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UK Newswire Archive

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Back in the USSR

12-08-2003 15:19

Pasko freed- but not allowed to leave Russia.

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Human Rights Watch - Uzbekistan: Rights Defender Trial Raises Fear of Torture

12-08-2003 15:16

An Uzbek rights defender on trial for alleged homosexual conduct should be released from custody immediately, Human Rights Watch said yesterday. The closed-door trial of rights defender and independent journalist Ruslan Sharipov began on July 23 in Tashkent. On August 8, new developments in the case gave rise to serious concern that Sharipov had been tortured.

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Corporate Watch on DSEi Arms Fair

12-08-2003 14:42

Debunking some of the corporate marketing speak and quotes around DSEi - Europe's biggest arms fair due to be held 9-12th September in London.

From the new August Issue of Corporate Watch

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Globalise Resistance DSEi Protest + Prop Making Weekend

12-08-2003 14:02

Info from Globalise Resistance (GR) on their activities for DSEi anti-arms fair protests in September. GR are one of over forty groups organising against the arms fair.

Main GR demo plus Prop Making Weekend.

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12-08-2003 13:47

Hudna? What Hudna?
Today's suicide bombings are barely an escalation of Palestinian terrorism over the course of the so called 'hudna'. Looks like the tanks will be back in before the weekend, all because Abu Mazen and Arafat love Saudi cash more than the lives of their people.

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Help Is On The Way

12-08-2003 13:40

Turkish Delight or Spanish Fly? (Or: Coalition Forces to the Rescue -- Is that all of them?)

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SchNEWS on new MAI ahead of WTO Meeting in September (mexico)

12-08-2003 13:07

Good Schnews article on the World Trade Organization (WTO) and new Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) - ahead of the WTO Ministerial Meeting in Cancun, Mexico in September.

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Solidarity Rally in Cologne during No border Camp

12-08-2003 11:33

160 demonstrate infront of Greek Consulate in Cologne.

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Coulport News 11.08.2003

12-08-2003 10:58

chained to the wheelchair
Another report about actions at the Trident Ploughshares International Disarment Camp 02.08.-15.08.2003.

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an exibition of 'sixties' american activism

12-08-2003 10:39

click on the link-

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Unibombers' legal action to get back his autobiography

12-08-2003 10:30

old photo
(It contains info on the mind-control experiments that made him 'lose it')

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Mancester DSEI contact

12-08-2003 09:24

Actions againts DSEI, Europe's largest arms fair, will be taking place from 6th - 12th September 2003. There is now a Manchester contact for the event.

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Weapons of Mass Destruction

12-08-2003 07:21

Where are they?

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Iraqi Civilians Continue To Be Killed

12-08-2003 06:39

Iraqi civilians have accused U.S. forces of being trigger-happy and nervous, often firing sporadically into homes and crowds especially after they come under attack.

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Women's Group Applauds Tom DeLay, Texas Republicans Support of Quotas

12-08-2003 02:45

In a stunning reversal, U. S. Rep. Tom DeLay and the Texas Republican Legislature are now staunch supporters of Affirmative Action and even enforcing Quotas to achieve proportionate representation in government.

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Interview w/Jean Parker from Radio For Peace International about its eviction

12-08-2003 01:49

Why is the University for Peace in Costa Rica trying to close down Radio For Peace International (RFPI)? RFPI includes United Nations programming in its line-up, yet it would seem that they are being denied the right for free speech.
Simon Aronowitz, Editor of speaks to a member of the Board of Directors to find out the full story.

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Impeachment Is Not Enough

12-08-2003 01:47

By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied
Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the
underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy’s
administration. He lied and good men died because he lied
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