UK Promoted Newswire Archive
BNP threaten anti-fascist leafletters in Brinsley
17-12-2007 20:12
The split in the BNP should not fool anyone that either side, Graham or Griffin will change their methods of political work; violence, threats and suppression of democratic expression is central to both as we found out in Brinsley on the 16th Dec.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Pictures from Sequani March & Blockade
17-12-2007 18:25

Palestine Today 121707
17-12-2007 15:54

Jane Mary Mutetsi belongs to Nottingham
17-12-2007 13:52

Monday 17th December - Campsfield IRC another disturbance in progress
17-12-2007 07:28
I have just had a call (5:37 am) from a detainee in Blue Block at Campsfield Immigration Removal Centre (IRC), Kidlington, Oxford, describing a disturbance developing there AT THIS MOMENT.Sequani Labs March & Blockade in Ledbury
16-12-2007 22:08
Activists from around the country travelled for a national march and demonstration in Ledbury on Saturday 15th December. One the return journey, five people sat down and began a blockade in the centre of town in solidarity with the Sequani 12: on bail and awaiting court cases for SOCPA conspiracy charges.Rising Tide Rooftop Protest at Newquay Airport - 15.1.08
16-12-2007 13:08
Report from yesterday's action at Newquay airportFull article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Santas of Excessive Consumption on Oxford Street
15-12-2007 22:02
Santas singing alternative carols on Oxford street in London today (15 December).Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
post-G8: Hamburg against state repression
15-12-2007 21:23

Bristol podcast - Stop Hinkley Nukes & Merry Christmas All
15-12-2007 21:19

Totalitarian Oil get out of Burma protest in Chiswick
15-12-2007 18:21

station at 137 Chiswick High Road against Total's funding of the repressive
regime in Burma.
US Intransigence Waters Down Climate Change Road map Agreement
15-12-2007 18:01

Subversive Singing Santas Spread Seasonal Sanity
15-12-2007 17:50

Brian Haw's alternative Christmas message
15-12-2007 14:20

The Queen's speech.... Blah! This is the one that matters!!
Pictures from Foie-Gras Free Christmas Demo
15-12-2007 13:39

National Day Of Action in Holland Fighting Anti-Squatting Legislation (timeline)
15-12-2007 12:41

Squatting groups across the Netherlands are up in arms about newly proposed anti-squatting legislation. The 'ban on squatting' would make an end to the country's long and rich tradition of the creation of free spaces. This is the english version of the timeline of the actions today (Saturday 15th December).
Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Climate change protest Newquay airport - Risingtide
15-12-2007 11:59
PRESS RELEASEClimate Activists Spotlight Newquay Airport
Climate activists from Rising Tide[1] have occupied Newquay airport today. The demonstrators are calling for an immediate halt to expansion of the airport[2] and a public debate on its future. With banners, leaflets and costumes - the peaceful protest calls attention to the airport as an obstacle to sustainable development in the County.
g8-genova: [press release] In any case, no regret.
15-12-2007 00:36
The sentence of the trial against the 25 demonstrators for the Genoa g8 riots has fixed the price to pay for expressing our own ideas and going against the actual state of things: 110 years of jail.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Video and audio from climate change rally, London, 8 Dec 2007
14-12-2007 23:50

Resisiting deporation/ some families released
14-12-2007 18:48
Back in their Home Towns - Aliyeva & Adediwura FamiliesMaud Lennard - 7 attempts to remove, Still here, Still resisting