UK Promoted Newswire Archive
SOCPA - anti-israeli demonstration in parliament square today
16-07-2006 22:01

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Solidarity with Detainees in St Petersburg
16-07-2006 20:09

Petersburg on Friday 21st July at 1pm outside the Russian Embassy in London
Address: 6/7 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W 8 4QP, UK
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16-07-2006 18:34
Please give money using the pay-pal details from the medics' site below; prisoners are getting no food or water and the UK-medics are trying to get it to them.G8 Delegates Blockaded in Hotel, Protesters Arrested
16-07-2006 17:17
The following is a report about actions this morning (16/07/06) in St. Petersberg.Solidarity actions requested!
300+ Demonstrate in Berlin Against G8 and Repression
16-07-2006 16:48
Today, around 300 people took part in a demonstration in Berlin against the G8 and the system it represents, and demanded a release of those arrested in St. Petersberg taking part in protests against this year's summit.Medics Appeal from Russia
16-07-2006 14:29
blog report from Russia,
Welsh anarchos inhumane treatment
16-07-2006 12:41
at least 4 welsh activists were amongst those arrested during actions over the past 24 hours in St. Petersburg.arrests in russia
16-07-2006 08:37
Many people including internationals have been arrested brutally yesterday. They are in 29th police station...if you want to show solidarity call the police station to hassle them / ask for your relatives+78127642802
(G8) blockade of hotel
16-07-2006 07:46
Today in the morning around 30 people who are involved in the Network Against G8 (NAG8) blockaded the entrance of a hotel which is used by participants of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg. They blockaded the street for a while, carried banners, distributed leaflets against the policy of G8 and made noise with a trumpet and by shouting slogans like “No G8 anywhere” and “it is the end of G8 as we know it” in Russian and English.G8 2006 : State Control : Special Measures
15-07-2006 21:13

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Close Guantanamo Bay Protest - Video & Pics
15-07-2006 19:09

We marched to highlight the ongoing torture and illedla imprisonment by the Americans in Guantanamo Bay.
Manchester cyclists occupy the city in carnival protest against the G8.
15-07-2006 18:26

London Rising Tide targets Drax power station's PR firm for climate/G8 DOA
15-07-2006 17:45
July 15th was an 'International Day of Direct Action for Climate Justice, against Climate Change and the G8' called in part by Rising Tide North America. London Rising Tide (LRT) decided to take action the day before - a weekday, as well as being a more general day of action against the G8 and in solidarity with those on the streets of St. Petersburg and across Russia.Anti-G8 activists in Russia need your urgent support!
15-07-2006 17:40
While massive violations of basic freedoms were reported already weeks before the summit of the G8 in St.Petersburg, Russia, today as the summit opened more protesters were arrested in Russia and we urgently need your international support.On the Ground - St Petersburg G8 summit
15-07-2006 16:43
The first days of action were halted by police before any demonstrations could begin.Trial continues of 5 Shannon peace activists
14-07-2006 20:09

The five, including Karen Fallon from Scotland, are accused of causing US$2.5 million worth of damage to a U.S war plane in Shannon airport on February 3rd 2003. They face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.
Yesterday comedian Mark Thomas accompanied the morning procession to the four courts where there has been an ongoing presence of international friends and supporters.
G8 solidarity action in Cardiff
14-07-2006 18:22
For a few hours the centre of cardiff had access to free vegi burgers and information about the G8 and its role in creating and sustaining poverty.Anti-G8 graffiti discovered all over cardiff!
14-07-2006 18:21
Someone's been busy, and they left their mark.... all over the bare walls of cardiff's city centre.London Anti-G8 protest - 2 arrested - Pics & quick report!
14-07-2006 17:46

G8 video with voice of Mark Curtis
14-07-2006 16:07

Come to Ramparts in London for the G8 film festival tonight and tomorrow to see latest footage from Russia.