UK Promoted Newswire Archive
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Glasgow Mayday report
01-05-2006 23:25
Started as advertised at Buchanan St for 1pm. Fair few folk, but not as many as previous couple of years. No sign of a soundsystem. Good spirits. Cops around the outside, but not /too/ bad.Marching from anarchy to boredom - photos
01-05-2006 22:57

London Citizens Workers' Association
01-05-2006 22:23

Immigration and May Day, from Chicago
01-05-2006 21:59

Gate Gourmet and some other banners
01-05-2006 21:45

Space Hijackers Police Victory Party
01-05-2006 21:20

London Mayday Soundscape
01-05-2006 20:49

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Round up of London Mayday
01-05-2006 20:45
Brief round up on Mayday in London - More reports and links to follow.Coffee, Biscuits and Solidarity!
01-05-2006 19:51

To Mark the May Day Bank Holiday, some activists went to offer coffee, biscuits and solidarity to staff working on this public holiday!
Autonomous Bloc penned in again at Mayday rally.
01-05-2006 19:14

Short Audio Reports from London Mayday Interfaith Rally supporting Migrants
01-05-2006 18:41

(nb files are MP3 phone reports)
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Collected Pics of Mayday in London 2006
01-05-2006 18:26

Audio Round up of News from Palestine on May Day 2006
01-05-2006 16:34

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Trafalgar square soundsystem attack
01-05-2006 16:11
police get heavy handed in trafalgar square.Extra tea for mayday
01-05-2006 14:48

May Day in London - Time line
01-05-2006 14:03
reports from the demo in londonPolice harassment at Stockholm’s Critical Mass
01-05-2006 08:16
It must have been a slow day on the crime front in Stockholm on Friday as the police didn’t seem to have anything to do other than harassing a bunch of cyclists for cycling!'Chile: Mapuche People 48th day of Hunger Strike'
01-05-2006 05:03

Overview and update on hunger strikes in asylum detention
30-04-2006 23:43
Mainstream press and the home office say the hungerstrikes of asylum seekers in detention are over. I heard today they are not. This is a time that continuing demonstrations and other shows of solidarity with people in detention makes a real difference. I wrote the article below to explain what has been happening. Please keep the pressure up.