UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Anarchists fight with police...and win!
01-04-2009 18:03
After breaking through police lines and storming of the royal bank of Scotland, anarchists are claiming victory.Oxfordshire Fossil Foolishness
01-04-2009 17:15
In the early hours of april first, a group of local activists hung banners on bridges over the A34 between Oxford and Didcot, including slogans "Caution: Climate Change Ahead", "Give Way to Wind" and "Fossil Fool: 3rd exit" with a picture of Didcot Power Station.Mobile pics - Bank sealed off
01-04-2009 16:27

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Police swarm Queen Street - mobile pics and report, 1st April
01-04-2009 14:37

Palestine Today 040109
01-04-2009 14:04

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday April 1st, 2009.
More mobile pics from climate camp 1st april
01-04-2009 13:37

Riot police at Threadneedle street 1st April
01-04-2009 13:32

Mobile pics from Climate Camp 1st April
01-04-2009 12:22

Climate Camp tents up outside carbon exchange
01-04-2009 11:44

Massing of people at Bank this morning
01-04-2009 11:43

Mobile pics crowd scene outside Bank of England, G20 Meltdown March
01-04-2009 11:32

JNC open new squat. Gardeners required.
01-04-2009 11:13
At 0900 hrs on Tuesday 31 March, members of 'Justice Not Crisis' occupied the Beechcourt Hotel, 201 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UB.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Smash Capitalism: Big banner on the Thames
01-04-2009 11:04