UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Sizewell Mayday Critical Mass
04-05-2008 19:19
In support of the Mayday Climate Action Day, some people from Rising Tide and Earth First got together this Saturday for a Critical Mass to Sizewell nuclear power station to highlight that nuclear is not a solution to climate change.Nottingham MayDay 2 Pictures - Parade
04-05-2008 16:31

Nottingham MayDay 1 Pictures - Event
04-05-2008 16:27

ABC report on Slupsk police violence, Poland
04-05-2008 11:04
ABC POZNAN REPORTThe arrest and charges against the participants of the demonstration against U.S. missile base in Poland.
Słupsk, 29-30 March 2008
Short film of Brighton temporary autonomous art
04-05-2008 10:36
Check out
South Africa: Activist found murdered on Mayday
04-05-2008 07:54
"The police force exists for no other purpose than to keep the workers and the poor in slavery, the capitalists and the politicians in power. We cannot call on the cops to protect us from crime, when they are the armed force of the biggest criminals of all. It is only by self-organisation, self-defence and direct action that we can win water, houses, electricity or decent working conditions – and ultimately build a great global movement of the workers, the poor and the peasants, to free ourselves of the cancers of greedy capitalists, lying politicians and murderous cops."436,000 Liverpool Residents Snub May Day March
04-05-2008 00:44

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Big Game, Small Fry, Zimbabwean elephants and suing IMC Antwerp.
03-05-2008 22:01

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Brian and Barbara attacked in Parliament Square
03-05-2008 15:06
The attacks took place late last night with police and CCTV looking on.Full article | 3 additions | 6 comments
Boris - A Taste of Things to Come
03-05-2008 11:46

Demonstrators outside city hall were met with TSG and FIT Teams who took it upon themselves to protect the BNP and force legal protest off the streets.
British American Tobacco AGM targetted by ASH protest
03-05-2008 08:44

Hammersmith Goldhawk Road get Total Oil out of Burma protest
03-05-2008 01:17

Mayday march attacked by police in Istanbul
02-05-2008 23:16

West Midlands IWW celebrate Mayday in Birmingham
02-05-2008 21:12

Mayday Riots in Hamburg
02-05-2008 20:33
Hamburg, germany, 1st of may 2008. 1,000 nazis marched in through Barmbek district, protected by the police, while 10,000 antifascists protested and attempted to stop the Nazi demonstration.
the police violence against peaceful blockades sparked the heaviest riots Hamburg has seen since the 80's.
Kurdish protest at the Syrian Embassy in London
02-05-2008 20:09

Euromayday in Terrassa: The Precarious are Rebelling!
02-05-2008 19:13

1 May 2008. In the early evening, a festive Euromayday Parade took the streets of Catalan city of Terrassa in the metropolitan perifery of Barcelona. Its demands for social rights were highlighted by several actions in specific places in town. The parade was lead by a truck, where Chikiprecario and Supervivienda from the viral housing campaign V de Vivienda) entertained the crowd with choreographies, supported by a hip hop crew. Euromayday Terrassa is a node in the EuroMayDay Network, where precarized people in many cities are cooperating to create a political expression against "precarityof work and live".
chickiprecario video | report & pics [es] | chainworkers interview
Nottingham Celebrates Mayday with Moazzam Begg
02-05-2008 18:48

Update on Worthing election arrest
02-05-2008 18:09
MORE details have emerged about the dramatic arrest at the Worthing council election count today. Here is an updated report:“The first May Fayre in Mayfair for 300 years.”
02-05-2008 17:30
Cross-dressing 18th century lords and ladies gather to reinstate the celebration of the May Fayre in central London. Police couldn't help but tap their feet...