UK Promoted Newswire Archive
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muTATE Britain has landed..
21-11-2008 00:47

Forget Tate Britain, muTATE BRITAIN has landed, all 4 storeys of it.
And you heard it here first...
European Day of Action against War and Military Infrastructure - Reports
20-11-2008 19:19

'The Anomalous Wave Rebellion in Italy' pamphlet (PDF)
20-11-2008 16:58

Palestine Today 112008
20-11-2008 15:45

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Transition Towns movement: Premature Triumphalism?
20-11-2008 14:57
Following is an article by John Michael Greer, (reposted from

The conference presentation that John Michael Greer make reference to doesn't appears to be available online in audio or video format but there is a PDF of the slides (

Previous article on the Transition Initiative on UK Indymedia include Keith Parkins on Transition Towns (

Climate Change Activists Occupy EONs Coventry Headquarters
20-11-2008 00:29

Latin American immigrant workers get organised!
19-11-2008 20:07
At a packed meeting trade union activists, Latin American solidarity campaigners and immigrant rights organisations came together to discuss how to build solidarity with Latin American workers in Britain who are organising for trade union rights at work. Solidarity action continues this Friday in Bristol. Dave Esterson reports....Spanish bank occupied by workers
19-11-2008 18:40
In the southern Spanish city of Granada today, a powerful workers demonstration has been taking place. It includes the simultaneous occupation of the offices of a local developer/estate agents and the main branch of the BBVA bank.ID Cards protest against Thales in Stockport - Monday 17th November
19-11-2008 12:07

Aldermaston case: “Guilty of trying to provide a better future for the world”
19-11-2008 01:40

Israeli president met by noise demo
19-11-2008 01:03
The planned lecture by Shimon Peres in Oxford tonight was delayed by noisy protests outside.Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Germany: how to block a nuclear waste train in 3 easy days
18-11-2008 19:42

//some personal experiences at the Castor blockades, plus summary of actions
Occupation is shit
18-11-2008 18:42
A truck load of horse manure was left at the front gate of the premises to symbolise growing discontent with the company’s intimate connection to violence against Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.15 Palestinians & 3 Internationals abducted by Israeli Navy
18-11-2008 14:06

The fishermen and the human right's observers were transferred from 3 separate boats to the Israeli warships. Other Palestinian fishermen reported that the 3 boats were seen being taken north by the Israeli Navy.
The three internationals are Andrew Muncie from Scotland, Darlene Wallach from the United States and Victor Arrigoni from Italy. The U.K., U.S. and Italian embassies in Tel Aviv have been contacted and know about the abductions.
Please call the Israeli Ministry of Justice at +972 26 46 66 66 and register your outrage over these illegal actions by the Israeli Navy. Then call the Embassies in Jerusalem and make sure they know that many of us are appalled by Israel's illegal search and seizure.
Stephen Brown, UK Consulate +972 25 41 41 00
U.S. Consulate General + 972-2-6227230
Luigi MATTIOLO, Italian Ambassador +972 3 5104004
Caoimhe (Gaza) + 972 598 273 960
Donna (Gaza) + 972 598 836 420
Fida (Gaza - Arabic) – + 972 599 681 669
ISM Media Office - + 972 2-2971824
Friday 14.11.08 anarcho students occupy ministry - report and photo's
18-11-2008 02:05

BRISTOL SQUAT RESISTANCE 87 Ashley Road (Unity Home) The occupation continues
18-11-2008 01:07
The roof of 87 Ashley road St Paul's Bristol continues to be occupied 120 hours (5 days) after the attempted eviction of the residents. The people on the roof are staying put in protest at the gentrification and destitution of our area. And in defence of homes for all.Palestine Today 111708
17-11-2008 16:29

G8 2001 Diaz school raid : Amnesty for the police!
17-11-2008 15:50
After 7 years all cops get acquittedRemembrance event follows greyhound slaughter revelations
17-11-2008 02:51

Bodies sent for university research
Over 200 protest against BNP conference
17-11-2008 00:55
Report on Saturday's demo at the New Kimberley Hotel, Blackpool