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Nazi EDL attack Palestine Peace Protesters on Sat 12 June 2010

15-06-2010 10:07

15 EDL members attacked a Palestine Solidarity Campaign stall and peace vigil in solidarity with Palestine.

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Climate 9 trial begins in Aberdeen

15-06-2010 08:46

The Climate 9 and supporters outside Aberdeen Sheriff Court
The first major climate trial since the failure of the Copenhagen talks has begun in Aberdeen Sheriff's court yesterday morning. Nine defendants from Plane Stupid Scotland will face charges of Breach of the Peace and Vandalism after closing down Aberdeen Airport in March 2009. The defendants are pleading not guilty on the grounds that their actions were to prevent the larger crime of runaway climate change.

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Campaigners Challenge War Celebration

14-06-2010 21:44

Today the Anglian Regiment marched through Cambridge with "drums beating and bayonets fixed".
Local protested dropped a banner from Kings College and protested in front of Kings College with banners calling for and end to the war. They faced hostile responses from some of those lining the streets as well as the local EDL group. Banners with 'End the War - Bring them Home' and "If any question why we died, tell them because our fathers lied" (Kipling) were held high.

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Parliament Square, Friday 11th June 2010

14-06-2010 20:39

Some Court legal papers get delivered to site
Some photos of some the various sights on the square that day.

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Palestine Today 06 14 2010

14-06-2010 19:57

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Center,www, for Monday, June 14,2010

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This Week In Palestine -week 23 2010

11-06-2010 17:39

Welcome to this week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for June 4 to 11, 2010.

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Photos - Gaza Freedom Flotilla Massacre London Demos

11-06-2010 10:14

20,000 demonstrated on 5th June 2010
Photos from the recent demos

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Around the Campaigns Friday 11th June 2010

11-06-2010 07:11

New government seeks to bully judges
Those expecting a new spirit of fairness and social liberalism to engulf the UK Border Agency (UKBA) following the insertion of the LibDems into government are perhaps beginning to realise the folly of their hopes in the light of recent news.
By Frances Webber, © Institute of Race Relations 10 June 2010

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Islamist conference scrapped in Whitechapel - EDL march off too?

10-06-2010 17:26

With the Islamist conference scrapped by its venue, it looks like the EDL 'demo' may also be off.

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Europe wide surveillance on ‘extremists’.

10-06-2010 17:21

Statewatch has obtained documents showing that the EU has agreed a plan to gather intelligence on those they consider ‘extremists’.

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Kent Police Apologise To Climate Camp Activists

10-06-2010 17:07

Police force admits that Kingsnorth stop-and-search tactics in 2008 were unlawful, and agrees to pay compensation to the three people who brought the legal challenge

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Palestine Today 06 10 2010

10-06-2010 16:10

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Thursday, June 10, 2010.

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Palestine Today 06 09 2010

09-06-2010 16:09

Welcome to Palestine Today, A service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Wednesday June 9, 2010.

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Two Days of Action Against Racist Press

09-06-2010 14:15

Autonomous, decentralised actions and protests against racist press across the UK -- 2nd – 3rd July 2010.

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Government solicitors tell High Court to facilitate Baghdad deportations

08-06-2010 19:54

A letter from the government solicitors has asked High Court judges to facilitate a mass deportation flight to Baghdad, scheduled for Wednesday, by not considering last-minute Judicial Review applications by detainees due for deportation. [1]

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Palestine Today 06 08 2010

08-06-2010 17:18

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Tuesday June 8, 2010.

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Palestine Today 06 07 2010

07-06-2010 14:06

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday June 7, 2010.

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National March Against the Gaza Flotilla Deaths, London - Pictures

07-06-2010 13:09

End of the Line.
A week after Israel forcibly prevents the Gaza aid flotilla from breaking the long-standing blockade of Gaza, the British people gather in London to hold a National march and rally to protest the violence used by Israeli soldiers which ended with the deaths of nine peace activists on board vessels making up the flotilla.

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200 blow a collective Raspberry on Saturday June 5th.

07-06-2010 12:46

Very succinct.
Despite plenty of black propaganda in the local press from the local police after they forced Strawberry Fair to close this year, about 200 people still turned up to have a peaceful and friendly protest on Midsummer Common on the day SF would usually happen, Saturday June 5th.

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Solidarity Vigil for Gaza, Saturday June 5th

07-06-2010 11:06

It was a busy day for activism in Cambridge City on Saturday June 5th, with Campalsoc staging a solidarity vigil in response to the week's events, while on the other side of town, and then later in the day a party took place in protest at the forced closure of Strawberry Fair, but more about that soon in another item.
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