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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Cambridge student occupation comes to an end.

06-12-2010 21:55

Combination Room - as if nothing had happened...
As you will have seen elsewhere it's been another packed day for activism in Cambridge, with today seeing the occupation of Old Schools Combination Room.

However, what a rather dry (albeit accurate) press release can't do quite as well is convey an idea of what it was like to be there witnessing history being made.

Hopefully my photos will go some way towards doing this.

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St Andrews Students Occupy!

06-12-2010 21:22

ST ANDREWS – On Monday 6th of December 2010 at 9:15 AM a group of over 20 students occupied Parliament Hall in protest against the stance adopted by the University of St Andrews in regard to the Browne Report. The University was quick to limit movement in and out of the building, only permitting access to toilet facilities.

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Roy Bailey Set from the Sheffield University Occupation

06-12-2010 01:16

Following the Sheffield University Occupation Rally Against Cuts,, held on 5th December 2010, the singer Roy Bailey performed a set to a packed room.

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Sheffield University Occupation Rally Against Cuts

06-12-2010 01:00

Audio from a rally held on 5th December 2010 in the Richard Roberts building at Sheffield University which has been occupied since 30th November in opposition to the the ConDem attack on education and the rest of the public sector.

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New Oxford social centre evicted!

06-12-2010 00:10

Within hours of the call out to inaugerate the opening of a new social centre in Oxford heavy handed police response puts a spanner in the works...

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Redundancy Letters sent to all Hounslow Council Employees

05-12-2010 21:31

More Job Losses to come - are you ready for civil disobiediance......

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New social centre opened in Oxford!

05-12-2010 18:13

As of today the Fox and Hound pub on the corner of Abingdon and Wiers road, derelict since July 2009, has reopened for the use of the local community as a space for free cultural expression and the growth of solidarity in a climate of austerity.

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Dissident Island: Latest show ready for download

05-12-2010 16:03

Lots of interesting things to listen to here, check it out...

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18 Arrests Brighton TopShop Tax Dodge Demo

04-12-2010 22:24

Sat 4 Dec: 8 Superglued in 'Tax Dodger' Christmas Window Display + Brighton TopShop branch closed all day!

Eight protestors arrested for superglueing themselves inside shop windows demonstrating against Sir Philip Green's tax evasion. Other protestors kettled for hours in freezing conditions leading to additional arrests and forced to give details. Part of UK Against the Cuts 'National Day of Action Against Tax Avoiders'

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Sheffield Occupation and Anti-Cuts Protest

04-12-2010 21:12

Some photos from the occupation of the Richard Roberts building at Sheffield University and the start of the protest held on 4th December 2010.

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The Latest Lie..

04-12-2010 19:19

The latest lie, the latest disappointment, the latest injustice, by the latest government.
The coalition government is imposing vicious cuts on education, welfare, and other public services. In education, especially, there has been uproar against the hike in tuition fees, a hike which is to merely plug the gap left by the Governments spending cuts and not act as extra cash for any of the universities.

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Sheffield Vodafone and Top Shop targeted in tax dodge demo

04-12-2010 15:50

Students from in occupation of the Richard Roberts Building

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Brunel students protest at Vince Cable's Surgery

04-12-2010 10:22

This evening around 20 students from Brunel University visited Vince Cable's surgery in Twickenham to protest against his proposal to increase tuition fees.

This evening around 20 students from Brunel University visited Vince Cable's surgery in Twickenham to protest against his proposal to increase tuition fees.

Students set up camp outside the Business Secretary's surgery in sub-zero temperatures demanding answers for his decision to vote in favour of increasing fees. The group was joined by students from a local school, and support was offered by passers-by as well as members of the public attending surgery. The group was prevented from entering the 'public' office and so a few representatives attended to directly question the MP.

This proved fruitless, however, as the Member of Parliament's arguments were lacking in much basis or substance. When asked: "Have you thought about how to protect international students from unlimited fees?" Vince Cable replied, "Not yet." A similar tone followed throughout.

The group were then obstructed from entering the surgery in an attempt to peacefully occupy the space and threatened by a member of staff. Police arrived shortly after with two cars and a van. Threatening the group with arrest, they were told to move to the opposite side of the road invoking "Section 14." This implied that "the purpose of the persons organising it is the intimidation of others with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do, or to do an act they have a right not to do." This had no bearing on the reality of the situation.

Vince Cable was then given a Police escort away from his surgery, but not before the group blocked the road and again demanded answers. Police forcefully removed the students and Mr. Cable was able to flee without truly facing up to the group.

A video of the events is currently being compiled.

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London Met University North Campus Occupation

03-12-2010 22:46

Last night some students from the London Metropolitan University occupied part of the university's North Campus in protest against the government cuts to Higher Education. They believe the suggested massive hike in fees and cuts to teaching budgets will irreparably damage student education in general and their university in particular.

A rally in support of the occupation was called for today at 12.30 pm, and this evening there's a free lecture in the university's Tower Building in Holloway road.

The occupation facebook page is at:!/profile.php?id=100001888688573&v=wall

Occupation Hotline: 07775531897

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Southend lecturers say hands off EMA

03-12-2010 21:15

The South Essex College branch of the lecturers union UCU are campaigning to save the education maintenance allowance (EMA). The allowance is set to be cut by the coalition government in spending cuts and has been one of the focal points for recent student demonstrations across the country.

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Party at Philip Green's place. Maybe stop off to top up our phones...?

03-12-2010 19:46

UKuncut, the group that recently targetted Vodafone, are holding large scale protests against tax avoidance will take place across the country on the 4th of December. The Oxford protests will start at 12 noon on Saturday 4th at Carfax Tower.

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Euphoria at UCL/Slade Occupation

03-12-2010 17:55

Eviction hearing postoned - hugs, high fives and the message CU Next Tuesday delivered to UCL management

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London Met now In Occupation

03-12-2010 14:33

London Met occupation communique
London Metropolitan University is now occupied
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