UK Promoted Newswire Archive
Hands Off Iraqi Oil - Wrexham demo
23-02-2008 21:33

Pine Gap 4 Convictions Overturned! - All Outta Jail!
23-02-2008 20:19
Pine Gap is a NSA/CIA Warfighting Base located near Alice Springs, NT, AustraliaHi everyone
Today the Pine Gap 4 were aquitted under the Special Defence Undertakings Act of 1952.
Britain’s Guantánamo: control orders renewed, as one suspect is freed
23-02-2008 16:23
Andy Worthington, author of “The Guantánamo Files,” contrasts the British government’s extension of control orders on alleged terror suspects with the case of Cerie Bullivant, whose control order was dismissed by a judge yesterday, because there was no “reasonable suspicion” that he intended to take part in terrorism.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Banner drop in Coventry, West Midlands for hands off Iraqi oil solidarity
23-02-2008 15:28
Description of action taken for hands of Iraqi oil day in CoventryMarylebone Road protest against Total Oppression in Burma
23-02-2008 15:03

Weird Load visits leafy Chiswick
23-02-2008 14:36

This week saw a 50,000 leaflet doordrop, and today local campaigners were joined by Baroness von Reichardt, partner Mr Spunky and members of her World Famous Treatment Rooms.
Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Noise demo at GEO
22-02-2008 21:52
Activists opposed to migration controls converged on GEO’s Head Offices in Reading this morning, entertained them with some beautiful melodic tunes and gave them some helpful careers advice.Miliband on Diego Garcia and “extraordinary rendition”: Is this a joke?
22-02-2008 20:44
Andy Worthington, author of “The Guantánamo Files,” notes that David Miliband’s confession about “extraordinary rendition” flights refueling on Diego Garcia does nothing to quell well-founded claims that the island has actually housed a secret “War on Terror” prison.This Week In Palestine – week 8 2008
22-02-2008 18:35

Harmondsworth Four Are Not Guilty Of Conspiracy!!!
22-02-2008 18:12
After a six week trial the jury came back today and acquitted ALL the defendants of conspiracy to commit violent disorder and to commit criminal damage.Tree Protest in Leeds Shows Who the Police Back
22-02-2008 13:24
The gentrification of Leeds means that more and more urban woodlands and spaces are being sold off by the local council to build flats by corporate developers.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
US Court order shuts down
22-02-2008 12:53, an organization devoted to exposing corruption, has been muzzled by a U.S. court order (see pdf below) at the request of a Swiss bank, Bank Julius Baer, and its Cayman Islands subsidiary, who had been implicated in allegedly laundering money by documents posted on But rather than attack a specific finding or document, the court has ordered their DNS registrar to essentially erase the organization's website from the Web. While is down, their site can be found via IP address:, which is hosted in Sweden.
Four Arrests at EDO MBM student demo this morning
22-02-2008 12:02
**Update** STUDENT BLOCKADE @ EDO MBM FISHERSGATE..Sabbotage against Glensanda Quarry Expansion
22-02-2008 11:53
An aggregate processing plant on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park has been sabotaged. The Plant is owned by Bardon Aggregates a member of Aggregate Industries, part of the Holcim Group and owner of the Glensanda Quarry on the north west coast of Scotland.InfoUsurpa and OffLine London now published together
22-02-2008 11:21

SOCPA Arrest
22-02-2008 10:58
Simon from We Are Change UK gets arrested for demonstrating illegally within theSOCPA Zone.
Pics - Freedom of Speech Protest 2 of 2
22-02-2008 10:29

Pics - Freedom of Speech Protest 1of 2
22-02-2008 10:21

Brighton arms dealers EDO MBM blockaded for the 2nd time this year!
22-02-2008 06:39
Four anti-arms trade protesters are currently blocking entrance to Brighton arms manufacturer EDO MBM's second site in Fishersgate, near Brighton. All four demonstrators have used super-glue to secure themselves to all entrances!HOUSING RIGHT IN EUROPE - One Step Closer
21-02-2008 23:07
Follow up from the various actions and "silent" work in France (in particularly)and in Europe towards the implementation of the Right to Housing for all and
after that the French government voted on a law that turned the right to housing
justiciable (5 March 2007).
Three French active groups, AITEC, DAL and FAPIL
finalized a document under the platform Europe – Third World Centre (CETIM)
to be presented at the next U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL between the
3rd and the 28th of March.
Attached and below is the full text.
Today 21st FEB, is called a night of solidarity with the homeless at the Place de la république in Paris.
It’s organized by 27 organizations for housing rights and homeless.
Here :

you can watch the movie about the tent action of “Enfants de Don Quichotte" in
Canal Saint Martin, last year (71 minutes)