Today 10 28 2010
28-10-2010 17:16

Anti-nuclear demo ahoy!
25-10-2010 11:23
Stop Hinkley C. Boycott EDF.After the National Stop Nuclear Power Network Gathering, which was held in Bristol this weekend, participants headed for Harbourside and took their message to the water.
The Gathering shared information on government and corporate plans for new nuclear power stations across the country and discussed present and future resistance to these plans. It was a place for many different groups and individuals with an interest in resisting nuclear power to come together and network. Hopefully, there'll be a fuller report from the meeting soon.
In the meantime, here are a few pictures of yesterday's watery action. Let's have a flotilla next time!
Anti cuts demo takes place in Cambridge - hundreds attend.
24-10-2010 21:09

London Campaign Against Arms Trade at the Baby Show
24-10-2010 15:05

Norwich Rallies Against The Cuts
24-10-2010 07:25