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Sizewell Mayday Critical Mass

04-05-2008 19:19

In support of the Mayday Climate Action Day, some people from Rising Tide and Earth First got together this Saturday for a Critical Mass to Sizewell nuclear power station to highlight that nuclear is not a solution to climate change.

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Nottingham MayDay 2 Pictures - Parade

04-05-2008 16:31

From 12noon on Saturday 3rd May, Nottingham Refugee Campaign Group again organizied a MayDay march and rally at the Brewhouse Yard Gardens, near the Castle, Nottingham. With a samba band upfront, a march went to the Market Square. Once arond town and then returned to Brewhouse Yard,

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Nottingham MayDay 1 Pictures - Event

04-05-2008 16:27

From 12noon on Saturday 3rd May, Nottingham Refugee Campaign Group again organizied a MayDay march and rally at the Brewhouse Yard Gardens, near the Castle, Nottingham. With a samba band upfront, a march went to the Market Square. Once arond town and then returned to Brewhouse Yard,

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ABC report on Slupsk police violence, Poland

04-05-2008 11:04

The arrest and charges against the participants of the demonstration against U.S. missile base in Poland.
Słupsk, 29-30 March 2008

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South Africa: Activist found murdered on Mayday

04-05-2008 07:54

"The police force exists for no other purpose than to keep the workers and the poor in slavery, the capitalists and the politicians in power. We cannot call on the cops to protect us from crime, when they are the armed force of the biggest criminals of all. It is only by self-organisation, self-defence and direct action that we can win water, houses, electricity or decent working conditions – and ultimately build a great global movement of the workers, the poor and the peasants, to free ourselves of the cancers of greedy capitalists, lying politicians and murderous cops."

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436,000 Liverpool Residents Snub May Day March

04-05-2008 00:44

Video Video
Imagine a May Day march with no chants, no demands, and very few banners. Who'd want to go to that? What if the keynote speaker was a parasitic class collaborator, who had recently sold out tens of thousands of workers? Would that inspire anyone? Not really.

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Big Game, Small Fry, Zimbabwean elephants and suing IMC Antwerp.

03-05-2008 22:01

not exactly John from the telly series "Lost" but wants to mean biz all the same
At first the writ served on behalf of Flemish businessman Geert Vroman & his company SPRL/BVBA Vroman seems to be yet another example of hyperbole and pique. A local businessman accuses a non-heirarchial volunteer collective engaged in progressive media and open publishing of invasion of privacy and demands damage compensation at 10,000 euro (7,820stg) for every hour an article has been on the newswire by serving a writ on a member of the team, Emmanuel Paulus. The article in question is merely a translation from English material available elsewhere on the internet supporting a petition against big game hunting which Vroman was revealed to organise thanks to a Flemish TV and Radio corporation program broadcast on March 9th, 2008. You don't need to be familiar with the European sector peers of the English "Carter Rucks" firm to spot the spoor of a big bully. But tracking the background might lead you to suspect an additional agenda of "West Vlandaaren" extreme nationalism in silencing an indymedia collective whose coverage of Vorman's Big game parties in Zimbabwe (complete with bagged elephants apparently) fell short of details published in the commercial Flemish press.

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Brian and Barbara attacked in Parliament Square

03-05-2008 15:06

The attacks took place late last night with police and CCTV looking on.

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Boris - A Taste of Things to Come

03-05-2008 11:46

Class war is well and truly back on the streets of London after the Home Counties elected bumbling toff Boris Johnson to become Mayor.

Demonstrators outside city hall were met with TSG and FIT Teams who took it upon themselves to protect the BNP and force legal protest off the streets.

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British American Tobacco AGM targetted by ASH protest

03-05-2008 08:44

BAT sells 100 billion cigarettes each year in africa causing a hundred thousand deaths. early on weds 30th april young volunteers from 'action on smoking and health' (ASH) laid shoes outside the BAT HQ to represent the dead, then energetically harangued delegates outside the AGM.

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Hammersmith Goldhawk Road get Total Oil out of Burma protest

03-05-2008 01:17

Six protestors demonstrated at the Raven Total station on 372 Goldhawk Road, Hammersmith, 30th April. They called on the French oil company to stop funding the military dictatorship with 500 million dollars a year. Total has long been an accomplice of the corrupt junta's theft of Burma's resources, funding their brutal oppression of the Burmese people and the genocide of ethnic minorities. Total's pipeline was built with slave labour.

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Mayday march attacked by police in Istanbul

02-05-2008 23:16

The Turkish state cracked down heavily on an attempt to celebrate May Day in Istanbul. Here is a minute by minute report.

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West Midlands IWW celebrate Mayday in Birmingham

02-05-2008 21:12

The West Midlands branch of the Industrial Workers of the World union (IWW) yesterday organised a Mayday celebration at the Lamp Tavern pub in Birmingham. Decorated with posters and the new, huge IWW banner, the room was packed with members and friends, who spent the evening watching films, chatting and drinking.

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Mayday Riots in Hamburg

02-05-2008 20:33

Hamburg, germany, 1st of may 2008. 1,000 nazis marched in through Barmbek district, protected by the police, while 10,000 antifascists protested and attempted to stop the Nazi demonstration.
the police violence against peaceful blockades sparked the heaviest riots Hamburg has seen since the 80's.

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Kurdish protest at the Syrian Embassy in London

02-05-2008 20:09

About 50 Kurds gathered at the Syrian embassy in London yesterday (Thursday, May 1st) to commemorate the forty-day anniversary of the killing of 3 Kurdish men at the hands of the Syrian security forces in the northern town of Qamishli while holding a street party to celebrate Newroz on March 20th. Protesters held up Kurdish flags and shouted anti-Syrian government slogans, while being penned in by the Met. The designated protest area was also 'shifted' down the road a little so protesters found themselves facing the Venezuelan embassy instead of the Syrian!

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Euromayday in Terrassa: The Precarious are Rebelling!

02-05-2008 19:13

Santa Precaria appears at Terrassa Mayday 08

1 May 2008. In the early evening, a festive Euromayday Parade took the streets of Catalan city of Terrassa in the metropolitan perifery of Barcelona. Its demands for social rights were highlighted by several actions in specific places in town. The parade was lead by a truck, where Chikiprecario and Supervivienda from the viral housing campaign V de Vivienda) entertained the crowd with choreographies, supported by a hip hop crew. Euromayday Terrassa is a node in the EuroMayDay Network, where precarized people in many cities are cooperating to create a political expression against "precarityof work and live".

chickiprecario video | report & pics [es] | chainworkers interview

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Nottingham Celebrates Mayday with Moazzam Begg

02-05-2008 18:48

In recent years Mayday in Nottingham has once again become a major celebration with the march from the Brewhouse Yard already something of a tradition. As successful as these demonstrations have been, they have taken place on the nearest weekend to May 1st, with little happening on the day itself. This year, the Mayday Organising Committee (an off-shoot of the Nottingham Refugee Campaign Group) felt that something should be done to mark the day itself and decided to organise a rally addressed by local asylum seeker Amdani Juma and former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg.

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Update on Worthing election arrest

02-05-2008 18:09

MORE details have emerged about the dramatic arrest at the Worthing council election count today. Here is an updated report:

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“The first May Fayre in Mayfair for 300 years.”

02-05-2008 17:30

Cross-dressing 18th century lords and ladies gather to reinstate the celebration of the May Fayre in central London. Police couldn't help but tap their feet...
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