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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Manchester students confiscate arms industry stall

06-03-2009 23:06

On Tuesday 24th February 2009, 40 students from the University of Manchester confiscated the entire recruitment stall for Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) – a Ministry of Defence organisation, including the backing display board. The students wore high-vis jackets with the words 'UMSU Health and Safety Inspectors' written on the back.

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London school students get organised

05-03-2009 13:38

Tali Janner-Klausner spoke to The Commune, a libertarian socialist group, about the new London School Students’ Union.

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Great Spring Sowing

04-03-2009 17:17

You are invited on the 22nd March to sow some seeds, meet others, listen (or dance!) to local musicians and celebrate the start of spring in Nottingham.

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Students highlight Fruit of the Loom connection to death threats

03-03-2009 19:48

Students outside Fruit of the Loom
Today students from across the UK gathered outside the entrance to Fruit of the Loom’s UK headquarters in Telford. They were protesting about worker repression at a Honduran factory where trade unionists face death threats, targeted dismissal and the eventual closure of their factory.

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Students at The University of Birmingham hit Natwest again

03-03-2009 16:27

students drawing their message
Just a week after the last action on campus, students at the University of Birmingham protest outside Natwest again, continuing their campaign against the dirty investments which the bank are addicted to.

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Anger after the CALL Lobby to Parliament 25th Feb 2009

03-03-2009 14:48

We need to fight the huge cuts in Adult Education currently being made by the government. Those who have a degree cannot now take a subsidised course at that level or lower. John Denham (government minister) says Spanish for Holidays is a waste of time. Money which goes to war should be used for making all education free.

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New Course - Origins of the Credit Crunch, Newcastle, March 11th 2009

03-03-2009 13:06

'The History and Politics of the Credit Crunch’ is the title of a new course led by Dr Trevor Bark and starting on March 11th 2009 at the Workers Educational Association building at 21 Portland Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle.

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Students Seek to End York University Arms Trade Investments

03-03-2009 02:16

Over 150 students took part in a loud and vibrant protest across the University of York's campus on Friday of last week, demanding that the institution divest itself of shares in arms companies, specifically BAE systems and Rolls Royce. Carrying colourful placards and banging pots, pans and a dustbin, the group made their way to Heslington Hall to present a petition and demand an audience with officials.

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Cardiff occupation ends, claims victory!

26-02-2009 16:09

I have received the following press release from the Cardiff occupation, which has now ended after three days. They are claiming victory after some of their demands were met.

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Manchester Hungry For Civil Liberties Discussion

26-02-2009 01:48

Convention on Modern Liberty Logo
Manchester is just a few days away from a major Convention on Modern Liberty, and it looks like being a huge success. The Manchester Convention has just announced a series of "lightning talks" in an attempt to include more people in the debate on matters of civil liberties.

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Sheffield University ignores student opinion regarding army recruiters!

25-02-2009 18:44

Although there have apparently been discussions where several students have voiced their opinion supporting a ban of army recruiters from University campus, the University of Sheffield Careers Service could not care less. They have circulated an almost provoking email and have once more allowed army recruiters to hold interview sessions with students, which might even take place on campus.

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St Andrews Students Declare Victory On Seventh Day

25-02-2009 18:21

The students of the occupation of United College in St Andrews have announced victory after receiving a statement and accompanying assurances to review and investigate ties with Israel in light of the recent conflict in Gaza from the University today.

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National Demonstration For Free Education

25-02-2009 17:19

Around 1000 students marched from the School of Oriental and African Studies to the Vice Chancellors organization (Universities UK) and then onwards to the head of Universities UK at Kings College.

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Cardiff student occupiers settle in for the night...

24-02-2009 22:44

After a hard days occupyin' Cardiff student group 'Cardiff Students Against the War' are now settling in for a night in their new TAZ in the Shandon Lecture Theatre, Cardiff University.

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Feminist Health Weekend - 28.02-01.03

24-02-2009 22:35

Feminist Health Weekend
Whitechapel, London
Saturday 28 February - Sunday 1 March

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Cardiff University students occupy!

24-02-2009 13:52

Around 30 students from 'Cardiff Students Against War' have occupied the large Shandon Lecture Theatre in the main building.

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Students mount a Wall of Debt in Manchester

24-02-2009 00:59

The Wall of Debt at Manchester University
Students from the Reclaim the Uni group at Manchester built a Wall of Debt last Tuesday 17th February 2009 – as a visual representation of the cost of higher education. Students were asked to write how much debt they were in each brick of the mock wall. In just over hour all the bricks had been filled, with a total of over £2 million being owed by just 140 students who took part. Several individuals owed as much as £35,000 each.

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Film & Short update on outcomes of Birmingham University occupation

23-02-2009 13:33

This article has been reposted because the original film wasn't entirely uploaded via ftp. The full film should now be viewable.

The occupation at the University of Birmingham ended on 20th January on the same day it started when the occupiers decided to leave after two shifts of university security and 30 police besieged the building that evening.

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St Andrews: Student Occupation Rallies, Enters Fifth Day

22-02-2009 17:43

To mark the fifth day in occupation of a key university building, student protestors held a rally to gather support for the campaign before a meeting with University officials on Monday.

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Australian Sovereignty: Who wants to be King and Queen of Australia?

22-02-2009 05:52

Sovereignty of Australia. SO who wants to be King and Queen of Australia?

You will note that the British Empire and High Court Australia declared the continent terra nullis, meaning that white settlers settled and NOT invaded a continent. The problem now is that they didnt set up the Constitution properly, and anyone can come invade and declare sovereignty, since its still terra nullis ;)

For historical buffs and legal afficiandos ;)

NB. Its a banana republic though
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